I'm going to use Darrel Taylor's interrupt program and want to run 2 separate timers. So when input 1 is on the timer starts and runs and can be reset. While it's timing I want to turn different lights on/off depending on how long the input has been on.

I then want to do the same with a second input.

I'm looking through all the paperwork (trying to RTFM) and I see the Gosub ResetTime and Gosub StartTimer commands. This is from the "Timers, Clocks, RTC's: Elapsed Timer Demo"

And I also see from Darrel's page that there are up to 4 timers in the Elapsed.bas.

What are the commands to start and reset the individual timers?

I've been searching the forum and Darrel's site and haven't seen or have overlooked this information.

Thank you,