Single PIC to Blink 5 LEDs Independently? - Page 2

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  1. #41
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    Default Re: Single PIC to Blink 5 LEDs Independently?

    yes yours would still blink, because your controlling the primary fet's on off state with individual I/O's, and controlling a single secondary fet that just controls brightness for all blinking leds. say you set the brightness to 50%, then every led that blinks will be at 50% of its brightness, and you can change the brightness even in the middle of a blink.

    Heres a basic, very basic program to do similar
    this blinks the leds randomly 50% of the time, and you can randomize the brightness too.

    '*  Date    : 1/26/2013                                         *
    '*  Version : 1.0                                               *
    '*  Notes   : 12F683 Christmas Light Sample                     *
    '*          :                                                   *
    DEFINE ADC_BITS 10 ' A/D number of bits
    DEFINE ADC_CLOCK 1 ' Use A/D internal RC clock
    DEFINE ADC_SAMPLEUS 50 ' Set sampling time in us
    RES1 Var Word ' A/D converter result
    RND1 VAR WORD ' Random Result for Light #1
    RND2 VAR WORD ' Random Result for Light #2
    RND3 VAR WORD ' Random Result for Light #3
    TRISIO.0 = 1 ' AN0 is input for Setting Brightness
    TRISIO.2 = 0 ' PWM1 is output for Dimming FET
    TRISIO.1 = 0 ' LED1 FET
    TRISIO.4 = 0 ' LED2 FET
    TRISIO.5 = 0 ' LED3 FET
    ADCIN 0, Res1 ' Read Channel 0 data
    'Optional replace ACDIN with (RANDOM RES1)
    res1 = res1 / 256
    HPWM 1, res1, 1000 ' Outputs a PWM @ 1khz w/ 256 Steps
    'Insert Code for turning LED's on or off here
    RAndom RND1
    Random rnd2
    Random rnd3
    if rnd1 > 32000 then 
    GPIO.1 = 1 
    GPIO.1 = 0
    if rnd1 > 32000 then 
    GPIO.4 = 1 
    GPIO.4 = 0
    if rnd1 > 32000 then 
    GPIO.5 = 1 
    GPIO.5 = 0
    pause 100
    goto again

  2. #42

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    Default Re: Single PIC to Blink 5 LEDs Independently?

    I've managed to incorporate both Darrel's blinking routine and his SPWM_INT module into the same project - the idea as it stands now is to feed each blink pin and corresponding PWM (brightness control) pin into 2 FETs connected together (source to drain in a chain). This would mean, though, that for for the 7 blinking LEDs I'll be using 14 pins on this chip and 2 FETs per blinking LED (14 in total). That's better than not having brightness control, for sure, but is there a way to combine this functionality in code?

    Here's what I have so far:

    ' PIC16F88
    ' Basic blinky code provided by Darrel Taylor
    ' See forum posting here:
    #DEFINE USE_LCD_FOR_DEBUG     ; comment out for non-debug use
    DEFINE OSC 20                ; Set oscillator 20Mhz
    DEFINE BLINKYFREQ 100        ; 10mS periods
    ' ***************************************************************
    ' Device Fuses
    ' ***************************************************************
    ' PIC chip data sheets can be found here: C:\Program Files\Microchip\MPASM Suite
       __config _CONFIG1, _FOSC_HS & _WDTE_ON & _PWRTE_ON & _MCLRE_OFF & _CP_OFF & _CPD_OFF & _LVP_OFF
    ' ***************************************************************
    ' Initialization
    ' ***************************************************************
    ;OSCCON   = %01100000         ; 4MHz internal osc (not needed when using ext crystal)
    pause 100
    ANSEL    = 0                 ; Digital only
    TRISA    = 0                 ; PORTA all output
    TRISB    = %00000001         ; Make PORTB pin 0 input for flash mode button
    OPTION_REG.6 = 1             ; 1=Rising edge (default) or button "PRESS";
                                 ; 0=Falling edge or button "RELEASE"
    LEDcount    CON 7                        ; Number of blinking LEDs on PORTA
                                             ;(includes running lights, which are
                                             ; defined separately below)
    '                 BL1,BL2,BL3,BL4,BL5,STB
    OnTimes     DATA  50 ,22 ,38 ,75 ,17 , 2 ; default "on" periods for each output
    OffTimes    DATA 150 ,45 ,38 ,95 ,22 ,48 ; default "off" periods for each output
                                             ; (Strobe flashes 2 times per second
                                             ; or every 500ms; subtract "on" time)
    FlashMode_Default CON  0
    EE_FlashMode      DATA FlashMode_Default
    FlashMode         VAR  BYTE
    READ EE_FlashMode, FlashMode
    #DEFINE USE_RANDOM_SEQUENCE           ; comment for contiuous Sequence
    #IFDEF USE_RANDOM_SEQUENCE            ; randomization used for BL1-5 only
        RND     VAR WORD : RND = 13864
        MIN_ON  CON 15                    ; Minimum random ON time
        MAX_ON  CON 115                   ; Maximum random ON time
        MIN_OFF CON 15                    ; Minimum random OFF time
        MAX_OFF CON 200                   ; Maximum random OFF time
        RandPeriod VAR WORD[LEDcount-3]
        RandPeriods DATA WORD 1000, WORD 1250, WORD 1500, WORD 1750, WORD 2000
    CCPR1val      CON EXT      : @CCPR1val = (OSC*1000000/4)/ BLINKYFREQ
    ;CCPR1         VAR WORD EXT : @CCPR1 = CCPR1L
    ;Timer1        VAR WORD EXT : @Timer1 = TMR1L
    CCPIF         VAR PIR1.2
    LoopLED       VAR BYTE[LEDcount]
    OnTime        VAR BYTE[LEDcount]
    OffTime       VAR BYTE[LEDcount]
    x             VAR BYTE
    Old_FlashMode           VAR BYTE
        LCD_PIN    VAR PORTA.4   ' Alias PORTA.4 as "LCD_PIN"
        LCD_INST   CON 254       ' instruction
        LCD_CLR    CON 1         ' Clear screen
        LCD_L1     CON 128       ' LCD line 1
        LCD_L2     CON 192       ' LCD line 2
        LCD_BAUD   CON 16780     ' Baud rate/mode for ILM-216 2x16 character display
        LCD_PACE   CON 1         ' Optional pace value
    ' ***************************************************************
    ' Includes
    ' ***************************************************************
    INCLUDE "DT_INTS-14.bas"    ' DT's base Interrupt System
    INCLUDE "ReEnterPBP.bas"    ' Include if using PBP interrupts
                                ' --> copy both files to PBP main folder
                                ' (i.e. c:\pbp3)
    INCLUDE "SPWM_INT.bas"      ; DT's software PWM module
    DEFINE SPWM_FREQ  200       ; SPWM Frequency
    DEFINE SPWM_RES   256       ; SPWM Resolution
    DutyVars   VAR BYTE[3]              ; DutyCycle Variables
      DutyVar1 VAR DutyVars[0]          ; group them in an array for easy access
      DutyVar2 VAR DutyVars[1]          ; with FOR loops etc.
      DutyVar3 VAR DutyVars[2]
    SPWM_LIST  macro                    ; Define Pin's to use for SPWM
         SPWM_PIN  PORTA, 0, _DutyVar1  ; and the associated DutyCycle variables
         SPWM_PIN  PORTA, 1, _DutyVar2  ; Notice the underscore before variables
         SPWM_PIN  PORTA, 2, _DutyVar3
      SPWM_INIT  SPWM_LIST              ; Initialize the Pins
    DutyVar1 = 7
    DutyVar2 = 25
    DutyVar3 = 255
    ;-- Place a copy of these variables in your Main program -------------------
    ;--   The compiler will tell you which lines to un-comment                --
    ;--   Do Not un-comment these lines                                       --
    ;wsave   VAR BYTE    $20     SYSTEM      ' location for W if in bank0
    wsave   VAR BYTE    $70     SYSTEM      ' alternate save location for W 
                                             ' if using $70, comment wsave1-3
    ' --- IF any of these three lines cause an error ?? ------------------------
    '       Comment them out to fix the problem ----
    ' -- Which variables are needed, depends on the Chip you are using -- 
    ;wsave1  VAR BYTE    $A0     SYSTEM      ' location for W if in bank1
    ;wsave2  VAR BYTE    $120    SYSTEM      ' location for W if in bank2
    ;wsave3  VAR BYTE    $1A0    SYSTEM      ' location for W if in bank3
    ' --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ' ***************************************************************
    ' ASM Interrupt Definitions
    ' ***************************************************************                                                             
    INT_LIST  macro    ; IntSource,            Label,  Type, ResetFlag?
            INT_Handler    INT_INT,  _Flash_Mode_Btn,   PBP,  yes
            INT_Handler   TMR1_INT,      SPWMhandler,   ASM,  yes
      INT_CREATE     ; Creates the interrupt processor
    ' ***************************************************************
    ;----[Initialize on/off periods & random sequencing (if enabled)]---------------
    ;    (only randomize first 5 blinkies; 6th is strobe which must remaing constant)
    ;    (running lights (7th) are set up separately)
    FOR x = 0 to (LEDcount - 2)           ; Load the periods from EEPROM
        READ OnTimes+x, OnTime(x)
        READ OffTimes+x, OffTime(x)
            IF x < 5 THEN
                READ RandPeriods+(x<<1), WORD RandPeriod(x)
    NEXT X
    ;-- setup CCP1 and Start Timer1 --
    CCPR1   = CCPR1val          ; set compare value
    CCP1CON = %00001011         ; compare mode, special event 
    Timer1  = 0                 ; clear Timer1
    T1CON.0 = 1                 ; start Timer1
    Old_FlashMode = FlashMode   ; Set initial value for comparator var
    GOSUB SetNavLtsFlashRates   ; Set up flash rates based on saved "FlashMode" val
    ' Enable interrupt
    INTCON   = %10010000        ; Global int enabled, INTE enabled, IOCI enabled, 
                                ; INTF flag bit 0 clr, IOCI flag bit 0 clr
    INTCON.1 = 0                ; Clear RB0/INT External Interrupt Flag
    @ INT_ENABLE   INT_INT      ; INT/Ext Interrupt
    @ INT_ENABLE  TMR1_INT      ; enable Timer1 interrupts
        serout2 LCD_PIN, LCD_BAUD, LCD_PACE, [LCD_INST, LCD_CLR]     ; clear screen
        pause 5
        serout2 LCD_PIN, LCD_BAUD, LCD_PACE, ["FlashMode:", DEC FlashMode, "     "]
    ;----[Main Program Loop]----------------------------------------
        ' Check if flash mode has changed
        IF FlashMode <> Old_FlashMode Then
            Old_FlashMode = FlashMode
            GOSUB SetNavLtsFlashRates
        x = (x + 1) // LEDcount
        PORTB.1(x) = !!(LoopLED(x) < OnTime(x))
        LoopLED(x) = (LoopLED(x) + 1) // (OnTime(x) + OffTime(x))
            IF x < 5 THEN
                RandPeriod(x) = RandPeriod(x) - 1
                IF RandPeriod(x) = 0 THEN
                    READ RandPeriods+(x<<1), WORD RandPeriod(x)
                    RANDOM RND
                    OnTime(x) = (MAX_ON - MIN_ON)* RND.HighByte / 255 + MIN_ON 
                    OffTime(x)= (MAX_OFF - MIN_OFF)* RND.LowByte / 255 + MIN_OFF
        IF x != (LEDcount - 1) THEN Main
    Waiting: IF !CCPIF THEN Waiting
        CCPIF = 0
    GOTO Main
        If FlashMode = 0 Then
            PRI_HULL_LGHTS_ON_MS = 150
            PRI_HULL_LGHTS_OFF_MS = 50    
        ElseIf FlashMode = 1 Then
            PRI_HULL_LGHTS_ON_MS = 50
            PRI_HULL_LGHTS_OFF_MS = 150      
            PRI_HULL_LGHTS_ON_MS = 75
            PRI_HULL_LGHTS_OFF_MS = 83        
        OnTime(6)  = PRI_HULL_LGHTS_ON_MS
        OffTime(6) = PRI_HULL_LGHTS_OFF_MS
            serout2 LCD_PIN, LCD_BAUD, LCD_PACE, [LCD_INST, LCD_CLR]     ; clear screen
            pause 5
            serout2 LCD_PIN, LCD_BAUD, LCD_PACE, ["FlashMode:", DEC FlashMode, "     "]
    ' ***************************************************************
    ' [INT - interrupt handler]
    ' ***************************************************************
        ' Toggle flash mode between the 3 values (0, 1 or 2)
        FlashMode = FlashMode + 1
        If FlashMode > 2 Then FlashMode = 0
        ' Save selected running light flash mode
        WRITE EE_FlashMode, FlashMode
        PAUSE 100
        INTCON.1  = 0    ' Clear RB0/INT External Interrupt Flag

  3. #43

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    Default Re: Single PIC to Blink 5 LEDs Independently?

    UPDATE: The code compiles just fine, but now PWM output on PORTA.0-2 is observed. Sigh.

  4. #44

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    Default Re: Single PIC to Blink 5 LEDs Independently?

    Quote Originally Posted by RossWaddell View Post
    UPDATE: The code compiles just fine, but now PWM output on PORTA.0-2 is observed. Sigh.
    I meant to say **no** PWM output on pins PORTA.0-2 is observed; the pins are held low and the LEDs don't blink with the daisy chain FET approach.

    Looks like I'll have to use 2 PICS: one for the blink stuff developed by Darrel, and one to control the brightness via PWM.

  5. #45

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    Default Re: Single PIC to Blink 5 LEDs Independently?

    (Reviving an old thread)

    I now need to simplify this a bit and put this on a 8-pin PIC. I need 5 blinkies so I'd like to use a 12F629 (knowing GP3/MCLR is input only, I'll use GP0-GP5 and if nothing happens on GP3 then that's fine).

    The code won't compile because of this part:

    ;-- setup CCP1 and Start Timer1 --
    CCPR1   = CCPR1val          ; set compare value
    CCP1CON = %00001011         ; compare mode, special event 
    Timer1  = 0                 ; clear Timer1
    T1CON.0 = 1                 ; start Timer1
    These registers exist on a 16F690 (and others) but not 12F629. I had earlier tried a 12F683 (my go-to PIC) but the .inc file for it already has a define for CCPR1 so I'd have to comment out that line in the .inc file but that makes me a wee bit uncomfortable.

    Is there a way to make this work on a 12F690 or 12F683? If not, is there another 8-pin PIC I could use? I need to be able to find SMT packages as the space where the PCB is going is extremely tight (I've never soldered SMTs before so that should be fun).

    Here's the whole code:

    '*  Name    : Nacelle_Blinking_Lights_5_12F629_4Mhz_Int.pbp     *
    '*  Author  : Ross A. Waddell                                   *
    ' For production version of this code, update config fuses to 
    ' enable code protect on
    ' Basic blinky code provided by Darrel Taylor
    ' See forum posting here:
    ' ***************************************************************
    ' Pin Connections
    ' ***************************************************************
    ' GP5    -> pin 2             -> R4 -> BL4
    ' GP4    -> pin 3             -> R5 -> BL5
    ' GP3    -> pin 4             -> MCLR (input only, 'dummy' BL6)
    ' GP2    -> pin 5             -> R1 -> BL1
    ' GP1    -> pin 6             -> R2 -> BL2
    ' GP0    -> pin 7             -> R3 -> BL3
    ' ***************************************************************
    ' Initialization
    ' ***************************************************************
    DEFINE OSC 4             ' Set oscillator 4Mhz
    DEFINE BLINKYFREQ 100    ' 10mS periods
    CMCON    = %0000111	     'Turn off comparators
    TRISIO   = %00000000	 'Make all GPIO pins output
    ' ***************************************************************
    ' Device Fuses
    ' ***************************************************************
    ' PIC chip data sheets can be found here: C:\Program Files\Microchip\MPASM Suite
    LEDcount    CON 6            ; Number of blinking LEDs
                                 ; (includes 'fummy' LED on GP3/MCLR pin, 
                                 ; rates defined separately below)
    '                 BL3,BL2,BL1,BL6,BL5,BL4
    '                 --- --- --- --- --- ---
    ' default "on" periods for each output
    OnTimes     DATA  50 ,82 ,50 ,33 ,133, 2
    ' default "off" periods for each output
    OffTimes    DATA 150 ,45 ,50 ,33 ,22 ,48
    #DEFINE USE_RANDOM_SEQUENCE           ; comment for contiuous Sequence
        RND     VAR WORD : RND = 13864
        MIN_ON  CON 33                    ; Minimum random ON time
        MAX_ON  CON 100                   ; Maximum random ON time
        MIN_OFF CON 33                    ; Minimum random OFF time
        MAX_OFF CON 100                   ; Maximum random OFF time
        RandPeriod VAR WORD[LEDcount]
        RandPeriods DATA WORD 1000, WORD 1250, WORD 1500, WORD 500, WORD 2000, WORD 2000
    CCPR1val      CON EXT      : @CCPR1val = (OSC*1000000/4)/ BLINKYFREQ
    CCPR1         VAR WORD EXT : @CCPR1 = CCPR1L
    Timer1        VAR WORD EXT : @Timer1 = TMR1L
    CCPIF         VAR PIR1.2
    LoopLED       VAR BYTE[LEDcount]
    OnTime        VAR BYTE[LEDcount]
    OffTime       VAR BYTE[LEDcount]
    x             VAR BYTE
    ' ***************************************************************
    ;----[Initialize on/off periods & random sequencing (if enabled)]---------------
    FOR x = 0 to (LEDcount)           ; Load the periods from EEPROM
        READ OnTimes+x, OnTime(x)
        READ OffTimes+x, OffTime(x)
            IF x < 5 THEN
                READ RandPeriods+(x<<1), WORD RandPeriod(x)
    NEXT X
    ;-- setup CCP1 and Start Timer1 --
    CCPR1   = CCPR1val          ; set compare value
    CCP1CON = %00001011         ; compare mode, special event 
    Timer1  = 0                 ; clear Timer1
    T1CON.0 = 1                 ; start Timer1
        x = (x + 1) // LEDcount
        GPIO.0(x) = !!(LoopLED(x) < OnTime(x))
        LoopLED(x) = (LoopLED(x) + 1) // (OnTime(x) + OffTime(x))
            RandPeriod(x) = RandPeriod(x) - 1
            IF RandPeriod(x) = 0 THEN
                READ RandPeriods+(x<<1), WORD RandPeriod(x)
                RANDOM RND
                OnTime(x) = (MAX_ON - MIN_ON)* RND.HighByte / 255 + MIN_ON 
                OffTime(x)= (MAX_OFF - MIN_OFF)* RND.LowByte / 255 + MIN_OFF
        IF x != (LEDcount - 1) THEN Main
    Waiting: IF !CCPIF THEN Waiting
        CCPIF = 0
    GOTO Main

  6. #46
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    Default Re: Single PIC to Blink 5 LEDs Independently?

    The 12F629 doesn't have a CCP module.
    You'll be better off with the 12F683.

    Don't comment the CCPR1 line in the .inc file. Comment the one in the blinky code.
    CCPR1         VAR WORD EXT : @CCPR1 = CCPR1L

  7. #47
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    Default Re: Single PIC to Blink 5 LEDs Independently?

    You might also, if I follow your intent, use an AND gate to combine PWM and I/O into one PWM modulated blinking output.

  8. #48

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    Default Re: Single PIC to Blink 5 LEDs Independently?

    Quote Originally Posted by Darrel Taylor View Post
    The 12F629 doesn't have a CCP module.
    You'll be better off with the 12F683.

    Don't comment the CCPR1 line in the .inc file. Comment the one in the blinky code.
    CCPR1         VAR WORD EXT : @CCPR1 = CCPR1L
    Thanks Darrel!

  9. #49

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    Default Re: Single PIC to Blink 5 LEDs Independently?

    Quote Originally Posted by Amoque View Post
    You might also, if I follow your intent, use an AND gate to combine PWM and I/O into one PWM modulated blinking output.
    Presumably I'd need 5 AND gates for the 5 outputs, right? and then connect the other input of each AND gate to a PWM from another chip?

  10. #50

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    Default Re: Single PIC to Blink 5 LEDs Independently?

    Quote Originally Posted by Darrel Taylor View Post
    The 12F629 doesn't have a CCP module.
    You'll be better off with the 12F683.

    Don't comment the CCPR1 line in the .inc file. Comment the one in the blinky code.
    CCPR1         VAR WORD EXT : @CCPR1 = CCPR1L
    I converted the code to use a 12F683 PIC but the LEDs come on and then stay on (although not all 5; some stay off). Is it because of the input-only GP4/MCLR?

    ' Basic blinky code provided by Darrel Taylor
    ' See forum posting here:
    ' ***************************************************************
    ' Pin Connections
    ' ***************************************************************
    ' GP5    -> pin 2             -> R4 -> BL4
    ' GP4    -> pin 3             -> R5 -> BL5
    ' GP3    -> pin 4             -> MCLR (input only, 'dummy' BL6)
    ' GP2    -> pin 5             -> R1 -> BL1
    ' GP1    -> pin 6             -> R2 -> BL2
    ' GP0    -> pin 7             -> R3 -> BL3
    ' Initialization
    ' ***************************************************************
    DEFINE OSC 8             ' Set oscillator 8Mhz
    DEFINE BLINKYFREQ 100    ' 10mS periods
    OSCCON   = %0111
    CMCON0   = %0000111	     ' Turn off comparators
    ANSEL.0  = 0             ' Digital only
    ANSEL.1  = 0             ' Digital only
    ANSEL.2  = 0             ' Digital only
    ANSEL.3  = 0             ' Digital only
    ADCON0.0 = 0             ' ADC is disabled
    TRISIO   = %00000000	 ' Make all GPIO pins output
    ' ***************************************************************
    ' Device Fuses
    ' ***************************************************************
    ' PIC chip data sheets can be found here: C:\Program Files\Microchip\MPASM Suite
           __config _INTRC_OSC_NOCLKOUT & _WDT_ON & _PWRTE_ON & _MCLRE_OFF & _BOD_ON & _CP_OFF & _CPD_OFF
    LEDcount    CON 6            ; Number of blinking LEDs
                                 ; (includes 'fummy' LED on GP3/MCLR pin, 
                                 ; rates defined separately below)
    '                 BL3,BL2,BL1,BL6,BL5,BL4
    '                 --- --- --- --- --- ---
    ' default "on" periods for each output
    OnTimes     DATA  50 ,82 ,50 ,33 ,133, 2
    ' default "off" periods for each output
    OffTimes    DATA 150 ,45 ,50 ,33 ,22 ,48
    #DEFINE USE_RANDOM_SEQUENCE           ; comment for contiuous Sequence
        RND     VAR WORD : RND = 13864
        MIN_ON  CON 33                    ; Minimum random ON time
        MAX_ON  CON 100                   ; Maximum random ON time
        MIN_OFF CON 33                    ; Minimum random OFF time
        MAX_OFF CON 100                   ; Maximum random OFF time
        RandPeriod VAR WORD[LEDcount]
        RandPeriods DATA WORD 1000, WORD 1250, WORD 1500, WORD 500, WORD 2000, WORD 2000
    CCPR1val      CON EXT      : @CCPR1val = (OSC*1000000/4)/ BLINKYFREQ
    ;CCPR1         VAR WORD EXT : @CCPR1 = CCPR1L
    Timer1        VAR WORD EXT : @Timer1 = TMR1L
    CCPIF         VAR PIR1.2
    LoopLED       VAR BYTE[LEDcount]
    OnTime        VAR BYTE[LEDcount]
    OffTime       VAR BYTE[LEDcount]
    x             VAR BYTE
    ' ***************************************************************
    ;----[Initialize on/off periods & random sequencing (if enabled)]---------------
    FOR x = 0 to (LEDcount)           ; Load the periods from EEPROM
        READ OnTimes+x, OnTime(x)
        READ OffTimes+x, OffTime(x)
            READ RandPeriods+(x<<1), WORD RandPeriod(x)
    NEXT X
    ;-- setup CCP1 and Start Timer1 --
    CCPR1   = CCPR1val          ; set compare value
    CCP1CON = %00001011         ; compare mode, special event 
    Timer1  = 0                 ; clear Timer1
    T1CON.0 = 1                 ; start Timer1
        x = (x + 1) // LEDcount
        GPIO.0(x) = !!(LoopLED(x) < OnTime(x))
        LoopLED(x) = (LoopLED(x) + 1) // (OnTime(x) + OffTime(x))
            RandPeriod(x) = RandPeriod(x) - 1
            IF RandPeriod(x) = 0 THEN
                READ RandPeriods+(x<<1), WORD RandPeriod(x)
                RANDOM RND
                OnTime(x) = (MAX_ON - MIN_ON)* RND.HighByte / 255 + MIN_ON 
                OffTime(x)= (MAX_OFF - MIN_OFF)* RND.LowByte / 255 + MIN_OFF
        IF x != (LEDcount - 1) THEN Main
    Waiting: IF !CCPIF THEN Waiting
        CCPIF = 0
    GOTO Main

  11. #51
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    Default Re: Single PIC to Blink 5 LEDs Independently?

    On the 12F683, the CCP1IF bit is PIR1.5.
    Why they have to change things all the time ... I don't know.
    CCPIF         VAR PIR1.5
    Both the OSCCON and CMCON0 values don't have enough digits.
    added: CMCON0 won't matter cause it's still 7, but to keep things consistent ...
    OSCCON   = %01110000        ' 8Mhz
    CMCON0   = %00000111	    ' Turn off comparators
    Not sure how this got changed, it should be ...
    FOR x = 0 to (LEDcount - 1)           ; Load the periods from EEPROM

    Last edited by Darrel Taylor; - 27th March 2014 at 04:47.

  12. #52
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    Welches, Oregon

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    Default Re: Single PIC to Blink 5 LEDs Independently?

    Again, not wholly sure what your trying to do... I have trouble following someone else's code (even my own sometimes), but a PWM output tied to one input of each (yes, 5) "AND" gate, the other input to each I/O. Toggling I/O then controls modulated output. I am thinking of IR communications where a serial data stream and 38K PWM are "ANDed" for IR transmission.

  13. #53

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    Default Re: Single PIC to Blink 5 LEDs Independently?

    Quote Originally Posted by Darrel Taylor View Post
    On the 12F683, the CCP1IF bit is PIR1.5.
    Why they have to change things all the time ... I don't know.
    CCPIF         VAR PIR1.5
    Both the OSCCON and CMCON0 values don't have enough digits.
    added: CMCON0 won't matter cause it's still 7, but to keep things consistent ...
    OSCCON   = %01110000        ' 8Mhz
    CMCON0   = %00000111	    ' Turn off comparators
    Not sure how this got changed, it should be ...
    FOR x = 0 to (LEDcount - 1)           ; Load the periods from EEPROM

    Thank you SOOOO much, Darrel!

    BTW, what software is that you are using to test out the code?

  14. #54

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    Default Re: Single PIC to Blink 5 LEDs Independently?

    Quote Originally Posted by Amoque View Post
    Again, not wholly sure what your trying to do... I have trouble following someone else's code (even my own sometimes), but a PWM output tied to one input of each (yes, 5) "AND" gate, the other input to each I/O. Toggling I/O then controls modulated output. I am thinking of IR communications where a serial data stream and 38K PWM are "ANDed" for IR transmission.
    I was initially intending to make the brightness of the LEDs controllable via PWM, but now the chips are moving off the main board to another PCB that will be buried deep within my model where they will only have +5V & GND wires. These boards are too small to add any other components (even SMTs) so I'll just have to breadboard them with various series-limiting resistors to get the right brightness.

    Your suggestion is something I will investigate for the rest of my circuit where I do intend to provide brightness control on the main board. Right now, I'm daisy-chaining 2 NPNs which someone on SparkFun suggested but I haven't breadboarded it yet to see if it works.

  15. #55
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    Default Re: Single PIC to Blink 5 LEDs Independently?

    Quote Originally Posted by RossWaddell View Post
    BTW, what software is that you are using to test out the code?
    It's Proteus Design Suite from Labcenter Electronics.

    Quote Originally Posted by RossWaddell View Post
    I was initially intending to make the brightness of the LEDs controllable via PWM, ... so I'll just have to breadboard them with various series-limiting resistors to get the right brightness.
    That can be done in software using MIBAM.
    The blinky's timer will have to be changed, but it's doable.

  16. #56

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    Default Re: Single PIC to Blink 5 LEDs Independently?

    Spent a very happy afternoon reading up on MIBAM - can't wait to try it out (is there a later version of the .pbp code or is the v1.0 you posted on the melbas page the one I should use?).

    In preparation for that, I converted the now-workiing code to use Timer2. I think that since Timer2 is 8-bit (versus 16-bit for Timer1) that I don't need to worry about using the Least Significant register as you did with Timer1 but can just use TMR2:

    CCPR1val      CON EXT      : @CCPR1val = (OSC*1000000/4)/ BLINKYFREQ
    ;CCPR1         VAR WORD EXT : @CCPR1 = CCPR1L
    Timer2        VAR WORD EXT : @Timer2 = TMR2
    CCPIF         VAR PIR1.5
    And then this to turn it on:

    ;-- setup CCP1 and Start Timer2 --
    CCPR1   = CCPR1val          ; set compare value
    CCP1CON = %00001011         ; compare mode, special event 
    Timer2  = 0                 ; clear Timer2
    T2CON.0 = 1                 ; start Timer2
    Is that it?

  17. #57

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    Default Re: Single PIC to Blink 5 LEDs Independently?

    Or maybe not. The PIC12F683 data sheet seems to indicate that the Compare mode uses only Timer1, and if that's needed for MIBAM then I don't think I can use that on a PIC12F683 with this blinky code.

  18. #58
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    One little obstacle and ... it can't be done???

    The CCP with Capture mode was just a simple way to get a wide range of constant periods without interrupts/reloading timers etc.

    Since it seems that you are only using the original 10mS periods, it doesn't really need that "Wide Range".
    10mS periods can be generated with another Timer, and you don't need the CCP module.

    In this example, I'm using Timer0 ...
    MIBAM uses Timer1.

    The EEPROM data labeled Brightness controls the intensity of each LED.
    I have 3 LED's with 330 ohms, and 2 LED's with 100 ohms. The existing values equalized their brightness (to my eyes).
    OSCCON   = %01110000       ; 8MHz internal osc
    ANSEL = 0                  ; All Digital
    CMCON0 = 7
    OPTION_REG = %00000110     ; Timer0 prescaler 1:128
    TMR0IF   VAR INTCON.2      ; Timer0 Overflow bit
    TRISIO = 0                 ; all OUTPUT
    ;----[ MIBAM Setup ]--------------------------------------------------------
    wsave       var byte    $70     SYSTEM  ' Alternate save location for W
    ssave       VAR BYTE    BANK0   SYSTEM  ' location for STATUS register
    psave       VAR BYTE    BANK0   SYSTEM  ' location for PCLATH register
    BAM_COUNT CON 5                     ; How many BAM Pins are used?
    INCLUDE "MIBAM.pbp"                 ; Mirror Image BAM module
    Br0     VAR Bright[0]
    Br1     VAR Bright[1]
    Br2     VAR Bright[2]
    Br4     VAR Bright[3]
    Br5     VAR Bright[4]
    BAM_LIST  macro                     ; Define PIN's to use for BAM
         BAM_PIN (GPIO,0, Br0)          ;   and the associated Duty variables
         BAM_PIN (GPIO,1, Br1)
         BAM_PIN (GPIO,2, Br2)
         BAM_PIN (GPIO,4, Br4)
         BAM_PIN (GPIO,5, Br5)
      BAM_INIT  BAM_LIST                ; Initialize the Pins
    ;----[Setup Blinky parameters]-----------------------------------
    DEFINE BLINKYFREQ 100                ; 10mS periods
    LEDcount    CON 5                    ; Number of LEDs on the PORT
    OnTimes     DATA  50, 22, 38,75, 5   ; default periods for each Output
    OffTimes    DATA 150, 45, 38,95,34
    Brightness  DATA 150,150,150,80,80
    #DEFINE USE_RANDOM_SEQUENCE     ; comment for contiuous Sequence
        RND     VAR WORD : RND = 13864
        MIN_ON  CON 50                  ; Minimum random ON time
        MAX_ON  CON 500                 ; Maximum random ON time
        MIN_OFF CON 50                  ; Minimum random OFF time
        MAX_OFF CON 500                 ; Maximum random OFF time
        RandPeriod VAR WORD[LEDcount]
        RandPeriods DATA WORD 1000, WORD 1250, WORD 1500, WORD 1750, WORD 2000
    ;----[Variables used only by Blinky]-----------------------------
    LoopLED    VAR WORD[LEDcount]
    OnTime     VAR WORD[LEDcount]
    OffTime    VAR WORD[LEDcount]
    x          VAR BYTE
    FOR x = 0 to LEDcount - 1         ; load the periods from EEPROM
        READ OnTimes+x, OnTime(x)
        READ OffTimes+x, OffTime(x)
            READ RandPeriods+(x<<1), WORD RandPeriod(x)
    NEXT X
    ;----[Main Program Loop]----------------------------------------
        x = (x + 1) // LEDcount
        IF LoopLED(x) < OnTime(x) THEN
            READ Brightness + x, Bright(x)
            Bright(x) = 0
        LoopLED(x) = (LoopLED(x) + 1) // (OnTime(x) + OffTime(x))
            RandPeriod(x) = RandPeriod(x) - 1
            IF RandPeriod(x) = 0 THEN
                READ RandPeriods+(x<<1), WORD RandPeriod(x)
                RANDOM RND
                OnTime(x) = (MAX_ON - MIN_ON)* RND.HighByte / 255 + MIN_ON
                OffTime(x)= (MAX_OFF - MIN_OFF)* RND.LowByte / 255 + MIN_OFF
        IF x != (LEDcount - 1) THEN Main
    Waiting: IF !TMR0IF THEN Waiting
        TMR0 = 99
        TMR0IF = 0
    GOTO Main
    And yes, I posted a MIBAM version 1.1 several years ago ... but it seems to be gone, or I just can't find it..
    Here's the latest version.
    Attached Files Attached Files

  19. #59

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    Default Re: Single PIC to Blink 5 LEDs Independently?

    I must sound like a broken record, but thanks again Darrel. I greatly appreciate you taking the time to help me with my project.

  20. #60

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    Default Re: Single PIC to Blink 5 LEDs Independently?

    As the purpose of this project is to create 5 blinking LEDs that simulate old 1960's Christmas tree lights, I've added the following code to fade in/out the LED:

    IsOn       VAR BYTE[LEDCount]
    i          VAR BYTE
    FOR x = 0 to (LEDCount - 1)         ; set initial LED state to OFF
        IsOn(x) = 0
    NEXT x
    ;----[Main Program Loop]----------------------------------------
        x = (x + 1) // LEDcount
        IF LoopLED(x) < OnTime(x) THEN
            IF IsOn(x) = 1 THEN
               READ Brightness + x, Bright(x)
               IsOn(x) = 1
               ; Fade up LED to set brightness
               FOR i = 0 to Bright(x) Step 1
                   Bright(x) = i
                   PAUSE 20
               NEXT i
            IF IsOn(x) = 1 THEN
               IsOn(x) = 0
               ; Fade out LED
               FOR i = Bright(x) to 0 Step -1
                   Bright(x) = i
                   PAUSE 20
               NEXT i
               Bright(x) = 0
        LoopLED(x) = (LoopLED(x) + 1) // (OnTime(x) + OffTime(x))
            RandPeriod(x) = RandPeriod(x) - 1
            IF RandPeriod(x) = 0 THEN
                READ RandPeriods+(x<<1), WORD RandPeriod(x)
                RANDOM RND
                OnTime(x) = (MAX_ON - MIN_ON)* RND.HighByte / 255 + MIN_ON
                OffTime(x)= (MAX_OFF - MIN_OFF)* RND.LowByte / 255 + MIN_OFF
        IF x != (LEDcount - 1) THEN Main
    Waiting: IF !TMR0IF THEN Waiting
        TMR0 = 99
        TMR0IF = 0
    GOTO Main
    I'll program a 12F683 this afternoon and see what it looks like.
    Last edited by RossWaddell; - 29th March 2014 at 15:01.

  21. #61

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    Default Re: Single PIC to Blink 5 LEDs Independently?

    I should've known - the PAUSE command will interfere with the on/off timings. I'll try a lower PAUSE value but then the 'ramping up/down' effect I'm trying to achieve won't really be visible.

  22. #62
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    Default Re: Single PIC to Blink 5 LEDs Independently?

    The timing of the program is done by counting 10mS periods.
    So the entire loop can't take more than 10mS.

    When the LED is supposed to be ON, just add a certain amount to the dutycycle each time through the loop until it reaches the set maximum.
    The amount you add will determine the speed of the fade.

    Subtract some when it is supposed to be OFF, until it reaches 0 or underflows.

    Don't add any pauses.
    Last edited by Darrel Taylor; - 29th March 2014 at 16:14.

  23. #63

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    Default Re: Single PIC to Blink 5 LEDs Independently?

    Do you mean something like this (I'm sure there's more elegant code, but ...):

    temp  VAR  WORD
    ;----[Main Program Loop]----------------------------------------
        x = (x + 1) // LEDcount
        IF LoopLED(x) < OnTime(x) THEN
            READ Brightness + x, temp
            IF Bright(x) < temp THEN
                Bright(x) = Bright(x) + 2
                Bright(x) = temp
            IF Bright(x) > 0 THEN
                Bright(x) = Bright(x) - 2
                Bright(x) = 0
        LoopLED(x) = (LoopLED(x) + 1) // (OnTime(x) + OffTime(x))
            RandPeriod(x) = RandPeriod(x) - 1
            IF RandPeriod(x) = 0 THEN
                READ RandPeriods+(x<<1), WORD RandPeriod(x)
                RANDOM RND
                OnTime(x) = (MAX_ON - MIN_ON)* RND.HighByte / 255 + MIN_ON
                OffTime(x)= (MAX_OFF - MIN_OFF)* RND.LowByte / 255 + MIN_OFF
        IF x != (LEDcount - 1) THEN Main
    Waiting: IF !TMR0IF THEN Waiting
        TMR0 = 99
        TMR0IF = 0
    GOTO Main

  24. #64
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    That's Perfect!!

    May take more than 2 for the Speed, but well done!

  25. #65
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    Default Re: Single PIC to Blink 5 LEDs Independently?

    In preparation for the next step I had written this almost identical code.
    There are a few differences that might be of benefit.
    MaxBright      VAR BYTE
    FadeSpeed      CON 20
    ;----[Main Program Loop]----------------------------------------
        x = (x + 1) // LEDcount
        IF LoopLED(x) < OnTime(x) THEN
            READ Brightness + x, MaxBright
            IF Bright(x) <= (MaxBright - FadeSpeed) THEN
                Bright(x) = Bright(x) + FadeSpeed
                Bright(x) = Maxbright
            IF Bright(x) >= FadeSpeed THEN
                Bright(x) = Bright(x) - FadeSpeed
                Bright(x) = 0

  26. #66

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    Default Re: Single PIC to Blink 5 LEDs Independently?

    Looks like 6 is the magic number.

  27. #67

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    Default Re: Single PIC to Blink 5 LEDs Independently?

    (If this is bad etiquette to re-open a 1-yr old thread then I'll start a new one)

    Well, what was working (I think) last year isn't this year as I prepare to move this to production with a SMT version of the 12F683. The blinking still works but the brightness control doesn't - no matter what the values are for Brightness all 5 LEDs appear to not change (they're still way too bright).

    '*  Name    : Nacelle_Blinking_Lights_12F683_8Mhz_Int.pbp       *
    '*  Author  : Ross A. Waddell                                   *
    '*  Notice  : Copyright (c) 2015                                *
    '*          : All Rights Reserved                               *
    '*  Date    : 06/30/2015                                        *
    '*  Version : 3.0                                               *
    '*  Notes   : Blinking nacelle engine lights (TOS Enterprise)   *
    '*                                                              *
    ' Nacelle engine lights
    ' =====================
    ' (a) The colours used were: red, blue, green, amber and pink, all standard 
    '     colours they had for common Christmas lights of the time. 
    ' (b) They were all C7 Christmas lights (too big for a 1/350). 12 by my guess.
    ' (c) Amber was steady (5 in a star pattern), all the rest blinked. 
    ' For production version of this code, update config fuses to 
    ' enable code protect (CP_ON)
    ' Basic blinky code provided by Darrel Taylor
    ' See forum posting here:
    ' ***************************************************************
    ' Pin Connections
    ' ***************************************************************
    ' GP5    -> pin 2             -> R4 -> BL4
    ' GP4    -> pin 3             -> R5 -> BL5
    ' GP3    -> pin 4             -> MCLR (input only, 'dummy' BL6)
    ' GP2    -> pin 5             -> R1 -> BL1
    ' GP1    -> pin 6             -> R2 -> BL2
    ' GP0    -> pin 7             -> R3 -> BL3
    ' ***************************************************************
    ' Initialization
    ' ***************************************************************
    ' If not using the MCLR pin as in input, there is no need to add an external resistor to tie it
    ' to VDD if the PIC has an internal pull-up. See
    ' MCLR=OFF means that MCLR is handled INTERNALLY and that pin can be used for I/O (Input actually). 
    ' Whatever you do to the pin in this instance will have no bearing on the PIC running or not. It will 
    ' be just another INPUT pin. You could leave it floating if it was unused.
    OSCCON     = %01110000     ; 8MHz internal osc
    ANSEL      = 0             ; All Digital
    CMCON0     = 7
    TRISIO     = 0             ; all OUTPUT
    OPTION_REG = %00000110     ; Timer0 prescaler 1:128
    TMR0IF   VAR INTCON.2      ; Timer0 Overflow bit
    ;----[ MIBAM Setup ]---------------------------------------------
    wsave       var byte    $70     SYSTEM  ' Alternate save location for W
    ssave       VAR BYTE    BANK0   SYSTEM  ' location for STATUS register
    psave       VAR BYTE    BANK0   SYSTEM  ' location for PCLATH register
    BAM_COUNT CON 5                     ; How many BAM Pins are used?
    INCLUDE "MIBAM.pbp"                 ; Mirror Image BAM module
    Br0     VAR Bright[0]
    Br1     VAR Bright[1]
    Br2     VAR Bright[2]
    Br4     VAR Bright[3]
    Br5     VAR Bright[4]
    BAM_LIST  macro                     ; Define PIN's to use for BAM
         BAM_PIN (GPIO,0, Br0)          ;   and the associated Duty variables
         BAM_PIN (GPIO,1, Br1)
         BAM_PIN (GPIO,2, Br2)
         BAM_PIN (GPIO,4, Br4)
         BAM_PIN (GPIO,5, Br5)
      BAM_INIT  BAM_LIST                ; Initialize the Pins
    ;----[Setup Blinky parameters]-----------------------------------
    DEFINE BLINKYFREQ 100                ; 10mS periods
    LEDcount    CON 5                    ; Number of LEDs on the PORT
    ;                BL3,BL2,BL1,BL5,BL4 ; PCB indicators
    OnTimes     DATA  50, 22, 50, 75, 17 ; default periods for each Output
    OffTimes    DATA 150, 45, 50, 95, 22
    ; Blinky on/off info from older code
    ; ====================================
    '                 BL3,BL2,BL1,BL5,BL4
    ;OnTimes     DATA  50 ,22 ,50 ,75 ,17; default "on" periods for each output
    ;OffTimes    DATA 150 ,45 ,50 ,95 ,22; default "off" periods for each output
    ;#IFDEF USE_RANDOM_SEQUENCE            ; randomization
    ;    RND     VAR WORD : RND = 13864
    ;    MIN_ON  CON 220                   ; Minimum random ON time
    ;    MAX_ON  CON 333                   ; Maximum random ON time
    ;    MIN_OFF CON 33                    ; Minimum random OFF time
    ;    MAX_OFF CON 275                   ; Maximum random OFF time
    ;    RandPeriod VAR WORD[LEDcount]
    ;    RandPeriods DATA WORD 1000, WORD 1250, WORD 1500, WORD 1750, WORD 2000
    ; Adjust values below for the 5 blinkies re: brightness
    Brightness  DATA 5,5,5,5,5
    #DEFINE USE_RANDOM_SEQUENCE         ; comment for contiuous Sequence
        RND     VAR WORD : RND = 13864
        MIN_ON  CON 50                  ; Minimum random ON time
        MAX_ON  CON 500                 ; Maximum random ON time
        MIN_OFF CON 50                  ; Minimum random OFF time
        MAX_OFF CON 500                 ; Maximum random OFF time
        RandPeriod VAR WORD[LEDcount]
        RandPeriods DATA WORD 1000, WORD 1250, WORD 1500, WORD 1750, WORD 2000
    ;----[Variables used only by Blinky]-----------------------------
    LoopLED    VAR WORD[LEDcount]
    OnTime     VAR WORD[LEDcount]
    OffTime    VAR WORD[LEDcount]
    x          VAR BYTE
    temp       VAR WORD
    speed      CON 6
    FOR x = 0 to (LEDcount - 1)         ; load the periods from EEPROM
        READ OnTimes+x, OnTime(x)
        READ OffTimes+x, OffTime(x)
            READ RandPeriods+(x<<1), WORD RandPeriod(x)
    NEXT X
    ;----[Main Program Loop]-----------------------------------------
        x = (x + 1) // LEDcount
        IF LoopLED(x) < OnTime(x) THEN
            READ Brightness + x, temp
            IF Bright(x) < temp THEN
                Bright(x) = Bright(x) + speed
                Bright(x) = temp
            IF Bright(x) > 0 THEN
                Bright(x) = Bright(x) - speed
                Bright(x) = 0
        LoopLED(x) = (LoopLED(x) + 1) // (OnTime(x) + OffTime(x))
            RandPeriod(x) = RandPeriod(x) - 1
            IF RandPeriod(x) = 0 THEN
                READ RandPeriods+(x<<1), WORD RandPeriod(x)
                RANDOM RND
                OnTime(x) = (MAX_ON - MIN_ON)* RND.HighByte / 255 + MIN_ON
                OffTime(x)= (MAX_OFF - MIN_OFF)* RND.LowByte / 255 + MIN_OFF
        IF x != (LEDcount - 1) THEN Main
    Waiting: IF !TMR0IF THEN Waiting
        TMR0 = 99
        TMR0IF = 0
    GOTO Main
    As you can see, I haven't implemented Darrel's most recent suggestion (probably because a year ago this was working OK).

    Any ideas?

  28. #68

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    Default Re: Single PIC to Blink 5 LEDs Independently?

    Went back through my versioning of the code and found that the previous one works just fine - I must've made some tweaks in v3 that screwed things up. I'll need to go through them line-by-line to see where the discrepancy is (if only for my own benefit).

    Here's the working code:

    '*  Name    : Nacelle_Blinking_Lights_12F683_8Mhz_Int.pbp       *
    '*  Author  : Ross A. Waddell                                   *
    '*  Notice  : Copyright (c) 2014                                *
    '*          : All Rights Reserved                               *
    '*  Date    : 03/25/2014                                        *
    '*  Version : 2.0                                               *
    '*  Notes   : Blinking nacelle engine lights (TOS Enterprise)   *
    '*          :                                                   *
    ' Nacelle engine lights
    ' =====================
    ' (a) The colours used were: red, blue, green, amber and pink, all standard colours 
    '     they had for common Christmas lights of the time. 
    ' (b) They were all Christmas lights (C7, too big for a 1/350). 12 by my guess.
    ' (c) Amber was steady (5 in a star pattern), all the rest blinked. 
    ' For production version of this code, update config fuses to 
    ' enable code protect (CP_ON)
    ' Basic blinky code provided by Darrel Taylor
    ' See forum posting here:
    ' ***************************************************************
    ' Pin Connections
    ' ***************************************************************
    ' GP5    -> pin 2             -> R4 -> BL4
    ' GP4    -> pin 3             -> R5 -> BL5
    ' GP3    -> pin 4             -> MCLR (input only, 'dummy' BL6)
    ' GP2    -> pin 5             -> R1 -> BL1
    ' GP1    -> pin 6             -> R2 -> BL2
    ' GP0    -> pin 7             -> R3 -> BL3
    ' ***************************************************************
    ' Initialization
    ' ***************************************************************
    OSCCON     = %01110000     ; 8MHz internal osc
    ANSEL      = 0             ; All Digital
    CMCON0     = 7
    TRISIO     = 0             ; all OUTPUT
    OPTION_REG = %00000110     ; Timer0 prescaler 1:128
    TMR0IF   VAR INTCON.2      ; Timer0 Overflow bit
    ;----[ MIBAM Setup ]--------------------------------------------------------
    wsave       var byte    $70     SYSTEM  ' Alternate save location for W
    ssave       VAR BYTE    BANK0   SYSTEM  ' location for STATUS register
    psave       VAR BYTE    BANK0   SYSTEM  ' location for PCLATH register
    BAM_COUNT CON 5                     ; How many BAM Pins are used?
    INCLUDE "MIBAM.pbp"                 ; Mirror Image BAM module
    Br0     VAR Bright[0]
    Br1     VAR Bright[1]
    Br2     VAR Bright[2]
    Br4     VAR Bright[3]
    Br5     VAR Bright[4]
    BAM_LIST  macro                     ; Define PIN's to use for BAM
         BAM_PIN (GPIO,0, Br0)          ;   and the associated Duty variables
         BAM_PIN (GPIO,1, Br1)
         BAM_PIN (GPIO,2, Br2)
         BAM_PIN (GPIO,4, Br4)
         BAM_PIN (GPIO,5, Br5)
      BAM_INIT  BAM_LIST                ; Initialize the Pins
    ;----[Setup Blinky parameters]-----------------------------------
    DEFINE BLINKYFREQ 100                ; 10mS periods
    LEDcount    CON 5                    ; Number of LEDs on the PORT
    ;                BL3,BL2,BL1,BL5,BL4 ; PCB indicators
    OnTimes     DATA  50, 22, 38, 75,  5 ; default periods for each Output
    OffTimes    DATA 150, 45, 38, 95, 34
    Brightness  DATA 255,10,10, 10, 255
    #DEFINE USE_RANDOM_SEQUENCE          ; comment for contiuous Sequence
        RND     VAR WORD : RND = 13864
        MIN_ON  CON 50                  ; Minimum random ON time
        MAX_ON  CON 500                 ; Maximum random ON time
        MIN_OFF CON 50                  ; Minimum random OFF time
        MAX_OFF CON 500                 ; Maximum random OFF time
        RandPeriod VAR WORD[LEDcount]
        RandPeriods DATA WORD 1000, WORD 1250, WORD 1500, WORD 1750, WORD 2000
    ;----[Variables used only by Blinky]-----------------------------
    LoopLED    VAR WORD[LEDcount]
    OnTime     VAR WORD[LEDcount]
    OffTime    VAR WORD[LEDcount]
    x          VAR BYTE
    FOR x = 0 to LEDcount - 1         ; load the periods from EEPROM
        READ OnTimes+x, OnTime(x)
        READ OffTimes+x, OffTime(x)
            READ RandPeriods+(x<<1), WORD RandPeriod(x)
    NEXT X
    ;----[Main Program Loop]----------------------------------------
        x = (x + 1) // LEDcount
        IF LoopLED(x) < OnTime(x) THEN
            READ Brightness + x, Bright(x)
            Bright(x) = 0
        LoopLED(x) = (LoopLED(x) + 1) // (OnTime(x) + OffTime(x))
            RandPeriod(x) = RandPeriod(x) - 1
            IF RandPeriod(x) = 0 THEN
                READ RandPeriods+(x<<1), WORD RandPeriod(x)
                RANDOM RND
                OnTime(x) = (MAX_ON - MIN_ON)* RND.HighByte / 255 + MIN_ON
                OffTime(x)= (MAX_OFF - MIN_OFF)* RND.LowByte / 255 + MIN_OFF
        IF x != (LEDcount - 1) THEN Main
    Waiting: IF !TMR0IF THEN Waiting
        TMR0 = 99
        TMR0IF = 0
    GOTO Main

  29. #69

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    Default Re: Single PIC to Blink 5 LEDs Independently?

    After going through the two different versions I remembered that the last thing I wanted to implement was varying the brightness of each LED to ramp up/off to the set BRIGHTNESS level. This would simulate incandescent bulbs by 'fading' up the LED (and also fade off).

    This is the suspect code:

    temp       VAR WORD
    speed      CON 6
    FOR x = 0 to (LEDcount - 1)         ; load the periods from EEPROM
        READ OnTimes+x, OnTime(x)
        READ OffTimes+x, OffTime(x)
            READ RandPeriods+(x<<1), WORD RandPeriod(x)
    NEXT X
    ;----[Main Program Loop]-----------------------------------------
        x = (x + 1) // LEDcount
        IF LoopLED(x) < OnTime(x) THEN
            READ Brightness + x, temp
            IF Bright(x) < temp THEN
                Bright(x) = Bright(x) + speed
                Bright(x) = temp
            IF Bright(x) > 0 THEN
                Bright(x) = Bright(x) - speed
                Bright(x) = 0
        LoopLED(x) = (LoopLED(x) + 1) // (OnTime(x) + OffTime(x))
            RandPeriod(x) = RandPeriod(x) - 1
            IF RandPeriod(x) = 0 THEN
                READ RandPeriods+(x<<1), WORD RandPeriod(x)
                RANDOM RND
                OnTime(x) = (MAX_ON - MIN_ON)* RND.HighByte / 255 + MIN_ON
                OffTime(x)= (MAX_OFF - MIN_OFF)* RND.LowByte / 255 + MIN_OFF
        IF x != (LEDcount - 1) THEN Main
    Waiting: IF !TMR0IF THEN Waiting
        TMR0 = 99
        TMR0IF = 0
    GOTO Main

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    Last Post: - 10th December 2008, 18:22
  4. Can't Blink 2 LEDs
    By dfort in forum mel PIC BASIC
    Replies: 2
    Last Post: - 5th March 2008, 22:36
  5. Tx and Rx of Single Pin PIC's
    By Dwayne in forum Code Examples
    Replies: 0
    Last Post: - 26th May 2004, 14:55

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