Consulta sobre proyectos

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Comodoro Rivadavia - Patagonia Argentina

    Default Consulta sobre proyectos

    Hola, una consulta... Me parece que me equivoque y subi en un lugar incorrecto mis codigos para compartir.... Los arme y subi en la seccion WIKI... si esta mal, por favor, lo podrian enviar al lugar apropiado?
    Muchas gracias...

    Hello, a query ... I think I'm wrong and went up in the wrong place my codes to share .... The arm and went up in the WIKI section ... if wrong, please could you send to the appropriate place?
    Thank you very much ...

    Conversion Binario a Decimal (Binary to Decimal conversion) "en Español"

    Monitor para Sonda Lambda (o2) "En Español"

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Wellton, U.S.A.

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    Default Re: Consulta sobre proyectos

    Welcome to the forum!

    When an article is created in the wiki it has to be reviewed before if is made public. I am not very good with Spanish but from what I see your articles are good.

    Thank you for taking the time to share your projects.
    Always wear safety glasses while programming.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Comodoro Rivadavia - Patagonia Argentina

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    Default Re: Consulta sobre proyectos

    Thank you friend for your comment and welcome ...
    Unfortunately, not many places drinking, speaking in Spanish about PBP.
    Among several times a visitor forum and really amazes me the generosity of all the people who are in this group of people.
    I promise to try to use the google translator to incorporate the two languages ​​in my future contributions, in high school and college study and technical English is not very good. If you notice that moderators can be improved by editing my posts, I'm going to thank (also helps me to improve my English) ...
    Greetings to all from Patagonia Argentina ... Martin Torres

    Muchas Gracias amigo por tu comentario y bienvenida...
    Lamentablemente, no hay muchos sitios potables, que hablen en español sobre PBP.
    Entre varias veces al foro como visitante y realmente me asombra la generosidad de todas las personas que hay en este grupo humano.
    Prometo tratar de usar el traductor de google para incorporar los dos lenguajes en mis futuros aportes; En la escuela secundaria y en la universidad estudie ingles tecnico y no es muy bueno. Si ustedes los moderadores notan que se puede mejorar mis mensajes editando, se los voy agradecer (ademas me sirve para mejorar mi ingles)...
    Los saludo a todos desde la Patagonia Argentina... Martin Torres

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Consulta sobre proyectos

    Hi, Martin

    It's been years I've visited Puerto Madryn and Peninsula Valdez ...

    here is a link that could help you ( I know " castejano " is somewhat difficult for foreigners )
    ************************************************** ***********************
    Why insist on using 32 Bits when you're not even able to deal with the first 8 ones ??? ehhhhhh ...
    ************************************************** ***********************
    IF there is the word "Problem" in your question ...
    certainly the answer is " RTFM " or " RTFDataSheet " !!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Comodoro Rivadavia - Patagonia Argentina

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    Default Re: Consulta sobre proyectos

    Hello Alain! Puerto Madryn met, I live 450 km south ... madryn lived in a year and it really is beautiful ...
    I'm just in todopic user; Very good website but does not compare to that some users tend to be a bit pedantic and that takes you away from those places ... I am moderator of other communities ( - and my visit here, I hope to share my knowledge and projects as well, appear clarify my doubts ...
    Friends, if you decide to return to Patagonia, I invite you to my house and take you to visit the area of the Andes (Bariloche, Bolson, Esquel, Ruta40 ... all that is the border with Chile) ... Usually I do off road (4x4 for the whole area) and forth every so friends from other countries

    Martin A. Torres Fortelli (torres.electronico)
    Last edited by martintorres; - 27th August 2012 at 05:10.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Montreal, Quebec, Canada

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    Default Re: Consulta sobre proyectos

    Bienvenido Martin!

    I'm embarassed to admit I had to double check the spelling in google. I took Spanish for 2 semesters back in college; graduated in 1983 so it's been way too long.

    Don't be shy, there are many users here that don't have English as their native language (mine is French).


  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Comodoro Rivadavia - Patagonia Argentina

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    Default Re: Consulta sobre proyectos

    Hello friend!
    jajaja, I heard from friends in Germany, that the Spanish language is quite difficult to learn.
    I'm just two steps back with an innovative project, we'll see what comes of the latter. I lock in a section, so maybe, for the anxiety, shorten it and then upload it to, stakeholders and modify it to make everyone's taste ...
    The other day fair comment on a topic of scaner methods KOEO / KOER, I turned on the lamp and start with the idea jajaja

    Hola amigo!!
    jaja, escuche por parte de amigos de alemania, que el idioma español es bastante dificil de aprender.
    Estoy a solo dos pasos de volver con un proyecto innovador, vamos a ver que sale de este ultimo. Me trabe en una seccion, asi que quizas, por la anciedad, lo acorte y lo suba para que despues, los interesados lo modifiquen y hagan a gusto de cada uno...
    El otro dia justo comente en un tema sobre los metodos de scaner KOEO / KOER; se me prendio la lamparita y arranque con la idea jajaja

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Consulta sobre proyectos

    Google translator provided a pretty good interpretation as follows:
    "When we feel the need to make a conversion from binary to decimal, an operator picbasic pro includes resources that can be employed for this purpose ... The operator DIG (misnamed command) DIG operator returns the value of a decimal digit. It simply tells the digit number known (0-4, 0 being the first on the right) and go.
    Put another way, for deglosar the binary value and extract the desired value, specify the following digit number of the variable to which you extracted the digit ... Assuming that you just want to remove the second value, you have to put the bit 1 logically, and you work, if you want the third value you have to put the bit2 and so sucesvamente.
    Acordate the operator works in the following way:

    DIG Variable = Value, Digit number

    _donde variable is the variable where the extracted value keep
    _DIG Is the command
    _value Is the value or variable where you extract the digit
    _y digit number is the bit you want to extract the Value

    A simple example:

    B0 = 123; Sets B0 at 123
    B1 = B0 DIG 1; Set B1 to 2 (digit 1 of 123)

    Consider a practical example in which we transform the binary value to decimal using the DIG operator.
    The fuses would have to modify their taste and aplcacion; Sumalē This will need a 7447 to decode the output of the pic and get the display multiplexing 7 segment .."

    It would be more useful if both were included I think.
    If you do not believe in MAGIC, Consider how currency has value simply by printing it, and is then traded for real assets.
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    There simply is no "Happy Spam" If you do it you will disappear from this forum.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Comodoro Rivadavia - Patagonia Argentina

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    Default Re: Consulta sobre proyectos

    Hi Archangel, maybe we could between all better. In these days I'll be uploading more contributions and insurance, would be nice if someone from native English language, edit to improve syntax.
    Some google translations are not very good and I edit, but I guess the person of English language, the primitive that must be my texts jajajaja

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