Oscillator speed, what does 16F628A-04p mean

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Default Oscillator speed, what does 16F628A-04p mean

    Does this mean the chip onboard oscillator is limited to 4mhz maximum or is it the external oscillator that has a 4mhz maximum.

    Typical, i've a project to build using a 10.240mhz crystal and I've just one 16F628A-04p left.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Wellton, U.S.A.

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    Default Re: Oscillator speed, what does 16F628A-04p mean

    It has a 4MHz internal and it is a PDIP.

    It will work for your project.
    Always wear safety glasses while programming.

  3. #3
    davmart's Avatar
    davmart Guest

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    Default Re: Oscillator speed, what does 16F628A-04p mean

    The internal oscillator for that chip is 4Mhz. Different external crystals up to 20Mhz can be used. Either way you will need to define the oscillator (internal or external) and freequency in the configuration part of the program. For a better explaination of the chip you can go to Microchip's web site and get the Data Book for the 16F6xxx series chips in PDF format.

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