Light dimmer problem

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  1. #1

    Exclamation Light dimmer problem

    I need some help in finding out how to connect zero-detector circuit to my PIC.
    I do not wish to use any transformer in this circuit.

    The circuit gets it's 12V from an external source which is reduced to 5V using 7805 in my circuit. I tried connecting 4 x 4.7Meg directly from mains to my PIC just to check if it works and it does, but not perfectly as I need to supply full-wave rectified voltage.

    The problem:
    • I am not sure of where to connect the ground connection of the bridge rectifier.
    • Once the ground is connected to where it should, should I use the same resistance from the +ve side of the bridge to the PIC?

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Light dimmer problem

    Look for Microchip AN236 X-10® Home Automation Using the PIC16F877A. It includes schematics which should cover everything you need to know.

  3. #3

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    Default Re: Light dimmer problem

    Thanks. I checked your referred document. It doesn't seem to solve my problem. It does not provide full-wave rectification.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Light dimmer problem

    Full-wave rectification of what? You said you were using an external power supply.

    Numerous people have used the circuits in that appnote to control triac dimmers using the X10 powerline protocol.

  5. #5

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    Unhappy Re: Light dimmer problem

    I managed to tweak the code to fit in the direct resistance from the mains without the need for the bridge. The problem of flickering is still there, though not a lot but is still noticeable. Is something wrong with the code? I want to control 2 channels minimum with 1 IC, so I have set timer0 interrupt to happen @ 340uS approximately. This gives me approximately 29 steps for a 10mS interval. I just toggle the trigger edge at every Zero Crossing.

    DEFINE          OSC     20       ' OSCCON defaults to 20MHz on reset
    DEFINE     NO_CLRWDT    1
    Include   "modedefs.bas"
       ifdef PM_USED
          device  pic16F676, intrc_osc_noclkout, wdt_on, mclr_on, protect_off
         		__CONFIG _HS_OSC & _WDT_OFF & _MCLRE_OFF & _BODEN & _CP & _CPD 
    '----------Other pins Declared Here--------------
    Dimmer1     VAR  PortA.0     ' dimmer channel 1
    Dimmer2     VAR  PortC.0     ' dimmer channel 2
    '----------Variables declared here----------------
    Dimmer var     	Byte[2]     ' timer value for 4 dimmer channels
    Count   var     	Byte        ' Dimmer working variable
    define      INTHAND     _ISR
    Goto main
    ' Context saving happens here
            btfsc   INTCON, INTF
            goto    ZeroCrossingInt
            bcf     INTCON, T0IF    ; clear the timer overflow flag
            movlw  203
            movwf  TMR0
            incf    _Count       ; Increment Count
            ; check if channel1 value is reached
            movf    _Dimmer+0,w
            subwf   _Count,w
            btfsc   STATUS,C
            bsf     _Dimmer1
            ; check if channel2 value is reached
            movf    _Dimmer+1,w
            subwf   _DimrWork,w
            btfsc   STATUS,C
            bsf     _Dimmer2
            goto    EndInt
    	 bsf	OPTION_REG,6
    	 clrf	STATUS
    	 Goto	EndInt
            bcf		INTCON, INTF    ; clear the interrupt
            clrf		_Count       ; Dimmer Working variable
    	 movlw	0
    	 bcf		STATUS,Z
    	 addwf	_Dimmer+0,w
    	 btfss	        STATUS,Z
             bcf		_Dimmer1
    	 movlw	0
    	 bcf		STATUS,Z
    	 addwf	_Dimmer+1,w
    	 btfss	        STATUS,Z
             bcf		_Dimmer2
    	 bsf		STATUS,RP0
    	 btfss	        OPTION_REG,6
    	 Goto	        Set_Bit
    	 bcf	 	OPTION_REG,6
    	 clrf		STATUS
    ; Context Restore here
    '----------Processor Initialisation---------------
            PAUSE 50
            TRISA = %001100
            TRISC = 0
            CMCON = 7
            ANSEL = 0         
            OPTION_REG = %10000100
            INTCON= %10110000
            ' Global interrupts enabled
            ' Timer0 interrupt enabled
            ' Zero Crossing interrupt enabled
            ' Flags are cleared
            DIMMER[0]=0 : DIMMER[1]=25
    	Pause 3000
    	Pause 3000
    	If Dimmer[0]=25 then 
    		Dimmer[0]=0  :	Pause 3000 : Endif
    	If Dimmer[1]=0 then
    		 Dimmer[1]=25  :	Pause 3000 : Endif
    Goto start
    I am using 16f676 and 4 x 4.7Meg from Mains - Direct to PortA.2.

  6. #6

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    Default Re: Light dimmer problem

    Quote Originally Posted by dhouston View Post
    Full-wave rectification of what? You said you were using an external power supply.

    Numerous people have used the circuits in that appnote to control triac dimmers using the X10 powerline protocol.
    Full wave rectification of mains, I needed it for Zero-Crossing of mains. External power supply only provides 12V to my circuit. I checked the X-10 circuit but it has it's own transformer-less power supply and from there direct resistance is coming for Zero-crossing without any sort of rectification. I don't know much about X-10 so I am sorry if there is something I missed which you were trying to point out.

    Anyways, since I have modified the code now the problem is of flickering of the bulb. Any comments about could be wrong?

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Light dimmer problem

    Quote Originally Posted by FromTheCockpit View Post
    Full wave rectification of mains, I needed it for Zero-Crossing of mains.
    You do not need full wave rectification for zero-crossing detection. The circuit shown on p3, FIG3 of AN236 works fine for zero crossing. The appnote even details the inaccuracies inherent in the circuit, saying...
    On a rising edge, RB0 will go high about 64 µS after the zero-crossing, and on a falling edge, it will go low about 16 µS before the zero-crossing.
    You'll find similar inaccuracies in most methods for zero-crossing detection. Their calculations are for 120VAC/60Hz. You'll need to adjust for 220V/50Hz (and maybe use a larger current limiting resistor).

    One possible cause of flicker is failing to compensate for inaccurate zero crossing detection.

    You can ignore the X10 communications circuitry and code but I suggest you study the code used for the triac dimmer circuit in AN236 (p6) or in the referenced PICREF-4 Reference Design, “PICDIM Lamp Dimmer for the PIC12C508”. The Microchip engineers frequently know what they are doing.
    Last edited by dhouston; - 6th July 2012 at 20:02.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Light dimmer problem

    Instead of feeding the mains to the pic pin, drive an opto like the PC814.

    This has 2 LEDs in anti-parallel at the input, so you'd get 2 pulses for each mains cycle, one each for positive and negative. This will also give you a bonus of isolating your circuit from the mains.


    Anand Dhuru

  9. #9

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    Question Re: Definitely problem with the circuit (or at least this is what it seems for now)

    I played around with the circuit a little and it seems that the problem is with the circuit only.
    My reason for saying this is because as soon as I connected the ground of my oscilloscope with the 12V ground which comes from an external source (smps), the flickering suddenly stopped and glowing of the bulb at different brightness levels was just as expected, smooth and perfect. As soon as I removed the ground of my oscilloscope the flickering started again.

  10. #10

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    Default Re: Light dimmer problem

    Quote Originally Posted by ardhuru View Post
    Instead of feeding the mains to the pic pin, drive an opto like the PC814.

    This has 2 LEDs in anti-parallel at the input, so you'd get 2 pulses for each mains cycle, one each for positive and negative. This will also give you a bonus of isolating your circuit from the mains.


    Anand Dhuru
    Thanks for the reply. What resistance values normally goes for the opto side of the PC814 and what should be the wattage of this resistance values. I am @ 240VAC

  11. #11
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    Default Re: Light dimmer problem

    I'd used 100K, 1W on 240 VAC.

    Reducing the resistance would get you sharper edges, but then one needs a resistance of a higher wattage, so I finally settled on these, and its worked great for me.

  12. #12
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    Default Re: Light dimmer problem

    I wonder if 4n25 can be used the same way?
    (with 100k direct to Live and other end to neutral)

  13. #13
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    Default Re: Light dimmer problem

    Looks like the 4n25 has only 1 diode at the input. You'd get only 1 pulse per cycle. If thats acceptable, I dont see why the 4n25 shouldnt work.



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