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  1. #1
    Tawcafts's Avatar
    Tawcafts Guest

    Default Olimex PIC-MCP-USB

    Hi everyone,

    This is my first newbie question, just downloaded the trial version and now need a programmer to go with it....

    Cant find an answer here or in google to this question:

    Is the Olimex PIC-MCP-USB programmer compatible with (and hopefully easy to use with) PBP3 and Microcode Studio.....

    Any other pointers to a very compatible reasonably priced programmer would be appreciated......

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

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    Default Re: Olimex PIC-MCP-USB

    Basically ANY PIC programmer is compatible with PBP. All PBP does is output a .hex file which the device programmer programs into the chip. The device programmer can not know from which compiler and assembler the .hex file originated. However, if you want the "one click compile and program feature" available in MicroCodeStudio the device programmer needs a command line tool/application with a published interface. If it doesn't have that you can't integrate it into MCS and you'd need to use the programmers "own" software to open the .hex file and program the chip.

    If I were you I'd get a PICKit3, it's only slightly more expensive than the Olimex unit, it support ALL PICs available and all new PICs comming out gets added. It can be used from within MPLAB, with its standalone application AND there's command line tool so it can be integrated into MCS. And it can be used as an in circuit debugger within MPLAB.

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