Hello All, I am going to try the new PBP3 with the MCSPx and try my luck using the compile ICD option so I can debug my code easier. In doing so, the project I am trying to do also uses a serial port.
The primary serial port will be used for debug on MCSPx and the 2nd serial port will be used for communication via RS485.
So, I have used DT's Instant Interupt before (nice job!) but the chip I plan on using is the 16F1527 and it has 2 EUSARTS, do I brave fiddling with the venerable code inside DT-INTS-14 to see if I can get it to look at the 2nd serial port? Or is there a better way? Clearly I would prefer another way as I don't want to disturb something that works <grin>.
I must use the 1st serial port for the debug and the 2nd serial port for the 485 communication, design already cut.
I am using PBP3, MCSP5 and DT-INTS 1.10

Happy New Year to All,