Google App Inventor

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  1. #1
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    Default Google App Inventor

    Wondering if anyone has any experience with the Google App Inventor?

    I'd like to build a very simple app that displays a numeric keypad, and then simply outputs it to the phone's bluetooth.

    Apparently from what I read, the App Inventor is a very simple package to develop Android apps, without having to go the Eclipse way. Also pretty much designed for the hobbyist, as it has canned commands to control Lego Mindstorms, letting you use all sensors on the Android in your project.

    Would love to share information if anyone's been at it.


    Anand Dhuru

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Google App Inventor

    The App Inventor is/was "OK", but the future of it is questionable. Google is shutting it down. MIT is going to do something with it though. The way it is with Google everything is online, that may or may not be a good thing. It also seemed to be a bit limited in what you could do, IMHO. Kind of like using a "site builder" for a web site.

    Have you seen B4A?
    I am really liking it. One of the nice features is the ability to debug on a device over your lan.

    If you do decide to go with B4A use coupon code "bovvkr" to get %50 off the enterprise edition.
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  3. #3
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    Default Re: Google App Inventor

    Thanks for the information, Dave.

    The main thing that atrracted me to App Inventor was the ease with which one can use modules like BT, light sensor, accelerometer and so on, especially BT. How easy is it to use bluetooth with B4A? Have you used it?

    At the price though, after the discount, it does look too tempting to pass.

    BTW, as of September XX, I believe App Inventor is now hosted on the MIT server, and fully usable, so the accessibility should not be a problem, at least in the near future.

    If you have used B4A, I would love to know your specific usage(s), as also about the learning curve, before I take the plunge.



  4. #4
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    Default Re: Google App Inventor

    I have not used BT yet. Used the GPS, compass/accelerometer, write/read to storage... Currently I am working on a database app for an archaeologist that will record position and user entered attributes, with the ability to sync the data once the device is back into cell/wifi range. The learning curve for me was less than App Inventor. I never really made anything useful with App Inventor... But that is me.

    Here is the code for a test app when I started playing with the GPS and the other orientation things.
    The apk is attached if you want to see what it does.
    'Activity module
    Sub Process_Globals
        'These global variables will be declared once when the application starts.
        'These variables can be accessed from all modules.
        Dim GPS1 As GPS
        Dim Orientation As PhoneOrientation
        'Compass Stuff
        Dim Angle As Float                
        Dim Timer1 As Timer
    End Sub
    Sub Globals
        'These global variables will be redeclared each time the activity is created.
        'These variables can only be accessed from this module.
        Dim Button1 As Button
        Dim Button2 As Button
        Dim Button3 As Button
        Dim Button4 As Button
        Dim ScrollView1 As ScrollView
        Dim lblAcu As Label
        Dim lblAlt As Label
        Dim lblLat As Label
        Dim lblLon As Label
        Dim lblSatellites As Label
        Dim lblSpeed As Label
        Dim pnlTest As Panel
        Dim Alt    As    Double
        Dim Rate As Double
        Dim Acu As Double
        Dim Latx As Double
        Dim Lonx As Double
        Dim now As Long
        Dim lblBear As Label
        Dim lblCompass As Label
        'Compass Stuff
        Dim csvCompass, csvNeedle As Canvas
        Dim bmpCompass, bmpNeedle As Bitmap
        Dim imvCompass, imvNeedle As ImageView
        Dim RectCompass, SRectNeedle, DRectNeedle As Rect
    End Sub
    Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
        ScrollView1.Panel.Height = pnlTest.Height
        If FirstTime Then
        End If
        If File.ExternalWritable = True Then 
            Msgbox("Can write to SD storage card!", "") 
        End If
    End Sub
    Sub Activity_Resume
        If GPS1.GPSEnabled = False Then
            ToastMessageShow("Please enable the GPS device.", True)
            StartActivity(GPS1.LocationSettingsIntent) 'Will open the relevant settings screen.
            GPS1.Start(0, 0) 'Listen to GPS with no filters.
        End If
    End Sub
    Sub Activity_Pause (UserClosed As Boolean)
    End Sub
    Sub GPS_LocationChanged (Location1 As Location)
        lblLat.Text = "Lat = " & Location1.ConvertToMinutes(Location1.Latitude)
        lblLon.Text = "Lon = " & Location1.ConvertToMinutes(Location1.Longitude)
        Latx = Location1.Latitude
        Lonx = Location1.Longitude
        ' 1 meter per second = 2.23693629 miles per hour
        Rate = Round2(Location1.Speed * 2.23693629,3)
        lblSpeed.Text = "Speed (MPH)= " & Rate
        ' 1 meter = 3.2808399 feet
        Alt = Round2(Location1.Altitude * 3.2808399,3)
        lblAlt.Text = "Altitude (Feet)= " & Alt
        Acu = Round2(Location1.Accuracy * 3.2808399,3)
        lblAcu.Text = "Accuracy (Feet)= " & Acu
        lblBear.Text = "GPS Bearing = " & Location1.Bearing
    End Sub
    Sub GPS_UserEnabled (Enabled As Boolean)
        ToastMessageShow("GPS device enabled = " & Enabled, True)
    End Sub
    Sub GPS_GpsStatus (Satellites As List)
        lblSatellites.Text = "Satellites:" & CRLF & _
        "#  SNR Used  Azi  Elev" & CRLF
        For i = 0 To Satellites.Size - 1
            Dim Satellite As GPSSatellite
            Satellite = Satellites.Get(i)
            lblSatellites.Text = lblSatellites.Text & CRLF & Satellite.Prn & _
                "  " & Satellite.Snr & "  " & Satellite.UsedInFix & "  " & Satellite.Azimuth _ 
                & "  " & Satellite.Elevation
    End Sub
    Sub Button1_Click
          Msgbox("The date is: " & DateTime.Date(now) & CRLF & _
        "The time is: " & DateTime.Time(now), "") 
    End Sub
    Sub Button2_Click
    End Sub
    Sub ReadStringExample 
        Msgbox(File.ReadString(File.DirRootExternal, "MAC_GPS.txt"), "") 
    End Sub 
    Sub WriteTextWriter() 
        now = DateTime.Now
        Dim TextWriter1 As TextWriter 
        TextWriter1.Initialize(File.OpenOutput(File.DirRootExternal,"MAC_GPS.txt", True)) 
      '  For i = 1 To 10 
      '      TextWriter1.WriteLine("Line" & i) 
      '  Next 
          TextWriter1.WriteLine("Date = " & DateTime.Date(now))
        TextWriter1.WriteLine("Time = " & DateTime.Time(now))
        TextWriter1.WriteLine("Lat = " & Latx)
        TextWriter1.WriteLine("Lon = " & Lonx)
        TextWriter1.WriteLine("Alt = " & Alt)
        TextWriter1.WriteLine(" ")
    End Sub 
    Sub Orientation_OrientationChanged (Azimuth As Float, Pitch As Float, Roll As Float)
        lblCompass.Text = "Compass = " & Azimuth
        Angle = Azimuth
    End Sub
    Sub Timer1_Tick
    End Sub
    Sub EditMode()
        'Compass Stuff
        Dim x, y As Float
        imvCompass.Bitmap = bmpCompass
        x = 30 ' (100%x - bmpCompass.Width)/2
        y = 410 '(100%y - bmpCompass.Height) / 2
        ScrollView1.Panel.AddView(imvCompass, x, y, bmpCompass.Width, bmpCompass.Height)
        ScrollView1.Panel.AddView(imvNeedle, x, y, bmpCompass.Width, bmpCompass.Height)
        RectCompass.Initialize(0, 0, bmpCompass.Width, bmpCompass.Height)
        x = (bmpCompass.Width - bmpNeedle.Width)/2
        y = (bmpCompass.Height - bmpNeedle.Height)/2
        SRectNeedle.Initialize(0, 0, bmpNeedle.Width, bmpNeedle.Height)
        DRectNeedle.Initialize(x, y, x + bmpNeedle.Width, y + bmpNeedle.Height)
    End Sub
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    Always wear safety glasses while programming.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Google App Inventor


    I've been too busy with 15 different PCB prototypes to spend much time with B4A so I can't add to what Dave has said but everyone I know who has it has been impressed. There's a user forum that should give you a good idea of how it is used and how well it is supported. Anybody familiar with any dialect of procedural Basic (and especially VB) should find it easy to learn.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Google App Inventor

    Dave (macrackit), thanks for the code; a working piece of code should be an excellent starting point while learning.

    Dave (Houston), I remember you had referred to B4A in an earlier thread as well, and had meant to try it out back then, but somehow got relegated to the background. I see from the forums and the projects sub-section that people have done some pretty fancy things with B4A. What I need seems pretty trivial in comparison, so I'm pretty sure its doable.

    I'll report back with the progress as I go.

    Thanks, guys.


  7. #7
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    Default Re: Google App Inventor

    Here is the whole project, graphics and all.
    Attached Files Attached Files
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  8. #8
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    Default Re: Google App Inventor

    Here I am, back as promised. Finally got the app done in App Inventor, and am pretty pleased with the results.

    It does what I want well; send an ascii character over BT for each button pressed. Its supposed to be used as a numeric keypad for access control.

    I would still be looking up Basic4Android (or other alternates) for a couple reasons, though.

    1) Apps created with App Inventor cannot be installed to the SD card. (Not without a tweak, anyway)
    2) The apk file size is not very compact; I've read it can be as much as 6 to 10 times larger than the same app developed in say, B4A.
    3) Of course the degree of uncertainty regarding its new home at MIT; it goes off the Google site on the 31st.

    Dave, your zip file would be the ideal starting point for me to get into B4A, thanks. Although it does look a bit daunting..



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Views: 2540
Size:  46.5 KB

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Google App Inventor

    Dave, your zip file would be the ideal starting point for me to get into B4A, thanks. Although it does look a bit daunting..
    It is not as bad as it looks. Most of the stuff in the zip was created by B4A.
    Always wear safety glasses while programming.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Google App Inventor

    Oh okay, I will take the plunge then.

    Also found their pdf manual to be a great way to start.



  11. #11
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    Default Re: Google App Inventor


    Thank you, thank you, thank you telling us about B4A! Trying to create Android apps using Eclipse and Java was driving me up a tree. I've purchase it and am absolutely delighted with it so far.

    You remain the best!

    Best Regards,
    The way to avoid mistakes is to gain experience. The way to gain experience is to make mistakes.

  12. #12
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    Default Re: Google App Inventor

    Dave, thanks for the discound coupon code.

    Took the plunge, and just finished installing B4A. As you said, its not as complex as the first impressions suggest.

    Now, for the uphill trek...



  13. #13
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    Default Re: Google App Inventor

    Dave (M), and Dave (H), thank you guys, for pointing me in the right direction.

    After struggling with B4A for some time, I managed to accomplish precisely what I had in mind, and more.

    I now have an apk that acts like a numeric keypad for access control.

    As what often happens when one learns a new environment, I went overboard with some bells and whistles which were not planned on. (Automatic enabling/disabling of the bluetooth in my Android on app launch, text-to-speech annotations and so on)

    I'm sure an expert will still find it very rough at the edges, but it serves my purpose well.

    Name:  BluePad.png
Views: 2542
Size:  40.9 KB

    If anybody would like to play around with this (remember, you'll need a bluetooth module to talk to), please pm me.

    Again, thanks.


  14. #14
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    Default Re: Google App Inventor

    I am glad it is working out.
    Always wear safety glasses while programming.

  15. #15
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    Default basic4android

    this Basic4android is indeed a great program. i just got done compiling my first app, and took me a couple of days, with the trial version.

    i went ahead and shelled the 49 bucks for the enterprise version (after a 50% coupon).

    so, im going to play it forward; heres a 50% coupon code, for the enterprise version; dnjqip

    im trying to make an app that will allow me to use an android device as an lcd and keypad, and communicate with a pic18 by use of a bluetooth module.

    if anyone has succeeded with this, please advise.

  16. #16
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    Default Re: basic4android

    so, im going to play it forward;
    Always wear safety glasses while programming.

  17. #17
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    Default Re: basic4android

    I've been playing with B4A and it's quite polished and usable.

    Having said that, poking around the web, I discovered this: It's considerably simpler, free, and has a growing community of users. By simpler, I mean more like traditional procedural basic programming, where B4A is more like object oriented Visual Basic.

    RFO Basic programs are written on the actual Android device - which can be cumbersome, I admit, however you can also use a text editor on your PC then move your app over to the SD card. It does have nice tools for graphics and for BlueTooth and other hardware devices/interfaces.

    Anyway, I thought I'd mention it and see if there is anyone else using it...

  18. #18
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    Default Re: basic4android

    I guess I am the one here that is not happy with the B4A.

    Cannnot by any means, whatever tried (from the support forum) to make the simulator run.

    My setup is a SSD disk for the system and a RAID 0+1 for the data based on mechanical disks. Have tried also on a laptop with Vista and XP (with just one disk) but no joy.

    If anyone had similar experience solved please help.


  19. #19
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    Default Re: Google App Inventor

    I'm new to programming apps for Android and would like to know if my project is possible.
    Can Android phone's be programed with B4A to send voice messages over WiFi only (no cell tower) to other phones?

    Also does anyone know of sub $100 disposable phones which would work for this purpose?
    They are to be used in the workplace were several are lost.


  20. #20
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    Default Re: basic4android

    Quote Originally Posted by Ioannis View Post
    I guess I am the one here that is not happy with the B4A.

    Cannnot by any means, whatever tried (from the support forum) to make the simulator run.

    My setup is a SSD disk for the system and a RAID 0+1 for the data based on mechanical disks. Have tried also on a laptop with Vista and XP (with just one disk) but no joy.

    If anyone had similar experience solved please help.

    Can you get the emulator started stand alone ? It is very slow but has nothing to do with B4A. It is a google java thing.

    Try debugging directly to a device, it is much faster.
    Always wear safety glasses while programming.

  21. #21
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    Default Re: basic4android

    Hi Dave.No it does not and I have not yet available a real device. Soon I will.

    The problem has something to do with the installation path. My sysytem disk is C: on a SSD disk and the installation directory on D:. I even tried to declare Environment Variable to declare the path but in vein. No joy yet.

    Hope to try in real device soon.


  22. #22
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    Default Re: basic4android

    Quote Originally Posted by DDDvvv View Post

    im trying to make an app that will allow me to use an android device as an lcd and keypad, and communicate with a pic18 by use of a bluetooth module.

    if anyone has succeeded with this, please advise.
    Haven't done that precisely, but I done similar projects. Android + BT + PIC is a great combination.

    I, for one, am as pleased with B4A as I am with PBP.

    Best Regards,
    The way to avoid mistakes is to gain experience. The way to gain experience is to make mistakes.

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