Problems with I2CWRITE and the SAA1064 Seven-Segment Controller

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    St. Louis, MO

    Default Problems with I2CWRITE and the SAA1064 Seven-Segment Controller

    I recently recieved a 4-digit seven-segment module that is controlled via I2C. The display has (4) seven-segment displays controlled by the SAA1064 4-digit LED-driver. The module has 4 pins, VCC, SDA, SCL, and GND. The display address is 0x70, which was selected by tieing the ADR pin of the SAA1064 to GND (This was already done on the module itself). I am new to using I2C devices and the corresponding commands in PICBASIC confuse me a bit. The SDA and SCL are both pulled high via 4.7Kohm resistors. If I understand correctly, you do not use constants in the I2CWRITE syntax; use variables only.

    I cant for the life of me figure this out. What would be the correct form for I2CWRITE to utilize this display.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks Sean Harmon

    Here is a link to the datasheet for the SAA1064.

    Here is some info from the datasheet:

    Name:  SAA1064_Display-Module.jpg
Views: 1359
Size:  78.7 KB
    Name:  SAA1064_Display-Module_Page_06.jpg
Views: 1246
Size:  84.0 KB

    Name:  SAA1064_Display-Module_Page_07.jpg
Views: 1175
Size:  74.8 KB
    "Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one." , Albert Einstein

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Wellton, U.S.A.

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    Default Re: Problems with I2CWRITE and the SAA1064 Seven-Segment Controller

    I have not used the part you are having trouble with, but this might help you understand the I2C commands better.
    Always wear safety glasses while programming.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

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    Default Re: Problems with I2CWRITE and the SAA1064 Seven-Segment Controller

    SYMBOL SDA=PORTA.O              'this is just an example
    SYMBOL SCL=PORTA.1              'you can use other ports
    '---------------senging four digits to SAA1064--------------------------------------
    I2CWRITE SDA,SCL,$70,0,$B7,[dig1,dig2,dig3,dig4]

    $70 is adress byte, you allready have that fixed,
    0 is instruction byte, by this you tell the chip that next byte is control byte (see datasheet, first line in subadressing),
    and every following byte is written from this point.

    $B7 is control byte or 10110111 and means:

    0 bit determines are you in static (2 digits) or dynamic multiplex (4 digits) mode
    1 bit turns off/on digits 1 and 3
    2 bit turns off/on digits 2 and 4
    3 bit is used for testing all segments, normally is 0
    4 bit +3mA
    5 bit +6mA
    6 bit +12mA
    7 bit not used, could be anything

    So, $B7 would be: you are in dynamic mode, 4 digits on, not testing, 3+6=9mA into segments.
    Or, it could be $77: you are in dynamic mode, 4 digits on, not testing, 3+6+12=21mA into segments.
    You send digits in hex, for an example $7D is number 7.
    You can send constants with I2CWRITE or use variables for control registers and change them wherever you want in program.

    My english is not so good so....sorry if I made any mistakes.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    St. Louis, MO

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    Default Re: Problems with I2CWRITE and the SAA1064 Seven-Segment Controller

    Thanks mackrackit and misamilanovic for the replies. I did not succeed in using I2CWRITE but was successful using SHIFTIN/SHIFOUT.
    Check out my blog post HERE for more details.
    But here is the PICBASIC code for a 16F88 that counts from 0-9 on all four digits.

    '// for 4MHZ
    '// for 8MHZ
    While OSCCON.2=0:Wend
    CMCON         =  7                 '// PORTA = digital I/O
    'OPTION_REG.7  =  0                 '// Enable PORTB pull-ups
    ADCON1        =  7
    ANSEL=%00000000                    '// set all analog pins to digital
    ANSEL = 0                          '// disable ADCs
    TRISB.3 = 0
    TRISB.2 = 0
    led         var PORTA.1
    SDA         VAR PORTB.3
    SCL         VAR PORTB.2
    i2c_dev     var byte        'I2C device Address 
    i2c_out     VAR BYTE        'data to sent over I2C bus
    i2c_ack     VAR BIT         'acknowledgement bit
    i           var byte
    segment     VAR byte
    seg_val     var byte
    i2c_dev = %01110000        '(112 = %01110000 = $70)
    gosub startup 
    GOSUB init_display   'initialize the display module
       goto main
        for i = 0 to 9
            lookup i, [189,9,117,109,201,236,248,13,253,205],seg_val
            for segment = 1 to 4
                  GOSUB I2C_START
                  if segment = 1 then
                     i2c_out = %01110000 : gosub i2C_tx : i2c_out = %00000001 : gosub i2C_tx
                     i2c_out = seg_val : gosub i2c_tx
                     gosub i2c_stop
                  if segment = 2 then
                     i2c_out = %01110000 : gosub i2C_tx : i2c_out = %00000010 : gosub i2C_tx
                     i2c_out = seg_val : gosub i2c_tx
                     gosub i2c_stop
                  if segment = 3 then    
                     i2c_out = %01110000 : gosub i2C_tx : i2c_out = %00000011 : gosub i2C_tx
                     i2c_out = seg_val : gosub i2c_tx
                     gosub i2c_stop
                  if segment = 4 then    
                     i2c_out = %01110000 : gosub i2C_tx : i2c_out = %00000100 : gosub i2C_tx
                     i2c_out = seg_val : gosub i2c_tx
                     gosub i2c_stop
              next segment
            pause 100 
          next i
        for i = 0 to 255
           gosub i2c_start
           i2c_out = %01110000 : gosub i2C_tx : i2c_out = %00000001 : gosub i2C_tx
           i2c_out = i
           gosub i2C_tx
           gosub i2c_stop
        pause 20
        next i
    init_display:           'initialize the SAA1064 module and flash all segments
        GOSUB I2C_START     'Start the I2C communication
           i2c_out = %01110000 : GOSUB I2C_TX        'send device byte
           i2c_out = %00000000 : GOSUB I2C_TX        'send instruction byte 
           i2c_out = %00011111 : GOSUB I2C_TX        'send control byte    
        GOSUB I2C_STOP      'Stop i2C transmission
        pause 1000          ' leave segments on for 1 sec then turn off
           i2c_out = %01110000 : gosub i2C_tx
           i2c_out = %00000000 : gosub i2C_tx
           i2c_out = %00000001 : GOSUB I2C_TX
        GOSUB I2C_STOP
        pause 500
           i2c_out = %01110000 : gosub i2C_tx
           i2c_out = %00000000 : gosub i2C_tx
           i2c_out = %00010111 : GOSUB I2C_TX
        GOSUB I2C_STOP
        HIGH SDA
        HIGH SCL
        LOW SDA
    I2C_STOP:               'I2C stop (terminate communication on I2C bus)
        HIGH SCL
        HIGH SDA
        PAUSE 1
    I2C_TX:                           'I2C transmit -> send data to the slave
        SHIFTOUT SDA,SCL,1,[i2c_out]  'Shift out “i2c_out” MSBfirst
        SHIFTIN SDA,SCL,0,[i2c_ack\1] 'Receive ACK bit          
    '// start-up led sequence
      for i = 0 to 4
        high led
        pause 50
        low led
        pause 30
      next i
      pause 300
    "Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one." , Albert Einstein

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