Hi I'm struggling through SD card writing stuff and can't seem to get the multiple block write to work... I've had a single block write to the card and can read that back no problem. I've now changed the command to multiple block $59, start token to $FC and written one block, followed by 16 1's for CRC. This is accepted and it writes it to the card sitting busy for a short period of time. Once all ok, it looks back to start sending the next 512 bytes but the card rejects this next block!
Code:hserout[$d,$a,"Multi Sector write"] SDC_sector_addr = 409 SDC_cmd = WRITE_MULTI_BLOCK SDC_address = SDC_sector_addr << 9 HSEROUT[$d,$a,"B3:",# SDC_address.byte3] HSEROUT[$d,$a,"B2:",# SDC_address.byte2] HSEROUT[$d,$a,"B1:",# SDC_address.byte1] HSEROUT[$d,$a,"B0:",# SDC_address.byte0] gosub send_receive_SD_loop If (SDC_response != 0) Then hserout[$d,$a,"Not accepted!",$d,$a] gosub stop_read else hserout[$d,$a,"MULTI BLOCK Accepted!",$d,$a] endif SDC_data_out = DATA_START_TOKEN_MULTI Gosub write_byte for multi_loop = 1 to 10 For SDC_index = 0 To 63 i2cread i2cSDA,i2cSCL,$a7,50,[accx,accx2],error hserout [$d,$a,#SDC_index," ",#accx," ",#accx2,$d] SDC_data_out = 48 + accx dig 2 Gosub write_byte SDC_data_out = 48 + accx dig 1 Gosub write_byte SDC_data_out = 48 + accx dig 0 Gosub write_byte SDC_data_out = 48 + accx2 dig 2 Gosub write_byte SDC_data_out = 48 + accx2 dig 1 Gosub write_byte SDC_data_out = 48 + accx2 dig 0 Gosub write_byte SDC_data_out = 13 Gosub write_byte SDC_data_out = 10 Gosub write_byte Next SDC_index ' Send the CRC bytes. SDC_data_out = $ff gosub write_byte ' Just sends 16 1s. gosub write_byte SDC_data_in = SSPBUF ' Clear the buffer. SSPIF = 0 ' Clear the interrupt flag. SSPBUF = $ff ' Shift out a dummy byte. While !SSPIF ' Wait for receive byte. Wend SDC_data_in = SSPBUF ' Get the byte. If ((SDC_data_in & $0f) != DATA_ACCEPTED) Then SDC_status = sdcCardDataRejected hserout[$d,$a,"Rejected!"] gosub stop_read Else hserout[$d,$a,"Data accepted, writing to storage media!"] ' The card is writing data into the storage media. ' Wait for the card to return non-zero (not busy) or a timeout. For SDC_timeout = 0 To 10000 SDC_data_in = SSPBUF ' Clear the buffer. SSPIF = 0 ' Clear the interrupt flag. SSPBUF = $ff ' Shift out a dummy byte. While !SSPIF ' Wait for receive byte. Wend SDC_data_in = SSPBUF ' Get the byte. If (SDC_data_in != 0) Then hserout[$d,$a,"Got a write response at ",#SDC_timeout] SDC_timeout = 10000 ' Got a response, end the loop. endif Next SDC_timeout hserout[$d,$a,"SDC data in = ",#SDC_data_in] If (SDC_data_in = 0) Then hserout[$d,$a,"SDC Card timeout"] gosub stop_read endif Endif next multi_loopAnyone got any ideas on why the SD card would reject the next block???Code:832 sdc timeout: 1 sdc timeout: 2 sdc timeout: 3 sdc timeout: 4 sdc timeout: 5 sdc timeout: 6 sdc timeout: 7 sdc timeout: 8 sdc timeout: 9 sdc timeout: 10 Go idle Test card for response: Countdown timeout: 8 Got a response at: 8 SDC_response: 3 Error unknown 835 sdc timeout: 1 sdc timeout: 2 sdc timeout: 3 sdc timeout: 4 sdc timeout: 5 sdc timeout: 6 sdc timeout: 7 sdc timeout: 8 sdc timeout: 9 sdc timeout: 10 Go idle Test card for response: Countdown timeout: 8 Countdown timeout: 7 Got a response at: 7 SDC_response: 1 Op cond Test card for response: Countdown timeout: 8 Countdown timeout: 7 Got a response at: 7 SDC_response: 1 Op cond Test card for response: Countdown timeout: 8 Countdown timeout: 7 Got a response at: 7 SDC_response: 0 CRC On/Off Test card for response: Countdown timeout: 8 Countdown timeout: 7 Got a response at: 7 SDC_response: 0 Set Block Length Test card for response: Countdown timeout: 8 Countdown timeout: 7 Got a response at: 7 SDC_response: 0 Multi Sector write B3:0 B2:3 B1:50 B0:0 Test card for response: Countdown timeout: 8 Countdown timeout: 7 Got a response at: 7 SDC_response: 0 MULTI BLOCK Accepted! 0 68 255 1 69 255 2 68 255 3 70 255 4 69 255 5 68 255 6 68 255 7 71 255 8 72 255 9 70 255 10 67 255 11 67 255 12 67 255 13 67 255 14 67 255 15 73 255 16 69 255 17 69 255 18 64 255 19 69 255 20 70 255 21 70 255 22 68 255 23 68 255 24 68 255 25 66 255 26 73 255 27 69 255 28 66 255 29 71 255 30 68 255 31 68 255 32 72 255 33 66 255 34 66 255 35 72 255 36 70 255 37 66 255 38 68 255 39 67 255 40 66 255 41 67 255 42 69 255 43 69 255 44 69 255 45 67 255 46 65 255 47 66 255 48 64 255 49 66 255 50 69 255 51 70 255 52 66 255 53 67 255 54 65 255 55 65 255 56 66 255 57 73 255 58 67 255 59 68 255 60 67 255 61 71 255 62 71 255 63 69 255 Data accepted, writing to storage media! Got a write response at 0 SDC data in = 3 0 71 255 1 67 255 2 67 255 3 68 255 4 71 255 5 71 255 6 70 255 7 70 255 8 71 255 9 73 255 10 65 255 11 69 255 12 69 255 13 73 255 14 71 255 15 67 255 16 72 255 17 68 255 18 72 255 19 66 255 20 67 255 21 70 255 22 70 255 23 67 255 24 62 255 25 70 255 26 73 255 27 65 255 28 69 255 29 67 255 30 65 255 31 70 255 32 70 255 33 67 255 34 71 255 35 71 255 36 68 255 37 68 255 38 64 255 39 66 255 40 70 255 41 64 255 42 66 255 43 66 255 44 67 255 45 64 255 46 63 255 47 70 255 48 68 255 49 67 255 50 68 255 51 70 255 52 69 255 53 69 255 54 67 255 55 69 255 56 66 255 57 64 255 58 68 255 59 69 255 60 69 255 61 71 255 62 67 255 63 67 255 Rejected!
Many thanks in advance...