Originally Posted by
If you power down the LCD before sleep you will need to reinitialize it on wakeup. Try placing flags = 0 just before @ SLEEP so PBP will reinitialize it first.
Or, if you're using an external oscillator, you might need a short delay after wakeup for it to stabilize before sending data to the display.
Thank you Bruce.
I am using internal osc.
Here is my simplified code.
Would you please indicate where do I need to put the flags and what exactly o I need to do?
IF I put CLEAR command before sleep, it helps but does not solve the issue completely.
LCDVdd var PORTA.0
Switch var PORTB.0
Input switch ' An external 220K is tied to Vdd. Draws approx. 0.12mA.
OPTION_REG.6 = 1 ' Int on rising edge.
INTCON = %00010000
low lcdvdd ' Turn off lcd.
' Keep all pins low to draw minimum current.
low LCD_DB5
low LCD_DB6
low LCD_DB7
low LCD_RS
low LCD_E
IntFlag = 0
@ SLEEP ; Sleeping now. If switch is released, then processor will wake up.
high lcdvdd ' Power up LCD.
pause 250 ' LCD wakes up.
lcdout $fe,1,"Test"
pause 1000
if Switch then chkbtn ' Loop until Switch is down.
' Here, switch is down now.
goto start