Control a Radio PLL with a PIC

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  1. #1
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    Default Control a Radio PLL with a PIC

    I am very new to the PIC world and to PBP. So if I ask what seems like a dumb question, please bare with me.
    I want to control an old Knight Kit 2 meter radio.
    It currently uses a thumbwheel to program the PLL in Binary.
    The count starts at 000000000. And ends at 011111111.
    I want to use an Encoder with 2 outputs. CW/CCW. Using a +5 volt reference.
    So each pulse is a logical 1.
    It will either increment the count by 1 or decrement the count by 1 depending on which way the encoder is turning.
    CCW will equal Down pulses on RA2, CW = Up on RA3.
    The PLL program pins require +5 volt logical 1 for selection.
    I also want to display the count from 0 to 255 in decimal on a 3 digit 7 segment LED display.
    PIC is an 18F6680.

    I tried doing this as asm but didn't get anywhere.
    It seemed like it should be straight forward, but I quickly discovered it wasn't.

    I thought about using Button to monitor the two input lines but read in the manual that this would not be good for what I want to do.

    I searched the forum looking for something similar but couldn't find anything related.
    Any suggestions or thoughts on how I should approach this in PBP?
    All comments welcome.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Control a Radio PLL with a PIC

    Sounds like FUN! First let me say, I think if you search on encoder, you may have better results. I am pretty sure there is at least an article.
    Now having said that, I have some questions for you. Encoders usually have an A and a B channel. are these what you are calling the CW and CCW outputs? If so is this an encoder with extra drive board or something?

    Are you planning to didicate 8 lines to the PLL, 10 lines to the display and 2 lines to encoder? Or do you have a different hardware plan?

    This will be pretty straight forward, but we need to know what background you do or do not have so far for this.

    Are you set fast on the uP? if you are just starting out with PIC's you may want to consider a 16F device. Just my opinion.

    The glass is not half full or half empty, Its twice as big as needed for the job! - Warbird R/C scratch building with foam!

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Control a Radio PLL with a PIC

    That's funny. I just ordered 2 pic18f4431 s on Thursday for this specific purpose. I found even using asm interrupts the 16f690 too slow to track the encoder without losing steps, (either that or it was switch bounce). So I figure to use a PIC with QEI Hardware inputs and a 40mhz clock. Failing that I will try using flip flops to buffer the inputs. In any event there is plenty to learn.
    Now off to Costco for a box of Corn Nuts, and 3 pounds of coffee . . .
    I also want to display the count from 0 to 255 in decimal on a 3 digit 7 segment LED display.
    PIC is an 18F6680.
    Or you can use a lookup table and display channels or frequency.
    Last edited by Archangel; - 11th June 2011 at 03:41. Reason: add
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  4. #4
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    Default Re: Control a Radio PLL with a PIC

    Joe, How fast are you spinning the encoder? How many CPR? I have been using 500 line (2000 CPR) encoder for a gate position applacation for about 6-7 years now. No bounce because they are optical. never lose any pulses, but they are going pretty slow. (30RPM) 1000 cps. I am doing this with 16F676, no interrupts just checking the A-B states in my main. It is a fast main loop but never the less. Oh and running on 4Mhz internal OSC

    The glass is not half full or half empty, Its twice as big as needed for the job! - Warbird R/C scratch building with foam!

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Control a Radio PLL with a PIC

    Quote Originally Posted by cncmachineguy View Post
    Joe, How fast are you spinning the encoder? How many CPR? I have been using 500 line (2000 CPR) encoder for a gate position applacation for about 6-7 years now. No bounce because they are optical. never lose any pulses, but they are going pretty slow. (30RPM) 1000 cps. I am doing this with 16F676, no interrupts just checking the A-B states in my main. It is a fast main loop but never the less. Oh and running on 4Mhz internal OSC
    Hi, I am using the "El Cheapo" mechanical encoders similar to a rotory switch, just 3 terminals A com B tried both kinds gray scale and quatdradture. I think it is losing counts during the serout routine, it should not but it does, again it could be noisy encoder too, I will know better when I get those PICs next week. I have some optical encoders here, but they have a bizillion steps per rev. These switch type have 24.
    Here is the code:
    @ __config _HS_OSC & _WDT_ON & _PWRTE_ON & _MCLRE_OFF  & _CP_OFF & _FCMEN_OFF & _BOR_OFF
    '************************ DEFINES HERE *************************************
    DEFINE OSC 20               ' set to 20mhz
    clear                       ' clear out variables
    '********************** PIC16F690 setup ************************************
    ADCON0  = 0
    ADCON1  = 0
    ANSEL   = 0
    ANSELH  = 0
    CM1CON0 = 0
    CM2CON0 = 0
    TrisA = %00000000
    TrisB = %11000000 
    TrisC = %00000000
    '*********************** ASSEMBLY INTERUPT VARIABLES ***********************
    wsave   var     byte $20   system
    wsave1  var     byte $a0   system    ' Necessary for devices with RAM in bank1
    wsave2  var     byte $120  system    ' Necessary for devices with RAM in bank2
    ssave   var     byte bank0 system
    psave   var     byte bank0 system     
    enc_old         VAR BYTE
    enc_new         VAR BYTE
    enc_tmp         var byte
    enc_counter     VAR BYTE
    enc_counter_old VAR BYTE
    enc_scaler      var BYTE
    Display         Var Byte
    INTCON = %10001000      ' Enable PortB Change Interupts  
    IOCB   = %11000000
    pause 5500            ' wait for LCD to start 
    goto start            'skip over interupt handler
    '*********************** ASSEMBLY INTERUPT HANDLER *************************
    define  INTHAND myint
        ;The Rotary Encoder is connected to PORTB  
        ;The A signal of the encoder connected to the PIN portB.7
        ;The B signal of the encoder connected to the PIN portB.6
        ;The 4 variables used are declared in the PicBasic code.
        ;    enc_new VAR BYTE
        ;    enc_old VAR BYTE
        ;   enc_tmp VAR BYTE
        ;    enc_counter VAR WORD
           ;Read latest input from PORTB & put the value in enc_new.
             movf    PORTB,W
             movwf  _enc_new
             ;Strip off all but the 2 MSBs in enc_new.
             movlw    0xc0             ;Create bit mask (bits 7 & 6). b'11000000' ?
             andwf   _enc_new,F       ;Zero bits 5 thru 0.
            ;check to see if encoder has moved
            movf    _enc_old,W         ;move enc_old to W
            movwf   _enc_tmp           ;put W to enc_tmp
            movf    _enc_new,W         ;move enc_new to W for XOR
            xorwf   _enc_tmp,F         ;XOR enc_tmp to detect encoder movement
            btfsc   _enc_tmp,7         ;if bit is clear, encoder moved.
            goto    Continue           ;no movement exit isr
             ;Determine the direction of the Rotary encoder.  
             rlf     _enc_old,F          ;left shift it into _enc_old to align bit 6 of 
                                     ;_enc_old with bit 7 of enc_new.
             movf    _enc_new,W          ;Move the contents of enc_new to W in order to XOR.
             xorwf   _enc_old,F         ;XOR previous inputs (in _enc_old) with latest
                                     ;inputs (in W) to determine CW or CCW.
              btfsc   _enc_old,7          ;Test bit 7 of result (in _enc_old).  Skip next line
                                       ;if it is 0 (direction is CCW).
             goto    Up               ;Bit is 1 (direction is CW).  Go around Down
                                     ;and increment counter.
             ;Decrements enc_counter because the rotary encoder moved CCW.
            ;Decrements enc_counter (16 bit value), sets Z on exit.
            decf    _enc_counter,F      ; Decrement low byte
            incfsz  _enc_counter,W      ; Check for underflow
            incf    _enc_counter+1,F    ; Update
            decf    _enc_counter+1,F    ; Fixup
            movf    _enc_counter,W
            iorwf   _enc_counter+1,W    ; Set Z bit
            ;Add here code for the CCW LED if needed.
             ;bsf     _led            ;turn on led
             goto    Continue          ;Branch around UP.
            ;Increments enc_counter because the rotary encoder moved CW.
            ;Increments enc_counter (16 bit value), sets Z on exit.
            incfsz  _enc_counter,W      ; Add one to low byte
            decf    _enc_counter+1,F    ; No carry (negates next step)
            incf    _enc_counter+1,F    ; Add one to high byte
            movwf   _enc_counter        ; Store updated low byte back.
            iorwf   _enc_counter+1,W    ; Set Z flag
           ;Add here code for the CW LED if needed.
           ;bsf     _led2                ; turn on led
    ;       Assign the latest encoder inputs (in enc_new) to _enc_old.
             movf     _enc_new,W
             movwf   _enc_old
    ;       Restore saved registers
            movf    psave, W
            movwf   PCLATH
            swapf   ssave, W
            movwf   STATUS
            swapf   wsave, F
            swapf   wsave, W
            bcf     INTCON, RABIF          ; Clear the Interupt Flag
            RETFIE                             ; Return from interrupt
    '************************* PROGRAM STARTS HERE *****************************
    START:              ' Main Program starts here
    enc_counter     = 0    ' set default encoder value
    enc_counter_old = 0
       ' DEBUG 254,2,  "ENCODER             "  ' change display
       ' DEBUG 254,192,#Display,"                 "
       ' DEBUG 254,148,"                    "  ' clear display
       ' DEBUG 254,212,"                    "    
    MAIN:  'see if value has changed
        if  enc_counter <> enc_counter_old then enc_counter_old = enc_counter
        Display = (enc_counter/2)
        DEBUG 254,2,"ENCODER             "          ' change display
        DEBUG 254,192,#Display,"                  "
        DEBUG 254,148,"                    "  ' clear display
        DEBUG 254,212,"                    "      ' display enc_counter value
        sound portC.7,[display,1]           
    goto MAIN
    Got it here, more or less:

    It actually works a bit better using serout instead of debug, at least as far as the display goes, but is faster using debug, in terms of how fast the loop cycles.
    I really have not invested that much time into it.
    Last edited by Archangel; - 11th June 2011 at 07:13.
    If you do not believe in MAGIC, Consider how currency has value simply by printing it, and is then traded for real assets.
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  6. #6
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    Default Re: Control a Radio PLL with a PIC

    Quote Originally Posted by cncmachineguy View Post
    Sounds like FUN! First let me say, I think if you search on encoder, you may have better results. I am pretty sure there is at least an article.
    Now having said that, I have some questions for you. Encoders usually have an A and a B channel. are these what you are calling the CW and CCW outputs? If so is this an encoder with extra drive board or something?

    Are you planning to didicate 8 lines to the PLL, 10 lines to the display and 2 lines to encoder? Or do you have a different hardware plan?

    This will be pretty straight forward, but we need to know what background you do or do not have so far for this.

    Are you set fast on the uP? if you are just starting out with PIC's you may want to consider a 16F device. Just my opinion.
    Thanks for the reply. I'll try to answer as best I can.
    The encoder acts like two momentary switches. It has 3 pins. Center is common and the two outside pins complete the switch. When turning in one direction only 1 pin has high pulses.
    Not Gray code.
    10 lines for the PLL and 11 for the display (decimal point)
    My background is machine language only. No C or Visual Basic.
    And yes. Set fast on the processor. Have already purchased 10 of these. Have a lot more projects I want to try.

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    Default Re: Control a Radio PLL with a PIC

    Quote Originally Posted by Archangel View Post
    That's funny. I just ordered 2 pic18f4431 s on Thursday for this specific purpose. I found even using asm interrupts the 16f690 too slow to track the encoder without losing steps, (either that or it was switch bounce). So I figure to use a PIC with QEI Hardware inputs and a 40mhz clock. Failing that I will try using flip flops to buffer the inputs. In any event there is plenty to learn.
    Now off to Costco for a box of Corn Nuts, and 3 pounds of coffee . . .

    Or you can use a lookup table and display channels or frequency.
    Do you have an old Knight Kit radio as well?
    Display channels or frequency? This sounds great. How would I do that?
    My displays are only 3 digits.

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    Exclamation Re: Control a Radio PLL with a PIC

    Quote Originally Posted by RayL113 View Post
    Do you have an old Knight Kit radio as well?
    Display channels or frequency? This sounds great. How would I do that?
    My displays are only 3 digits.
    Nope no Knight kit, I was thinking of a retrofit for old 23 ch CB radios make them useful, other freqs, 10M . . . set a couple of vars
     temp var byte
     i var byte
     lookup i[010,020,030 . . .500],temp
    this aliases your count to the numbers in the lookup table . . . You could set a freq switch with static displays like 142, 143, 144 . . . and follow with the displays driven by the lookup table displaying the fine freqs. Or change up to a word var and you have up to 65535 values you could step through, or use 2 encoders (old Henry 2m used 2 switches ganged) sorry about the code formats, crazy forum software glitch killed formatting for me, so I had to do it this way.
    Last edited by Archangel; - 11th June 2011 at 08:53.
    If you do not believe in MAGIC, Consider how currency has value simply by printing it, and is then traded for real assets.
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    Default Re: Control a Radio PLL with a PIC

    Var, I take to mean variable. Remember I'm new to Pics and PBP. So a word var? Is this an extended table?

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Control a Radio PLL with a PIC

    From the manual
    4.3. Variables

    Variables are where temporary data is stored in a PICBASIC PRO™ program. They are created using the VAR keyword. Variables may be bits, bytes or words. Space for each variable is automatically allocated in the microcontroller=s RAM by PBP. The format for creating a variable is as follows:
    There are basically four sizes a VAR can be while using PicBasicPro 2.6x
    BIT = number of BITs - 1
    BYTE = number of BITs - 8
    WORD = number of BITs -16
    LONG = number of BITs - 32
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  11. #11
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    Default Re: Control a Radio PLL with a PIC

    For the Rotary Encoder have a look at this approach.

    I wanted to do it also with interrupts, but I got interrupted many times!


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    Yes, var= variable
    bit is one of the placeholders in the larger variable, example
    say you want a variable to hold a value as a flag for an event, you could make a bit variable, called . . . FLAGBIT this way FLAGBIT VAR BIT
    or you might need several flag bits and do it this way
    FLAGBIT VAR BYTE which gives you an 8 bit byte full of FLAGBITS as follows
    FLAGBIT.0 lowest bit in the byte
    FLAGBIT.1 second bit in the byte
    FLAGBIT.2 third " " " "
    FLAGBIT.3 . . .
    FLAGBIT.4 . . . all the way to FLAGBIT.7 , FLAGBIT.7 being the highest order bit in the byte variable
    which is to say you can address every bit of your variable individually.
    Byte = %00000000 will hold 0 to 255 in decimal
    word = %00000000 00000000 will hold 0 to 65535 in decimal
    LONG = %00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 which is 4294967295 but I think (I am not sure of this) only allows 1/2 that much on each side of zero -2147483647 0 2147483647

    Notice the way I have written the binary expression %00000000 this is the appropriate syntax for P Basic Pro, other compilers may use different "punctuation" and you will see "BIG ENDIAN" and LITTLE ENDIAN" usage and all that means is which end of the group of zeros is the least significant bit, the Left or the Right.

    You will see different ways of displaying hex as well, in PBP we use $00 whereas in C you might see something like 0h00
    Last edited by Archangel; - 12th June 2011 at 01:15.
    If you do not believe in MAGIC, Consider how currency has value simply by printing it, and is then traded for real assets.
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    in PBP we use $00 whereas in C you might see something like 0h00
    high likely 0x00

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    Default Re: Control a Radio PLL with a PIC

    Quote Originally Posted by Ioannis View Post
    For the Rotary Encoder have a look at this approach.

    I wanted to do it also with interrupts, but I got interrupted many times!

    Now that's more my speed!
    Simple but elegant. And all I would need to do is change the "if portb.1=0 then" to "if porta.2=1 then" , etc. right?

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    Default Re: Control a Radio PLL with a PIC

    Quote Originally Posted by Archangel View Post
    Yes, var= variable
    bit is one of the placeholders in the larger variable, example
    say you want a variable to hold a value as a flag for an event, you could make a bit variable, called . . . FLAGBIT this way FLAGBIT VAR BIT
    or you might need several flag bits and do it this way
    FLAGBIT VAR BYTE which gives you an 8 bit byte full of FLAGBITS as follows
    FLAGBIT.0 lowest bit in the byte
    FLAGBIT.1 second bit in the byte
    FLAGBIT.2 third " " " "
    FLAGBIT.3 . . .
    FLAGBIT.4 . . . all the way to FLAGBIT.7 , FLAGBIT.7 being the highest order bit in the byte variable
    which is to say you can address every bit of your variable individually.
    Byte = %00000000 will hold 0 to 255 in decimal
    word = %00000000 00000000 will hold 0 to 65535 in decimal
    LONG = %00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 which is 4294967295 but I think (I am not sure of this) only allows 1/2 that much on each side of zero -2147483647 0 2147483647

    Notice the way I have written the binary expression %00000000 this is the appropriate syntax for P Basic Pro, other compilers may use different "punctuation" and you will see "BIG ENDIAN" and LITTLE ENDIAN" usage and all that means is which end of the group of zeros is the least significant bit, the Left or the Right.

    You will see different ways of displaying hex as well, in PBP we use $00 whereas in C you might see something like 0h00
    Thanks that helps alot. Yes I had noticed the % in front of what looked like binary expressions but hadn't noticed the $ in front of hex expressions. Can you still use the "b and h" in PCB? In case I forget and use the asm expression?

  16. #16
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    Can you still use the "b and h" in PCB?
    From the manual.
    4.8. Numeric Constants
    PBP allows numeric constants to be defined in the three bases: decimal, binary and hexadecimal. Binary values are defined using the prefix '%' and hexadecimal values using the prefix '$'. Decimal values are the default and require no prefix.

    100 ' Decimal value 100
    %100 ' Binary value for decimal 4
    $100 ' Hexadecimal value for decimal 256
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    Default Re: Control a Radio PLL with a PIC

    What if I want to use a cb channel switch instead of an encoder? The first four pins have a logical progression of 0000 to 1111. Couldn't I use this like a Gray code encoder? Count increase would equal up and count decrease would equal down. What do you think?

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    You can use that, you can use the thing you already have, its up to you. They both CAN work. With the CB switch you will only get 16 changes per full revolution. If this is enough then use it. It will prolly still have noisey output so de-bouncing will still be neccessary. Now if you can get this, I have used many, they work really well.

    Let us know how you are getting along on this project. Have you blinked a LED on port A yet?

    The glass is not half full or half empty, Its twice as big as needed for the job! - Warbird R/C scratch building with foam!

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    Default Re: Control a Radio PLL with a PIC

    Search here . . .

    Seriously Cheap !
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    Default Re: Control a Radio PLL with a PIC

    Quote Originally Posted by cncmachineguy View Post
    You can use that, you can use the thing you already have, its up to you. They both CAN work. With the CB switch you will only get 16 changes per full revolution. If this is enough then use it. It will prolly still have noisey output so de-bouncing will still be neccessary. Now if you can get this, I have used many, they work really well.

    Let us know how you are getting along on this project. Have you blinked a LED on port A yet?
    I think I'm going to try to use the channel selector approach. Using RE1 thru RE4 as the inputs. I read in the manual that there is a command that will sample the designated pins and store the result in a register of my chosing. The problem I am having trouble sorting out in my head is what should I do when the count goes back to 0000 after 1111 and vice versa. And still have the count continue up or down. Is there some way to like have a loop restart when this limit is reached?
    Just messing with it as time allows. So not much progress. Still learnig the PBP commands and uses. And yes, got LED's blinking like crazy using machine code, but haven't tried it wih PBP yet.
    Thanks for the helps Guys!

  21. #21
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    Default Re: Control a Radio PLL with a PIC

    well let me say I think its the more complicated way, but hey that makes it more fun. I would guess you will have to read the count on the selector, compare it to the last count, If it is higher, add 1 to the freq, if its less subtract. To cross the zero, you will have 2 choices when at 0 of at $F. from o you will go to 1 or $F, and from $F you will go to 0 or $E. So just check for that when you get to those counts.

    I would think you will have to really spin the selector VERY fast to miss any counts, so I would start with that scheme and see how it works. Don't forget you may need to de-bounce the inputs.

    The glass is not half full or half empty, Its twice as big as needed for the job! - Warbird R/C scratch building with foam!

  22. #22
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    Default Re: Control a Radio PLL with a PIC

    Thanks Bert. Should I use the IF...THEN string? Something like this;

    GOTO Start

    GOTO Start

    GOTO Start

    IF CHVAR = 0001 THEN UP

    IF CHVAR = 0000 THEN UP

    Of course I didn't include all the defines. Am I on the right track?

  23. #23
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    Seems like the basic idea. Not sure what language that is but the idea looks about right

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    Default Re: Control a Radio PLL with a PIC

    Quote Originally Posted by cncmachineguy View Post
    Seems like the basic idea. Not sure what language that is but the idea looks about right
    Uh Oh. Thought it was PBP. What did I do wrong?

  25. #25
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    Ray, I stand corrected. I was thinking peek came from a different language, but I see it is a valid pbp command, though according to the book not recommended.

    As for the movelf, well I think that is some ask haunting you. In pbp you would just use
    plldataout =plldata
    So yes I still think that's the basic idea.
    Oh yea, loop is a reserved word in latest release of pbp, so not a good choice for your label.

    The glass is not half full or half empty, Its twice as big as needed for the job! - Warbird R/C scratch building with foam!

  26. #26
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    Yes, I corrected that. Thanks.
    Where do I find the reserved words? Looked through the manual. Couldn't find them.

  27. #27
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    can't answer that one, I must say I have ony read it here MANY times, so I assume it to be true. I think it might be in the front or the back in a section talking about differences from previous versions or differences from BS2. Not sure.

    The glass is not half full or half empty, Its twice as big as needed for the job! - Warbird R/C scratch building with foam!

  28. #28
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    Default Re: Control a Radio PLL with a PIC

    Quote Originally Posted by RayL113 View Post
    Where do I find the reserved words? Looked through the manual. Couldn't find them.
    Look in appendix C in your manual.
    "No one is completely worthless. They can always serve as a bad example."


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    Default Re: Control a Radio PLL with a PIC

    I'm trying to assign 4 pins from PORTA as the CHSEL f/register as follows;

    Get this error;
    C:\PBP\PLL-CPU.BAS ERROR Line 24: Bad variable modifier: .
    I've tried different variations on this (1-4) (1234) etc. but with the same results.
    What is the correct syntax for doing this? I only want to use these 4 pins.

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    Default Re: Control a Radio PLL with a PIC

    Quote Originally Posted by rsocor01 View Post
    Look in appendix C in your manual.
    Thanks, looked right over that.

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    Default Re: Control a Radio PLL with a PIC

    Quote Originally Posted by RayL113 View Post
    I'm trying to assign 4 pins from PORTA as the CHSEL f/register as follows;

    Get this error;
    C:\PBP\PLL-CPU.BAS ERROR Line 24: Bad variable modifier: .
    I've tried different variations on this (1-4) (1234) etc. but with the same results.
    What is the correct syntax for doing this? I only want to use these 4 pins.
    You need to use BitWise masks for that

    chsel = (PORTA>>1) & $0F

    you'll need to use that line each time you want to read from PORTA.

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    Default Re: Control a Radio PLL with a PIC

    Quote Originally Posted by mister_e View Post
    You need to use BitWise masks for that

    chsel = (PORTA>>1) & $0F

    you'll need to use that line each time you want to read from PORTA.
    Thanks Steve.
    But what is this doing? I mean is it assigning pins 1 thru 4 to the CHSEL label?
    And "Bitwise Mask". I don't see that in the manual. What does it mean?
    There's got to be an easier way to do this than having to insert that line every time.
    What is the best way to assign input pins to a register in PBP?
    For that matter, how do you assign anything to a register in PBP. Can't find that in the manual either!

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    This will assign the whole PORTA, all the time to chsel variable... it's a simple alias. Still, it's the WHOLE PORTA reading, you still need to remove the bit you don't want/need.

    If you want to assign a single pin to a variable

    As far as I'm aware of, there's no shortcuts. Bitwise & Logical mask/operations are indeed listed in the manual, not explained as it's a basic knowledge you should already be aware of when programming. Case not, there's Wikipedia & Google
    and so forth

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    chsel var byte
    chsel = (PORTA>>1) & $0F

    this read PORTA, shift the whole value one place to the right (to remove PORTA.0), then isolate the 4 lower bits.

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    Default Re: Control a Radio PLL with a PIC

    Quote Originally Posted by mister_e View Post
    chsel var byte
    chsel = (PORTA>>1) & $0F

    this read PORTA, shift the whole value one place to the right (to remove PORTA.0), then isolate the 4 lower bits.
    Ok, so let's say then, that I don't use the lsb as the toggle pin, and use 0 thru 3 as my 4 input bits, would the command be chsel = (PORTA) %00001111 ??
    Or am I missing the point?

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    Really close
    chsel = PORTA & %00001111
    you're on the right direction!

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    Default Re: Control a Radio PLL with a PIC

    Quote Originally Posted by mister_e View Post
    Really close
    chsel = PORTA & %00001111
    you're on the right direction!
    Thanks! I'll give that a try.

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    Default Re: Control a Radio PLL with a PIC

    That worked! Thanks again.
    Have another little snag.
    It doesn't like my Peek command syntax.
    Get this error; ERROR Line 27: Bad expression.27: Syntax error

    Here is line 27; PEEK CHSEL CHSELVAR 'Line 27, Look at the 4 input pins from the channel selector and put in CHSELVAR

    It appears that I'm not inputting the Peek command correctly. Anyone familiar with this command?

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    It looks like you should have a comma:


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    Default Re: Control a Radio PLL with a PIC

    I have a concern for you, in this bit of code
    GOTO Start
    I think your intention is to set chselvar equal to the contents of address chsel. then in the next line you test to see if they are different. So if I am following this correctly, you will have to move the channel selector at the exact moment between the peek and the IF. May work better to set a var like chselvarold then on the next loop see if chselvar = chselvarold. if = then goto start, if not decode what to do.

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