Another Amicus18-Ethernet approach

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2005

    Default Another Amicus18-Ethernet approach

    This Amicus18 board...
    Name:  amicus-ethernet.jpg
Views: 2092
Size:  88.4 KB

    when populated looks like this...
    . Name:  ethernet.jpg
Views: 2065
Size:  85.0 KB
    Which is both more powerful and far easier to work with than the Amicus18 project that Henrik is posting about.

    I don't have the time to post a similar project but maybe others will have a go.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2005

    Default Re: Another Amicus18-Ethernet approach

    The ability to edit one's posts seems to have gone missing again so...

    The bare board is here. The Tibbo components are available from Crownhill or you can buy it assembled here.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2005

    Default Re: Another Amicus18-Ethernet approach

    ...and the EM1000 used above already has firmware to utilize the GA1000 WiFi board.

    (the inability to edit recent posts is really annoying)

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2005

    Default Re: Another Amicus18-Ethernet approach

    If Henrik hasn't lost his sanity by the time he finishes his current project, maybe he could tackle this.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Another Amicus18-Ethernet approach

    If I could find a dimensioned layout for the Amicus18 shield, I might have time to design one for the EM500 and provide Gerbers. This would be less expensive than the above shield and would be something Lester might even add to his offerings. How about you, Bruce?

    And if Tibbo really delivers on its long promised EM500 firmware for theGA1000, this could also do WiFi.

    Is the Amicus18 PIC powered by 5V or 3.3V? The EM500 is 3.3V but is 5V tolerant for inputs and the only outputs can be handled with nothing more complicated than a pull-up to 5V.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Another Amicus18-Ethernet approach

    Quote Originally Posted by dhouston View Post
    And if Tibbo really delivers on its long promised EM500 firmware for theGA1000, this could also do WiFi.
    and if they don't it will my sanity that's at risk.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Another Amicus18-Ethernet approach

    The dimensions of the shield and the location of the main I/O headers matches those of the Arduino shields otherwise the Arduino shields would not fit the AMICUS (mechanically....electrically they might not anyway as we've seen).

    .brd files are board files for Cadsoft EAGLE layout, you can download the free version of EAGLE from their website and use it to extract any dimensions you need - if you don't want to use to create/edit the shield files.

    (Hoefully Lester jumps in and corrects my if I make a mistake here).
    The AMICUS18 can be used with both 3.3V and 5V devices, it comes with the 18F25K20 which is a 3.3V device and therefor it is set up for 3.3V. The board is powered either from USB or extaranlly by ~9VDC and it supplies 5V and 3.3V to the shield. There are solder-pads available on the board which, when bridged feeds 5V to the PIC instead of 3.3V in which case the I/O's are obviously 5V instead of 3.3V.

    There is a schematic on page 11 in the hardware manual.


  8. #8
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    Default Re: Another Amicus18-Ethernet approach

    Quote Originally Posted by HenrikOlsson View Post
    The dimensions of the shield and the location of the main I/O headers matches those of the Arduino shields otherwise the Arduino shields would not fit the AMICUS (mechanically....electrically they might not anyway as we've seen).
    Thanks, Henrik.

    I had already found the schematic and then I also found a PDF with the shield outline and dimensions. Both are attached to my last response to Bruce in this section along with a link to where I found the dimensioned drawing where there's also a link to an even lower cost Arduino clone for 18 or 28 pin PIC or PICAXE.

    The EM500 shield will have minimal connections to the main board - I think 3.3V, GND, RX, TX re all that are needed. (I may find more once I'm fully awake - I was up well past my bedtime last night.) The site I referenced in the other thread mentioned a new 5V version of the chip, also.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Another Amicus18-Ethernet approach

    The Arduino clone for both 18 & 28 pin PIC or PICAXE is here and that's also where I saw the mention of the 5V 18F25K22..

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    The Netherlands

    Default Re: Another Amicus18-Ethernet approach


    The Ami18 board (full Amicus18 clone) is already running with the PIC18F25K22 (5-volt) part.

    With a DS30 bootloader or a PICkit2 programmer, the board is usable for PBP users. I use up for ten years PBP Pro, so al my firmware is in PBP.

  11. #11
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    Default Re: Another Amicus18-Ethernet approach


    Thanks for the link.

    I'm going to order a Xino Basic kit (I usually don't like it when the International airmail postage is nearly as much as the product but will make an exception in this case.). That way I can test any shields I design.

    I suspect I can have it assembled long before Tibbo releases the long-promised EM500 firmware that supports the GA1000. And it will only take about a week to get a few boards from CircuitMart or ezPCB as soon as Tibbo confirms the EM500/GA1000 interconnect scheme.

    About a year ago they told me they could be assigned in the EM500 program but a lot has changed (except for the EM500 firmware ) since then so I need confirmation before etching any copper.

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