mackrackit's ConnectOne example code

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Default Re: mackrackit's ConnectOne example code

    Dave, I finally got it all working...or I should say almost all. Still troubleshooting one statement I want to add to the FTP process that is posting the wrong HH:MM values used from the RTC...for which I will describe and ask for help at end of this posting..

    First of all, I made what I think are some good changes to the approach which I will share below for benefit of anyone else monitoring this thread that is trying to use the ConnectOne iWiFi MiniSocket module. I broke a lot of your sample code into some callable subroutines which I will list and explain below. I am posting all this code because I discovered that the ConnectOne programmers manual for the MiniSocket doesn't have any examples so it is somewhat difficult to get the syntax just right. Since these routines are tested and work it should save others from having this problem. Although I should say that the TechSupport people at ConnectOne have been very helpful and also say they are going to add examples to each command reference in their next publish of the programmers manual for the very reason I pointed out to them.

    You will see a lot of WRITE to EEPROM statements embedded in this code which you can comment out or ignore...I use them to debug the AT+i command sequences so I know where the hangups are in the code by reading the EEPROM of the MCU after each run of the code when programming the MiniSocket module. I also have embedded a lot of variable duration, blinking LED statements to make use of a GREEN/ RED LED on my board to help see what is happening when the code is running.

    From your mainloop when you want to use the MiniSocket module you first need to call this subroutine (BOOT) to initialize the module. You will have to substitue your own router SSID name in the iWLSI statement.
    BOOT:   'Subroutine for setting up ConnectOne MiniSocket iWiFi module
        ' Blink Green LED 2x short at start of BOOT routine...for test only
          FOR I = 0 TO 1
            HIGH LED_GRN
            PAUSE 250
            LOW LED_GRN
            PAUSE 250
          PAUSE 1000      'Initialize iWiFi MiniSocket Module
          HIGH _RES_PD     ' Set high for normal ops
          PAUSE 500           ' Delay to stabilize if coming out of power up mode
    WRITE 48,2      'EEPROM test to see if program executes to does.
          SEROUT2 TX,84,["AT+iBDRA",$d,$a]          ' FORCE ICHIP TO AUTO BAUD
          SERIN2 RX ,84,2500,BOOT,[WAIT("I/OK")]  ' SETTING BAUD TO 9600
          PAUSE 100
    WRITE 49,3      'EEPROM test to see if program executes to does.
          SEROUT2 TX,84,["AT+iRPG=booger",$d ,$a] ' SETS REMOTE PASSWORD
          SERIN2 RX ,84,2500,BOOT,[WAIT("I/OK")]
          PAUSE 100
           ' Commented out until WPA setup on wireless router
                'SEROUT2 TX,84,["AT+iWSEC=0",$d ,$a]     ' WPA-TKIP PROTOCAL
                'SERIN2 RX ,84,2500,BOOT,[WAIT("I/OK")]
          PAUSE 100
    WRITE 50,4      'EEPROM test to see if program executes to does!
        SEROUT2 TX,84,["AT+iWLSI=EllisOfficeNetwork",$d,$a]' SET SSID WE ARE LOOKING FOR
        SERIN2 RX ,84,2500,BOOT,[WAIT("I/OK")]  '
        PAUSE 100
        ' Commented out until WPA setup on wireless router
              'SEROUT2 TX,84,["AT+iWLPP=passphrase",$d,$a]        ' SET PASS-PHRASE
             'SERIN2 RX ,84,2500,BOOT,[WAIT("I/OK")]
             'PAUSE 100
    WRITE 51,5      'EEPROM test to see if program executes to does!
        SEROUT2 TX ,84, [ "AT+iIPA?" , $d , $a ] 'Report the current IP address
        SERIN2 RX ,84, 2500 ,BOOT , [ DEC ADR[0] , DEC ADR[1] , DEC ADR[2] , DEC ADR[3] ] 'Store IP in array
    WRITE 52,6      'EEPROM test to see if program executes to does!
        GOSUB DIP      ' If IP address is empty, report not connected
        PAUSE 1000
        WRITE 32,ADR[0]      ' Write the IP to EEPROM for post run identify...for test only
        WRITE 33,ADR[1]
        WRITE 34,ADR[2]
        WRITE 35,ADR[3]
    WRITE 53,7      'EEPROM test to see if program executes to does!
    For completeness I will also list a couple of other routines that are called by BOOT (BROKE and DIP):
    BROKE:      ' Executes when iChip not working...blinks LED_RED
    WRITE 5, "B"     'Record in EEPROM as test if Broke!
         ' Blink LED_RED 3X long to indicate iChip not working
         FOR I = 0 TO 2
             TOGGLE LED_RED
             PAUSE 1000
             TOGGLE LED_RED
             PAUSE 1000
         PAUSE 2000
    DIP:    ' Check whether IP is valid, blink LED_RED if not
          IF (!ADR[0]) AND (!ADR[1]) AND (!ADR[2]) AND (!ADR[3]) THEN
            ' Blink LED_RED 4X short to indicate iChip not working
               FOR I = 0 TO 3
                   TOGGLE LED_RED
                   PAUSE 250
                   TOGGLE LED_RED
                   PAUSE 250
               PAUSE 2000
          PAUSE 1000
    Then after the BOOT routine has been executed you can call the EMAIL routine listed below to send an email to wherever you want (by changing some of the permanent AT+i parameters you must have previously programmed per the inital comments in the start of the EMAIL routine):
    Email: ' Sends email via ConnectOne iWifi MiniSocket module
    'This subroutine assumes user has previously programmed the MiniSocket module
    'with permanent entries for following email paramaters...see the programmer's
    'manual at for following commands:
    '       AT+iTO,AT+iREA,AT+iFRM,AT+iSMTP,AT+iSMA=1,AT+iSMP,AT+iSMU,
    ' Blink Green LED 1x long at start of Email routine
    PAUSE 1000
    PAUSE 2000
    WRITE 54,8 'EEPROM test to see if program executes to does!
    ' Put code here to email low temperature warning via WiFi
    SEROUT2 TX,84,["AT+iEMA:",$d,$a] 'Defines a plain text e-mail body
    SEROUT2 TX,84,["Hi, this is from 206 N Veterans.",$d,$a]
    SEROUT2 TX,84,["The inside temperature is:",$d,$a]
    SEROUT2 TX,84,[DEC temp," F Inside.",$d,$a]
    SEROUT2 TX,84,["GO TO:",$d,$a]
    SEROUT2 TX,84,["",$d,$a]
    SEROUT2 TX,84,["for an hourly update.",$d,$a]
    SEROUT2 TX,84,[$d,$a,".",$d,$a]
    WRITE 55,9 'EEPROM test to see if program executes to does!
    GOSUB Blink_GRN ' Short blink LED_GRN 2x after email sent
    GOSUB Blink_GRN
    PAUSE 1000
    ' Blink Green LED 2x long after email sent
    FOR I = 0 TO 1
    PAUSE 1000
    PAUSE 1000
    Alternatively you can call the FTP routine to FTP data to a website of your choice for which you will have to modify the domain, username and password in the iFOPN statement, the directory name (iChip) in the iFCWD statement, and the file name (include-3.txt) in the iFSTO statement. In my application I have a folder on the website named "iChip" which contains a text file named "include-3.txt" to which this code writes the information in the iFSND statements. The website uses a PHP script to automatically update the web page by reading and displaying the text file every 2 minutes so it dynamically keeps up with the updates that may be coming from the MiniSocket module at rate faster than 2 minutes. If anyone wants this PHP script for use on their website, send me a PM.
    FTP: 'FTP temperature data to internet based website
        SEROUT2 TX,84,["AT+i",$d,$a]
        SEROUT2 TX,84,["AT+i!FCLS:000",$d,$a] 'CLOSE SESSION
        SEROUT2 TX,84,[",username,password$d,$a]'OPEN SESSION
        SERIN2 RX,84,1000,FTP,[WAIT("I/000")] :PAUSE 100
        SEROUT2 TX,84,["AT+iFCWD:000,iChip",$d,$a]
        SERIN2 RX,84,[WAIT("I/OK")]
        SEROUT2 TX,84,["AT+iFSTO:000,",$22,"include-3.txt",$22,$d,$a]
        SERIN2 RX,84,[WAIT("I/OK")]
        SEROUT2 TX,84,["AT+iFSND:000,19:"," The temperature is",$d,$a]:PAUSE 100
        SEROUT2 TX,84,["AT+iFSND:000,2:",$d,$a]:PAUSE 100
        SEROUT2 TX,84,["AT+iFSND:000,13:",DEC temp," F Outside",$d,$a]:PAUSE 100
        SEROUT2 TX,84,["AT+iFSND:000,2:",$d,$a]:PAUSE 100
    WRITE 56,10      'EEPROM test to see if program executes to does!
        SEROUT2 TX,84, ["AT+iFCLF:000",$d,$a] : PAUSE 100    ' Close file
        SEROUT2 TX,84,["AT+i!FCLS:000",$d,$a] 'CLOSE SESSION
        PAUSE 100
    WRITE 57,11      'EEPROM test to see if program executes to does!
        SEROUT2 TX,84,["AT+i",$d,$a]':PAUSE 100
        SERIN2 RX,84,100,BOOT,[WAIT("I/OK")] :PAUSE 100
    I hope the above routines will help people that are using the ConnectOne MiniSocket avoid the learning curve I had to go thru.

    Now for a request for help to solve a remaining problem I am trying to solve in using the MiniSocket with PICBASICPro.
    Since my application has an embedded RTC, I want to include in the FTP routine a sequence that will send a message as a time stamp so that whoever logs into the website can see when the data was posted. To do this I am trying to use the following added iFSND statements to append a time stamp to the rest of the posted data:
    'FTP the time stamp of the temperature measurement
        SEROUT2 TX,84,[",Kevin111#",$d,$a]'OPEN SESSION
        SERIN2 RX,84,1000,FTP,[WAIT("I/000")] :PAUSE 100
        SEROUT2 TX,84,["AT+iFCWD:000,iChip",$d,$a]
        SERIN2 RX,84,[WAIT("I/OK")]
        SEROUT2 TX,84,["AT+iFSTO:000,","include-4.txt",$d,$a]
        SERIN2 RX,84,[WAIT("I/OK")]
        SEROUT2 TX,84,["AT+iFSND:000,5:",HEX2 hr,":",HEX2 MINs,$d,$a]:PAUSE 100
        SEROUT2 TX,84,["AT+iFSND:000,2:",$d,$a]:PAUSE 100
        IF (test=1) THEN
           WRITE 59,14  'EEPROM test to see if program executes to does.
        'SEROUT2 TX,84,["AT+iFSND:000,3:",DEC CNT,$d,$a]:PAUSE 100
        SEROUT2 TX,84,["AT+iFCLF:000",$d,$a]  'Close file
        SERIN2 RX,84,[WAIT("I/OK")]:PAUSE 100
        SEROUT2 TX,84,["AT+i!FCLS:000",$d,$a] 'Close Session
        SERIN2 RX,84,100,BOOT,[WAIT("I/ONLINE")]:PAUSE 100
        SEROUT2 TX,84,["AT+i",$d,$a]
        SERIN2 RX,84,100,BOOT,[WAIT("I/OK")]
    My problem centers around the statement: SEROUT2 TX,84,["AT+iFSND:000,5:",HEX2 hr,":",HEX2 MINs,$d,$a]:PAUSE 100
    For some reason the displayed values in the website always show up as constant 4:32 in all FTP postings rather than as the actual HH:MM values from the RTC at the time of the posting. Can anyone tell me why this is happening? I have spent a couple of days trying to figure this out with no success and any help would be appreciated.
    Last edited by jellis00; - 11th November 2011 at 00:41.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Default Re: mackrackit's ConnectOne example code

    Since these routines are tested and work it should save others from having this problem.
    CORRECTION! I discovered that running the above routines as callables from a mainloop will only execute correctly on the first loop and will quit after that.
    This was due to a simple syntax error in one of the statements in the FTP subroutine. Therefore, replace the above posted FTP routine with this one that has been corrected and the routines will continue to work no matter how many times they are called:
    FTP: 'FTP temperature data to internet based website
        SEROUT2 TX,84,["AT+i",$d,$a]
        SEROUT2 TX,84,["AT+i!FCLS:000",$d,$a] 'CLOSE SESSION
        SEROUT2 TX,84,[",Kevin111#",$d,$a]'OPEN SESSION
        SERIN2 RX,84,1000,FTP,[WAIT("I/000")] :PAUSE 100
        SEROUT2 TX,84,["AT+iFCWD:000,iChip",$d,$a]
        SERIN2 RX,84,[WAIT("I/OK")]
        SEROUT2 TX,84,["AT+iFSTO:000,",$22,"include-3.txt",$22,$d,$a]
        SERIN2 RX,84,[WAIT("I/OK")]
        SEROUT2 TX,84,["AT+iFSND:000,19:"," The temperature is",$d,$a]:PAUSE 100
        SEROUT2 TX,84,["AT+iFSND:000,2:",$d,$a]:PAUSE 100
        SEROUT2 TX,84,["AT+iFSND:000,13:",DEC temp," F Outside",$d,$a]:PAUSE 100
        SEROUT2 TX,84,["AT+iFSND:000,2:",$d,$a]:PAUSE 100
        SEROUT2 TX,84, ["AT+iFCLF:000",$d,$a] : PAUSE 100    ' Close file
        SEROUT2 TX,84,["AT+i!FCLS:000",$d,$a] 'CLOSE SESSION
        PAUSE 100
        SEROUT2 TX,84,["AT+i",$d,$a]':PAUSE 100
        SERIN2 RX,84,100,BOOT,[WAIT("I/OK")] :PAUSE 100

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Wellton, U.S.A.

    Default Re: mackrackit's ConnectOne example code

    What was your Aha moment that finally got things working?

    I hope the above routines will help people that are using the ConnectOne MiniSocket avoid the learning curve I had to go thru.
    I do not see what you did different from what you were working with at the beginning?

    I have to ask, are you certain the RTC is running.
    Always wear safety glasses while programming.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Default Re: mackrackit's ConnectOne example code

    The Aha moment came when I finally purchased an EVB for the MiniSocket that allowed me to use the config utility to pre-set the parameters in my iChip and to interactively test different sequences of AT+i commands, which also helped me converge on the correct syntax for the AT+i commands. Once I did this, it helped transition the results and my learning curve to my PBP code version of the AT+i commands.

    The main thing I did different than Macrackit's example code is break things into callable subroutines so that the user can decide where and in what sequence in the mainloop to make things happen with the MiniSocket. Since the AT+i code will stop anywhere it fails and therefore stop further execution of the main PBP program, this gives more flexibility to the user on how to use the different features of the MiniSocket rather than a complete, single, in-line code set like Mackrackit's example which will fail wherever an AT+i command fails. For example, breaking the Email process away from the FTP process as separate callable routines very much accelerated my troubleshooting process and seems to increase the reliability of the functional performance of the main program.

    Annother thing I did different was to take advantadge of the fact that most of the EMAIL setup AT+i parameters can be pre-set as permanent parameters stored in FLASH on the iChip. As long as you are always going to send the EMAILs to the same place, as my application does, this eliminates the need of having to list these as PBP statements in you program and executing them everytime you send an email, as Mackrackit is doing in his example code....this saves MCU program memory and reduces execution time of the EMAIL routine.

    Good question re: RTC-FTP. I know the RTC is running during most of the program because of the embedded statements that WRITE the HH:MM to EEPROM. However, I haven't tested to make sure it is still running and hasn't stopped for some reason when the FTP subroutine starts. I will do that...Thanks! I am also going to try changing the time statement from HEX2 hr and HEX2 MINs to DEC2 hr and DEC2 MINs to see if that displays the correct time on the web page after the FTP. I know using HEX2 is the right way to display time on LCD, but not sure whether it should stay in HEX format via the FTP process to web page or not.

    I notice you attempted to send me a PM this morning and my PM mailbox was full and rejected it. I have cleaned up my PM mail box, so send it again.
    Thanks for all your help and advice. /s/ John Ellis
    Last edited by jellis00; - 11th November 2011 at 19:17.

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