3 channel PWM with customize duty cycle

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  1. #1

    Default 3 channel PWM with customize duty cycle

    Hi ppl,

    im working on my PIC basic pro project to generate 3 channel pwm using PIC 16f737 family and i found some coding from previous thread. i test it and it works well.
    but the PWM generated used fixed value of duty cycle and i want to change into customize duty cycle by using lookup command in PICBAsic pro .

    my lookup table is below:

    For DUTY1 = 0 TO 44

    LookUp DUTY1, [0,18,35,53,70,87,104,120,135,150,164,177,190,201,2 11,221,229,236,_
    243,247,251,254,255,254,251,247,243,236,229,221,21 1,201,189,_

    next DUTY1

    and here is my 3 channel coding:


    ' Word vars for 10-bit value of each PWM duty cycle
    Duty1 VAR WORD ' Channel #1
    Duty2 VAR WORD ' #2
    Duty3 VAR WORD ' #3

    ' Set CCPx pins to outputs
    TRISC.2=0 ' CCP1 output
    TRISC.1=0 ' CCP2 output (could also be assigned to RB3)
    TRISB.5=0 ' CCP3 output

    ' Set CCP modules to PWM mode
    CCP1CON = %00001100 ' Mode select = PWM
    CCP2CON = %00001100 ' Mode select = PWM
    CCP3CON = %00001100 ' Mode select = PWM

    ' Set period up for 1.22kHz PWM freq
    PR2 = 249

    ' Set TMR2 up for 1:16 prescale & turn it on
    T2CON = %00010101 ' TMR2 ON 1:16 prescale

    Duty1 = 512 ' 50% duty cycle. 1024/2 "10-bit resolution"
    CCP1CON.4 = Duty1.0 ' Setup 10-bit duty cycle as
    CCP1CON.5 = Duty1.1 ' a 10-bit word
    CCPR1L = Duty1 >> 2

    Duty2 = 512
    CCP2CON.4 = Duty2.0
    CCP2CON.5 = Duty2.1
    CCPR2L = Duty2 >> 2

    Duty3 = 512
    CCP3CON.4 = Duty3.0
    CCP3CON.5 = Duty3.1
    CCPR3L = Duty3 >> 2


    and my problem is i cannot combine the lookup command and the 3channel coding to generate the customize duty cycle ??
    can any1 help explaning how?


  2. #2
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    Well, if you have the lookup-table in a for-next loop like you are currently showing it will run thru that loop and then continue with the reset of the code. You have to move the NEXT so that it actually updates the dutycycles registers with the value retreived from the table before looking up the next value.

    For duty = 0 to 44
    Set dutycycle
    Pause whatever

    Then, in order to get you three phases you either need to have three lookup tables or you need to index the same lookuptable by offsetting the index by 1/3 for each phase and keep track of when to "roll over" and start at 0 again for each phase.

  3. #3

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    Unhappy Re: 3 channel PWM with customize duty cycle

    hi henrik, thanks for explaining.
    but i ve try ur method using below coding for 1 channel but the the output ccp wont work. its doesnt come out the correct dutycyle from the lookup table for my PWM.
    below are the example of my coding:

    For DUTY1 = 0 TO 44

    LookUp DUTY1, [0,18,35,53,70,87,104,120,135,150,164,177,190,201,2 11,221,229,236,_
    243,247,251,254,255,254,251,247,243,236,229,221,21 1,201,189,_

    Duty1 = DUTY2 ' 50% duty cycle. 1024/2 "10-bit resolution"
    CCP1CON.4 = Duty1.0 ' Setup 10-bit duty cycle as
    CCP1CON.5 = Duty1.1 ' a 10-bit word
    CCPR1L = Duty1 >> 2
    next DUTY1

    you see i declare the DUTY1 = DUTY2 for my dutycycle but it wont work

    please help assist.


  4. #4
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    You have Duty1 as the "index" for the lookup table. Duty1 is therefor expected to count 0, 1, 2, 3, 4...44 but you are overwriting Duty1 with the value of Duty2 so the indexing (the for-next loop) wont work properly.

    Use Duty2 directly when setting the dutycycle register or use another variable for indexing the lookup table (and don't overwrite it in the middle of the loop).


  5. #5

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    yes i got your point now and correcting my coding now but then i realize how to define my dutycycle value from the lookup above since dutycyle register only accept numbers. example

    For DUTY1 = 0 TO 44

    LookUp DUTY1, [0,18,35,53,70,87,104,120,135,150,164,177,190,201,2 11,221,229,236,_
    243,247,251,254,255,254,251,247,243,236,229,221,21 1,201,189,_

    Duty2 = ?????? ' duty cycle. 1024/2 "10-bit resolution"
    CCP1CON.4 = Duty1.0 ' Setup 10-bit duty cycle as
    CCP1CON.5 = Duty1.1 ' a 10-bit word
    CCPR1L = Duty1 >> 2
    next DUTY1

    what should i define the duty2 value since i want it to read from lookup table?


  6. #6

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    yes i got your point now and correcting my coding now but then i realize how to define my dutycycle value from the lookup above since dutycyle register only accept numbers. example

    For DUTY1 = 0 TO 44

    LookUp DUTY1, [0,18,35,53,70,87,104,120,135,150,164,177,190,201,2 11,221,229,236,_
    243,247,251,254,255,254,251,247,243,236,229,221,21 1,201,189,_

    Duty2 = ?????? ' duty cycle. 1024/2 "10-bit resolution"
    CCP1CON.4 = Duty2.0 ' Setup 10-bit duty cycle as
    CCP1CON.5 = Duty2.1 ' a 10-bit word
    CCPR1L = Duty2 >> 2
    next DUTY1

    what should i define the duty2 value since i want it to read from lookup table?


  7. #7
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    Duty2 already contains the value from the lookuptable - that is what your Lookup does, it assignes the value pointed at by Duty1 to the variable Duty2 in this case.

    For each iteration thru the loop Duty2 will contain the value pointed at by Duty1 and since Duty1 counts 0,1,2,3...44 Duty2 will contain 0,18,35,53...0


  8. #8

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    So, i need to define new variable?? let say

    Duty2 = Duty3

    so my code will be like this:

    For DUTY1 = 0 TO 44

    LookUp DUTY1, [0,18,35,53,70,87,104,120,135,150,164,177,190,201,2 11,221,229,236,_
    243,247,251,254,255,254,251,247,243,236,229,221,21 1,201,189,_

    Duty2 = Duty3
    next DUTY1

    CCP1CON.4 = Duty3.0 ' Setup 10-bit duty cycle as
    CCP1CON.5 = Duty3.1 ' a 10-bit word
    CCPR1L = Duty3 >> 2

    so each of the duty2 value will be store at the ccp1 register?
    am i right?

  9. #9
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    Default Re: 3 channel PWM with customize duty cycle

    No, why would you do that? If you do Duty2 = Duty3 you assingn the value of Duty3 TO Duty2 and overwrites the value Duty2 got from the lookup table.

    I don't know how to explain this in any other way. You want Duty2 to contain the value from the Lookuptable and that's what it does after the lookup command has executed.
    'Set up a loop for 45 iterations, Duty1 will count 0,1,2,3,4....44
    For DUTY1 = 0 TO 44
    'Go into the table and retrieve the value pointed at by Duty1 and put that value in Duty2
    LookUp DUTY1, 0,18,35,53,70,87,104,120,135,150,164,177,190,201,211,221,229,236,_
    243,247,251,254,255,254,251,247,243,236,229,221,21 1,201,189,_
    'Duty2 now contains the value from the lookup table that Duty1 points at. First time thru the loop it's 0 second time it's 18 and so on.
    CCP1CON.4 = Duty2.0 ' Setup 10-bit duty cycle as
    CCP1CON.5 = Duty2.1 ' a 10-bit word
    CCPR1L = Duty2 >> 2
    Pause 10          'Use each dutycycle value 10ms before going to the next one.
    Goto Main         'And do it all over again
    Perhaps I don't understand the problem you're having? Have you actually tried it?


  10. #10

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    yes i tried simulate the program using real pic simulator.
    so my codes is below:

    DUTY2 VAR WORD ' Duty cycle value (CCPR1L:CCP1CON<5:4>)

    TRISC.2 = 0 ' Set PORTC.2 (CCP1) to output
    CCP1CON = %00001100 ' Set CCP1 to PWM
    T2CON = %00000101 ' Turn on Timer2, Prescale=4

    PR2 = 249 ' Set PR2 to get 1KHz out

    'Set up a loop for 45 iterations, Duty1 will count 0,1,2,3,4....44
    For DUTY1 = 0 TO 44

    'Go into the table and retrieve the value pointed at by Duty1 and put that value in Duty2

    LookUp DUTY1, [0,18,35,53,70,87,104,120,135,150,164,177,190,201,2 11,221,229,236,_
    243,247,251,254,255,254,251,247,243,236,229,221,21 1,201,189,_

    'Duty2 now contains the value from the lookup table that Duty1 points at. First time thru the loop it's 0 second time it's 18 and so on.
    CCP1CON.4 = DUTY2.0 ' Setup 10-bit duty cycle as
    CCP1CON.5 = DUTY2.1 ' a 10-bit word
    CCPR1L = DUTY2 >> 2
    Pause 10 'Use each dutycycle value 10ms before going to the next one.
    Next DUTY1
    GoTo Main 'And do it all over again


    but turns out the duty cycle doesnt come out fully as in the lookup table.
    the PWM generated is not completed.
    maybe i miss something important?
    please help check


  11. #11
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    Default Re: 3 channel PWM with customize duty cycle

    Then it's either a problem with how you write the value to the dutycycle register or a problem with the simulator. I can't see any problem with the code so I'm leaning towards the simulator....

    I've tried the following here:
    Duty1 VAR WORD
    Duty2 VAR WORD
    For Duty1 = 0 to 44
      LookUp DUTY1, [0,18,35,53,70,87,104,120,135,150,164,177,190,201,211,221,229,236,_
      HSEROUT [#Duty2,13] 
      Pause 10
    Pause 100
    As expected this outputs the Duty2 value just fine which proves that the lookup part works. So again, the problem is either with the code that writes the value to the dutycycle register or with the simulator.


  12. #12

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    Default Re: 3 channel PWM with customize duty cycle


    thanks for your reply.
    after checking its turn out the value in my lookup was abit wrong due to miscalculation.
    before i starts calculating back my lookup table, can you explain abit about the timer prescale,
    as you can see from my coding i decide to use timer prescale 16 instead of 4 or 1 stated in the datasheet, but i dont really understand what is timer prescale for.

    FYI, i wan to set my PWM to 5kHz using osc 20MHz

    please help,

  13. #13
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    Default Re: 3 channel PWM with customize duty cycle

    If you're using a 20Mhz oscillator the internal clock runs at 5Mhz (FOsc/4) and this is what "ticks" the timer that is used for the PWM generation. The prescalers job is to divide this 5Mhz frequency by whatever ratios are available for the particular PIC and/or timer used (normaly 1, 4 and 16 for TMR2).

    If you set the prescaler to 4 the timer is incremented at 5/4=1.25Mhz instead of 5Mhz.

    The datasheet for the PIC you're using has a section dedicated to the CCPModule in which they explain in great detail how it works and how to calculate the PWM period:

    PWM Period = (PR2 + 1) * 4 * TOsc * Prescaler

    In order to calculate the PR2 value for a specific frequency you have to rewrite the formula a bit and solve for PR2+1:

    PR2+1 = 1 / (TOsc * 4 * Prescaler * PWM Frequency)

    If you settle for a prescaler of 4 then this becomes:

    PR2+1 = 1 (0.00000005 * 4 * 4 * 5000) = 1/0.004 = 250 so in order to get a PWM frequency of 5kHz with a prescaler of 4 you should set PR2 to 249.

  14. #14

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    Default Re: 3 channel PWM with customize duty cycle

    thank you for the explaning,
    so, can i conclude that it doesnt matter to set prescale 1,4 or 16 since the value of PR2 will be change??

    for instance,
    prescale = 16 ,PWM freq =5kHz for 20M Fosc
    from equation PR2+1 = 1 / (TOsc * 4 * Prescaler * PWM Frequency)
    my PR2 should be 63.5

    is it any different using prescale=4 with PR2=249 compare to the prescale=16 with PR2=63.5 because it turns out my PWM waveform doesnt seem to be same when i compare both


  15. #15
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    It won't make any difference for the PWM frequency, it'll be 5kHz in both cases except you can't really set PR2 to 63.5 so you won't get exactly 5kHz.

    However, because the dutycycle is defined as the number of timer "ticks" the output is high in relation to the number of "ticks" it is low the prescaler setting also has an effect on the resolution because it makes the timer run slower so the total number of "ticks" in one period is lower.

    So setting the dutycycle register to x won't give you the same dutycycle output if you switch prescaler setting. If you want the highest possible resolution you should use the lowest possible prescaler value.

  16. #16

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    Default Re: 3 channel PWM with customize duty cycle

    tq again,

    got your point now.
    let say i use prescaler 1 for maximum resolution, my PR2+1 should be 1000.
    So , let say i want to put 50% duty cycle in my lookup, my duty2 value should be:

    based on the below eqn:
    my duty2 should be 1000*4*0.5=2000
    correct me if im wrong.


  17. #17
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    That WOULD be correct but you can't put 1000 in PR2 since it's only 8 bits wide. This means that you can't get 5kHz with a prescaler of 1 so you'll have to use 4.

  18. #18

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    Default Re: 3 channel PWM with customize duty cycle

    ok i got the idea right now.
    what about value in the lookup table? is it 8 bit wide or more because
    from my calculation of duty cycle:
    let say 50%
    prescaler 4
    PR2+1 =250

    so duty2 = 250*4*0.5 = 500

    and if the value of constant in lookup table only 8bit wide , what should i do?
    change to prescaler 16?? that would decrease my resolution..
    please help assist


  19. #19
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    Have you had a look in the PBP manual?

    It says: The LOOKUP statement can be used to retreive values from a table of 8-bit constants.

    So, for LOOKUP you have to stick to 8bits in the table. You can do that by either use prescaler of 16 or stick with a prescaler of 4 and multiply the retreived value by 4 before putting it in the dutycycle register. Obviosuly both options reduces the effective resolution.

    If you need more resolution then take a look at the LOOKUP2 statement, it's also described in the manual.

  20. #20

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    Default Re: 3 channel PWM with customize duty cycle

    i stick with prescaler 4 and alrdy key in my dutycycle in my lookup using command lookup2 since it can support til 10bits wide.
    below is my complete coding for 1 channel PWM:

    duty1 VAR WORD ' Duty cycle value (CCPR1L:CCP1CON<5:4>)
    duty2 VAR WORD

    TRISC.2 = 0 ' Set PORTC.2 (CCP1) to output
    CCP1CON = %00001100 ' Set CCP1 to PWM
    T2CON = %00000101 ' Turn on Timer2, Prescale=4

    PR2 = 249 ' Set PR2 to get 5KHz out

    'Set up a loop for 45 iterations, Duty1 will count 0,1,2,3,4....44
    For duty1 = 0 TO 185

    'Go into the table AND retrieve the value pointed at by Duty1 AND put that value in Duty2

    LookUp2 duty1, [0,18,34,52,68,85,102,119,137,152,170,187,203,220,2 36,253,267,285,302,318,334,_
    350,367,382,397,413,429,443,459,474,489,504,518,53 3,547,562,575,589,603,616,630,_
    643,655,669,681,693,706,718,729,740,752,764,774,78 5,795,806,815,825,835,844,853,_
    861,870,879,887,895,901,909,916,923,929,935,941,94 6,952,957,962,967,971,974,978,_
    981,984,987,990,992,994,996,997,998,999,999,1000,9 99,999,998,997,997,996,994,992,_
    990,987,984,981,978,974,971,967,962,957,952,946,94 1,935,929,923,916,909,901,895,_
    887,879,870,861,853,844,835,825,815,806,795,785,77 4,764,752,740,729,718,706,693,_
    681,669,655,643,630,616,603,589,575,562,547,533,51 8,504,489,474,459,443,429,413,_
    397,382,367,350,334,318,302,285,267,253,220,203,18 7,170,152,137,119,102,85,68,_

    'Duty2 now contains the value from the lookup table that Duty1 points at. First time thru the loop it's 0 second time it's 18 and so on.

    CCP1CON.4 = duty2.0 ' Setup 10-bit duty cycle as
    CCP1CON.5 = duty2.1 ' a 10-bit word
    CCPR1L = duty2 >> 2
    'Pause 1 'Use each dutycycle value 10ms before going to the next one.
    Next duty1
    GoTo Main 'And do it all over again


    i compile then use real pic simulator to check the PWM pattern.
    seem like the duty cycle only read up to value 253 in my lookup table and then keep generating same dutycyle.
    did i miss sumthing in my code??

    attached is my screen shot of the pwm pattern. at the red area pwm duty is correct but at the yellow area it starts to generate same duty and not looking up to the value in the lookup2 command.

    please help assist

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  21. #21
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    I've tried it here, on a real physical PIC, and it works just fine.

    I see that you've removed the Pause statement I had in there. If you don't have a delay there it will run thru the different dutycycles much faster then the actual PWM frequency. It tries to update the dutycycle registers several times during each PWM period which obviously won't work properly.

    Your PWM frequency is 5kHz so if you really do want to see "all the steps" you must have atleast 1/5000=200us between updates. I measured the execution time of the loop to around 25us with a 20Mhz oscillator so you're basically trying to update the dutycycle 8 times every PWM period.....

  22. #22

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    yes, i remove the pause statement because i think adding it causing the pwm duty longer then the original pwm duty, hence changing my pwm pattern.
    can we actually pause below 1 ms since i know pause statement can only be use for minimum 1ms right??
    correct me if im wrong

    when you tries on the real physical PIC, do you enable the pause statement??
    i will try on real physical PIC later and feedback to you tmrw.


  23. #23
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    The Pause statement won't effect the PWM since it's generated in hardware. If you have Pause 1 you'll basically get 5 periods of each dutycycle value.

    You can Pause with microsecond resolution by using PauseUs (again, it's in the green book....)

    When testing I used 300us and you can see the result in the attached screenshot. This is not a simulation, it's captured on real hardware.
    Attached Images Attached Images  

  24. #24

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    Default Re: 3 channel PWM with customize duty cycle

    hi, yes you are correct, i test it on real physical and it works fine.
    But i dint really understand on how you calculate the execution of my FOR NEXT loop. Can you explain a liltle bit detailed on that.
    below is the previous quote on how you calculate the execution time.

    Quote Originally Posted by HenrikOlsson View Post

    Your PWM frequency is 5kHz so if you really do want to see "all the steps" you must have atleast 1/5000=200us between updates. I measured the execution time of the loop to around 25us with a 20Mhz oscillator so you're basically trying to update the dutycycle 8 times every PWM period.....

  25. #25
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    I didn't calculate it, I measured it - as it says in the message ;-)

    I put a TOGGLE PortC.0 just before the NEXT statement a put the scope on the pin. I got a 20kHz square wave which, because the pin is toggled each time thru loop, means it executes roughly 40000 times per second. 1/40000=25us

  26. #26

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    Default Re: 3 channel PWM with customize duty cycle

    thks for the explanation, now my pwm works fines.
    attached is my currently pwm pattern for ccp1 and ccp2.
    NOw, i want to shift the CH2 pwm about 1/3 of the duration of the CH1 pwm which is

    10.20ms/3 = 3.4ms

    so, i intend to put pause command at:

    'For duty1 = 0 TO 44

    'Go into the table AND retrieve the value pointed at by Duty1 AND put that value in Duty2
    LookUp2 duty1, [0,70,137,208,275,341,408,470,529,588,643,694,745,7 88,827,866,898,925,_
    953,968,984,996,1000,996,984,968,953,925,898,866,8 27,788,745,_

    'Duty2 now contains the value from the lookup table that Duty1 points at. First time thru the loop it's 0 second time it's 18 and so on.

    CCP1CON.4 = duty2.0 ' Setup 10-bit duty cycle as
    CCP1CON.5 = duty2.1 ' a 10-bit word
    CCPR1L = duty2 >> 2

    Pause 4
    CCP3CON.4 = duty2.0
    CCP3CON.5 = duty2.1
    CCPR3L = duty2 >> 2

    PauseUs 210 'Use each dutycycle value 10ms before going to the next one.
    'Next duty1
    'PauseUs 100

    GoTo Main1

    but seem like ccp1 and ccp2 pwm duration increase above 10.20ms.
    SO, what should i adjuzt to make pwm CH2 shift 1/3 of the pwm CH1
    without increasing the duration?

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  27. #27
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    Default Re: 3 channel PWM with customize duty cycle

    If you're trying to get the 120° phase shift you can't do that with a PAUSE. You have to remember that only the PWM is done by hardware, everything else, ie. the lookup and setting the dutycycle registers are done in software.

    If you put a Pause 4 in there the whole software loop will "hang" for 4ms and whatever the CCP module is outputting will keep getting output untill it gets updated again. The FOR-NEXT loop will NOT run while the pause statements executes.

    If you want 120° phase shift you could do that thru an offset into the loopup table. If the table is 45 entries you want entry 0, 14 and 29 the first time. Then you want 1, 15 and 30 and so on. I'd probably skip the FOR-NEXT loop and rewrite it to so that I'd have three counters, all counting from 0 to 44 but with an offset of 15 between them, these will then get the dutycycle from the table and assingn them to the proper CCPModule.


  28. #28

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    Im still trying to understand your explaination.
    So i have to use count command?
    can you give me an example of code for me to refer to?


  29. #29
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    I'm sorry to say this but it sounds like you need to take a step back and work thru the basics of programming with PBP. We can keep giving you code here until we've basically written the whole thing for you and you still wouldn't understand how it works.

    Pause does just that - it pauses - no other code (except if you're using interrupts) is running while the Pause exeuctes. Like this:
      High PortB.0
      Pause 100
      Low PortB.0
      Pause 100
    Goto Main
    This will blink a LED connected to PortB.0 at 5Hz. If you put another pause in there, like:
      High PortB.0
      Pause 100
      Low PortB.0
      Pause 100
      Pause 1000
    Goto Main
    It won't blink at 5Hz because you just told it to pause for another second. The same thing happens with your 4ms pause. The FOR NEXT loop that is supposed to keep running and feeding the PWM module with a new dutycycle evert 210us will stop - completely - for the 4ms duration. But because the PWM is generated by hardware it will keep outputting whatever dutycycle it was last told to do.

    The count command is used to count pulses on a pin, I don't think that is what you want?

    The following is ONE way of doing it. This compiles fine but I have NOT tested it.
    Phase       VAR BYTE[3]       ' Array used as pointers into lookuptable.
    DutyCycle   VAR WORD[3]       ' Array storing the dutycycles retreived from the table
    Temp        VAR WORD          ' Temporary variable to avoid hard to understand array indexing
    i           VAR BYTE          ' General purpose counter
    ' The lookup table has 186 entries long, to get 120° phase shift we need to
    ' "start" the second phase at 1/3 of the cycle and the third phase at 2/3
    ' of the table. 186/3=62 so first phase starts at 0, second phase at 62
    ' and third phase at 123.
    ' Initilise pointers.
    Phase[0] = 0 : Phase[1] = 61 : Phase[2] = 123
      Gosub GetDuty               ' Retrieve the dutycycle values for all three phases
      GOSUB SetDutyCycle          ' Set the three PWM modules accordingly
    ' Now increment the individual table pointers and make sure they wrap
    ' around to zero when they reach then end of the table. That way they
    ' will always stay 62 "steps" (120°) from each other.
      For i = 0 to 2
        Phase[i] = Phase[i] + 1
        If Phase[i] > 185 then Phase[i] = 0         'When pointer is > 185 we need to wrap around to 0.
      PauseUs 300
    Goto Main
        ' Get value from the array of dutycycles and put it in the dutycycle
        ' registers of the 3 PWM modules. We could have used the array directly
        ' but this way (using a Temp variable) is easier to understand.
        Temp = DutyCycle[0]             ' Get dutycyle for phase 1 from the array and store in temp.
        CCP1CON.4 = Temp.0              ' Set the LSB's  
        CCP1CON.5 = Temp.1  
        CCPR1L    = Temp >> 2           ' Set the 8 high bits 
        Temp = DutyCycle[1]             ' Same procedure.
        CCP2CON.4 = Temp.0  
        CCP2CON.5 = Temp.1  
        CCPR2L    = Temp >> 2
        Temp = DutyCyle[2]              ' Same procedure.
        CCP3CON.4 = Temp.0  
        CCP3CON.5 = Temp.1  
        CCPR3L    = Temp >> 2
    ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ' ---- Subroutine to retreive the three dutycycle values from the table.
    ' ---- Values will be stored in the DutyCycle array.
    ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ' This For-Next loop runs three times. Each time it gets the value from the lookuptable
    ' that Phase[i] is pointing at. The Phase array pointers are incremented in the main loop
    ' and are always 62 "steps" appart so that a 120° phase shift is preserved.
    For i = 0 to 2
      LookUp2 Phase[i], [0,18,34,52,68,85,102,119,137,152,170,187,203,220,236,253,267,285,302,_
         ' Lookup2 can't handle an array as the designator so we need to  
         ' put the value in a temporary variable first and then move
         ' it to the array of dutycycles.
         DutyCycle[i] = Temp

  30. #30

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    Thanks again for the example. This is my 1st time using PIC Basic pro languange and im trying very hard to learn it. hope you can assist me more in the future.

    i test it and it works fine for all three phases.(according to my value of lookup)
    Phase 1 launch for 17.6ms
    Phase 2 launch at 7ms of the phase 1
    Phase 3 launch at 13.2ms of the phase 1

    now, im trying to add six signal from six port pin connected to the external AND gate so that i can control the the 3 phases.
    Attached is the schematic diagram.

    what should i adjust in the codes so that
    RA1 is high and RA2 is low pwm from ccp1 is launch other word is Q1 is launch and then after 1 complete cycle,
    RA1 is low , RA2 is high Q4 is launch.

    and so on.

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  31. #31
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    I'm not completely sure I understand but anyway.....

    You can use any of the phase counters, take Phase[0] for example. It'll count from 0 to 185 and then start over, count from 0 to 185 on and on and on. Every time it's 0 a new cycle starts. Use that as your "trig" to change the output pattern to the external logic.

  32. #32

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    my explanation is same like coding below:

    defineosc 20	
    DUTY1 var word	
    DUTY2 var word	
    FREK var word	
    high port.1	
    low portb.1	
    high portb.2	
    	GOSUB fire	
    low portb.2	
    For DUTY1 = 0 TO 44
    LookUp DUTY1, [0,18,35,53,70,87,104,120,135,150,164,177,190,201,211,221,229,236,_
    hpwm 1,DUTY2,frek	
    next DUTY1
    but that coding only applicable for 1 phase only.
    based on your coding example, i want it to be:
    The 1st time it count from 0 to 185 , portc.3 will be high and portc.0 will be low then 2nd time it count from 0 to 185, portc.3 will be low and portc.0 will be high.

    do i need to make new loop, let say:

    IF Phase[0] =0 '1st time it count
    high portc.3
    low portc.0
    then Phase[0]=0 'second time it count
    high portc.0
    low portc.3
    goto loop

    please help advice


  33. #33
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    Perhaps you could do something like:
    For i = 0 to 2
      Phase(i) = Phase(i) + 1
      If Phase(i) > 185 then
        Phase(i) = 0         'When pointer is > 185 we need to wrap around to 0.
        Gosub ChangeBridgeDrive                  'One phase is starting over, go change the outputs.
    And the ChangeBridgeDrive subroutine might then look something like:
    ' When we come here the value i contains the phase counter that just got reset so we
    ' can use that to determine for which phase we should switch the outputs.
    Select Case i
        Case 0                          ' It was Phase 1 that rolled over
            TOGGLE PORTA.1              ' Invert the state of the pin
            TOGGLE PORTA.2              ' Invert the state of the pin
        Case 1                          ' It was Phase 2 that rolled over
            TOGGLE PortB.1              ' Invert the state of the pin
            TOGGLE PortB.2              ' Invert the state of the pin
        Case 2                          ' It was Phase 1 that rolled over
            TOGGLE PortC.1              ' Invert the state of the pin
            TOGGLE PortC.2              ' Invert the state of the pin
        END SELECT
    Again, it compiles but I've not tested. One concern I have is the time between the two outputs for each halfbridge switching but since the dutycycle is effectively zero at the time of switching there should be no risk of shoot-thru etc. This of course also depends on the design of the hardware which I haven't seen so I'm just raising a warning about it.

    Last edited by HenrikOlsson; - 21st April 2011 at 14:54.

  34. #34

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    i compile the additional example of yours into my codes and it works ok but at the toggle part dint works well.

    attached is the simulation using the real pic simulation named result:
    as you can see i want it to be the pin rc3 should be high and pin rc0 should be low at 1 cycle but result show both of pin is high.
    i try to change the code a bit into: ( for phase 1 only)

    ' When we come here the value i contains the phase counter that just got reset so we
    ' can use that to determine for which phase we should switch the outputs.
    Select Case i
        Case 0                          ' It was Phase 1 that rolled over
            High PORTC.3              ' Invert the state of the pin
            Low PORTC.0              ' Invert the state of the pin
     Toggle PORTC.3
     Toggle PORTC.0
    it end like attached file name result2.
    yes im also worried about the shoot thru in the beginning but then i realise time
    between each cycle to launch is about 1.8ms, so it should be enough time before it collide each others.

    please help advice the code.

    please help advice.
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  35. #35
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    Well, you have to set the pins to the correct state at the start of the program - before you start the PWM-loop otherwise they will both start low and then toggle together. Set one high and the other low at the beginning, before you actually start the PWM.

    Or create a subroutine which sets everything up properly and simply GOSUB that routine at startup or whenever you need to "restart" it.

  36. #36

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    yes, i set all the pin state 1st but outside the main loop, i simulate it and my switching and my 3 phases channel all works ok.
    i will test it in the real physical PIC tmrw and see the results, then feed back to you again.


  37. #37

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    ive just test it on real physical PIC and found out that phase 1 and phase 2 works fine but phase 3 wont work very well.
    As you can see from the attached named Phase 1 shows the correct generated pwm, same as phase 2.
    However, file Phase 3 show that the signal from portb.3 always high as a result generating wrong pwm switching.
    ive recheck the circuit but nothing wrong with it.
    i also simulate the program using real PIC simulation and nothing was wrong.
    So, i guess maybe the code got something problem.
    below is my complete coding:

    Phase       VAR BYTE[3]       ' Array used as pointers into lookuptable.
    DutyCycle   VAR WORD[3]       ' Array storing the dutycycles retreived from the table
    Temp        VAR WORD          ' Temporary variable to avoid hard to understand array indexing
    i           VAR BYTE          ' General purpose counter
    TRISC.2 = 0         ' Set PORTC.2 (CCP1) to output
    TRISC.1 = 0
    TRISB.5 = 0
    CCP1CON = %00001100 ' Set CCP1 to PWM 
    CCP2CON = %00001100
    CCP3CON = %00001100
    T2CON = %00000101   ' Turn on Timer2, Prescale=4
    PR2 = 249     		' Set PR2 to get 5KHz out
    ' The lookup table has 186 entries long, to get 120° phase shift we need to
    ' "start" the second phase at 1/3 of the cycle and the third phase at 2/3
    ' of the table. 186/3=62 so first phase starts at 0, second phase at 62
    ' and third phase at 123.
    ' Initilise pointers.
    Phase[0] = 0 : Phase[1] = 15 : Phase[2] = 30
    High PORTC.3	'Set the initial state for portc.3
    Low PORTC.0		'Same
    High PORTC.6	'Same
    Low PORTC.5		'Same
    High PORTB.4	'Same
    Low PORTB.3		'Same
      GoSub GetDuty               ' Retrieve the dutycycle values for all three phases
      GoSub SetDutyCycle          ' Set the three PWM modules accordingly
    ' Now increment the individual table pointers and make sure they wrap
    ' around to zero when they reach the end of the table. That way they
    ' will always stay 62 "steps" (120°) from each other.
      For i = 0 TO 2
        Phase[i] = Phase[i] + 1
        IF Phase[i] > 46 Then 
        Phase[i] = 0         			'When pointer is > 185 we need to wrap around to 0.
        GoSub ChangeBridgeDrive        'One phase is starting over, go change the outputs.
      PauseUs 300
    GoTo Main
        ' Get value from the array of dutycycles and put it in the dutycycle
        ' registers of the 3 PWM modules. We could have used the array directly
        ' but this way (using a Temp variable) is easier to understand.
        Temp = DutyCycle[0]             ' Get dutycyle for phase 1 from the array and store in temp.
        CCP1CON.4 = Temp.0              ' Set the LSB's 
        CCP1CON.5 = Temp.1 
        CCPR1L    = Temp >> 2           ' Set the 8 high bits
        Temp = DutyCycle[1]             ' Same procedure.
        CCP2CON.4 = Temp.0 
        CCP2CON.5 = Temp.1 
        CCPR2L    = Temp >> 2
        Temp = DutyCycle[2]              ' Same procedure.
        CCP3CON.4 = Temp.0 
        CCP3CON.5 = Temp.1 
        CCPR3L    = Temp >> 2
    ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ' ---- Subroutine to retreive the three dutycycle values from the table.
    ' ---- Values will be stored in the DutyCycle array.
    ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ' This For-Next loop runs three times. Each time it gets the value from the lookuptable
    ' that Phase[i] is pointing at. The Phase array pointers are incremented in the main loop
    ' and are always 62 "steps" appart so that a 120° phase shift is preserved.
    For i = 0 TO 2
      LookUp2 Phase[i], [0,0,70,137,208,275,341,408,470,529,588,643,694,745,788,827,866,898,925,_
         ' Lookup2 can't handle an array as the designator so we need to 
         ' put the value in a temporary variable first and then move
         ' it to the array of dutycycles.
         DutyCycle[i] = Temp
    ' When we come here the value i contains the phase counter that just got reset so we
    ' can use that to determine for which phase we should switch the outputs.
    Select Case i
        Case 0                          ' It was Phase 1 that rolled over
            Toggle PORTC.3		' Invert the state of the pin
     		Toggle PORTC.0      ' Invert the state of the pin          
        Case 1                          ' It was Phase 2 that rolled over
            Toggle PORTC.5              ' Invert the state of the pin
            Toggle PORTC.6              ' Invert the state of the pin
        Case 2                          ' It was Phase 1 that rolled over
            Toggle PORTB.4              ' Invert the state of the pin
            Toggle PORTB.3              ' Invert the state of the pin
        End Select
    please help to advice.

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  38. #38
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    OK, so you're saying that it works in the simulator but not in the real world? Or does it not work in the simularor either?

    What do YOU think might be the problem and what have YOU tried in order to figure it out?

    Have you:
    A) Checked the datasheet to see if there's anything specific with PortB.3?
    B) Tried another pin, just as an experiment, to see if the logic of the code works?
    C) Connect a LED to PortB.3 and write code to turn that on and off so you KNOW that the pin actually works and is configured properly
    D) Disconnect the external logic and measured on the pin directly.
    E) Anything else?

    Let me know what you've tried and what the results are.

  39. #39

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    its works on simulator for all phases but in real world only phase 3 as i mention before.

    i think its the pin portb.4 and portb.3 on the PIC16F737 but im not sure.

    A) yes, i have check the function of portb.3 and portb.4 -

    based on the datasheet
    -Digital I/O.
    -CCP2 capture input, compare output, PWM output.
    -Analog input channel 9.
    -Digital I/O.
    -Analog input channel 11.

    since i declare portb.5 as the ccp3, should be no problem for portb.3.
    portb.4 same function as i use for phase 1 and 2

    B)i tried another pin which is portb.2 and portb.3, still not function well (seem like it wont toggle properly)

    C)havent done it yet. will test using it next week and feedback to you again.

    D)Yes, i measure part A and B directly to the pin PIC

    btw, i test it on the breadboard. havent change the breadboard yet but i dont think its the reason.

    i will test it again friday next week and feedback to you.
    if u have any more idea on testing error please let me know


  40. #40
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    So it says that PortB.3 can be the output of CCP2 but that's likely not the problem because you get the PWM from CCP2 on PortC.1, correct?

    It also says that it (and PortB.4) can be an analog input. Have you investigated that part? Usually when the PIC starts up it defaults to analog inputs. In order to make them work as digital outputs you need to turn the analog functions off.

    If you look at the PortB section of the datasheet you'll see in table 5-4 that they mention the ADCON1-register. You'll also see that it defaults to all zeros on startup. If you then turn to the Analog-to-digital converter section of the datasheet and look at the ADCON1 register you'll see that all zeros mean that AN0-AN11 are configured as analog inputs. This needs to be changed in order for the pin to function as a digital pin.

    The other pins you're using (PortC.0, PortC.3, PortC.5 and PortC.6) doesn't have any analog circuitry so they work out of the box but PortB.3 and PortB.4 (as well as PortB.2 that you tried) DO have analog circuitry which is most likely the reason for them not to work as you expect.

    The fact that it works in the simulator only illustrates that the simulator isn't doing what the real PIC does....


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