Heres some code, It should all convert to Pbpro really easly
' General purpose USB CDC test program.
' Transmits data from several different buffers.
' And displays the contents of the USBIN buffer on the LCD
' Uses transmit and receive detection using the CARRY flag (STATUS.0)
' Communicate via the serial terminal set to the com port that the USB connects too.
OPTIMISER_LEVEL = 2 ' Enable the optimiser at level 2
Device = 18F4550 ' Choose a device with on-board full speed USB
XTAL = 48 ' Set the oscillator speed to 48MHz (using a 20MHz crystal)
REMINDERS = OFF ' Disable all reminders
LCD_DTPIN = PORTD.4 ' LCD data port attached to PORTD
LCD_RSPIN = PORTE.0 ' LCD RS pin attached to PORTE.0
LCD_ENPIN = PORTE.1 ' LCD EN pin attached to PORTE.1
LCD_INTERFACE = 4 ' 4-bit Interface
LCD_LINES = 2 ' 2 line LCD
LCD_TYPE = ALPHANUMERIC ' Use an Hitachi alphanumeric LCD
USB_DESCRIPTOR = "CDCDESC.INC" ' Point to the CDC DESCRIPTOR file (located in the INC\USB_18 folder)
Dim PP0 As Byte SYSTEM ' USBPOLL status return
Dim VAR1 As Word ' General purpose variable
Dim ARRAY1[20] As Byte ' Used to hold some output characters
Dim OUT_BUFFER As String * 20 ' Used to hold some output characters
Dim IN_BUFFER As String * 20 ' Used to hold some input characters
Symbol CARRY_FLAG = STATUS.0 ' High if microcontroller does not have control over the DP buffer
Symbol TRNIF = UIR.3 ' Low if USB Busy
' The main program loop starts here
DelayMS 200 ' Wait for things to stabilise
ALL_DIGITAL = True ' Set PORTA and PORTD to digital mode
Clear ' Clear all RAM before we start
Cls ' Clear the LCD
Repeat ' \
USBPoll ' Wait for the USB interface to become attached
Until PP0 = %00000110 ' /
StrN ARRAY1 = " ARRAY BUFFER\n\r" ' Fill the array with NULL terminated characters
OUT_BUFFER = " STRING BUFFER\n\r" ' Fill the string with NULL terminated characters
VAR1 = 0 ' Reset the counting variable
While 1 = 1 ' Create an infinite loop
Repeat ' Wait for USB input
USBIn 3, IN_BUFFER, Auto ' Poll the USB and Receive some data from endpoint 3
Until CARRY_FLAG = 0 ' Keep looking until data is able to be received
Print At 1,1,"USB BUFFER"
Print At 2,1,IN_BUFFER ' Display the contents of the USB buffer on line 2 of the LCD
Clear IN_BUFFER ' Then clear the buffer for the next time
__USBOUT_BUFFER = " USB BUFFER\n\r" ' Place characters directly into the USB TX buffer string
' Transmit from the USB's internal TX buffer String. NULL terminated.
USBOut 3, __USBOUT_BUFFER, Auto ' Poll the USB and Transmit the buffer from endpoint 3
Until CARRY_FLAG = 0 ' Keep trying if the microcontroller does not have control over the buffer
Repeat : Until TRNIF = 1 ' Wait for completion before transmitting anything else
' Transmit from a NULL terminated array
USBOut 3, ARRAY1, Auto ' Poll the USB and Transmit the buffer from endpoint 3
Until CARRY_FLAG = 0 ' Keep trying if the microcontroller does not have control over the buffer
Repeat : Until TRNIF = 1 ' Wait for completion before transmitting anything else
' Transmit from a NULL terminated String
USBOut 3, OUT_BUFFER, Auto ' Poll the USB and Transmit the buffer from endpoint 3
Until CARRY_FLAG = 0 ' Keep trying if the microcontroller does not have control over the buffer
Repeat : Until TRNIF = 1 ' Wait for completion before transmitting anything else
' Transmit from a NULL terminated code memory String
USBOut 3, TEXT_STRING, Auto ' Poll the USB and Transmit the buffer from endpoint 3
Until CARRY_FLAG = 0 ' Keep trying if the microcontroller does not have control over the buffer
Repeat : Until TRNIF = 1 ' Wait for completion before transmitting anything else
' Transmit a NULL terminated quoted string of characters
USBOut 3, " QUOTED STRING\n\r", Auto ' Poll the USB and Transmit the buffer from endpoint 3
Until CARRY_FLAG = 0 ' Keep trying if the microcontroller does not have control over the buffer
Repeat : Until TRNIF = 1 ' Wait for completion before transmitting anything else
' Transmit 12 characters from a code memory String
USBOut 3, TEXT_STRING, 12 ' Poll the USB and Transmit only 12 characters of the buffer from endpoint 3
Until CARRY_FLAG = 0 ' Keep trying if the microcontroller does not have control over the buffer
Repeat : Until TRNIF = 1 ' Wait for completion before transmitting anything else
__USBOUT_BUFFER = "\n\rVAR1 = " + Str$(Dec,VAR1) + "\n\r" ' Convert VAR1 into a string
' Transmit from the USB's internal TX buffer String. NULL terminated.
USBOut 3, __USBOUT_BUFFER, Auto ' Poll the USB and Transmit the buffer from endpoint 3
Until CARRY_FLAG = 0 ' Keep trying if the microcontroller does not have control over the buffer
Repeat : Until TRNIF = 1 ' Wait for completion before transmitting anything else
Inc VAR1
Wend ' Go wait for the next buffer input