does this work
symbol rout = porta.0: porta.1
desired effect = when adressing ROUT , exact change on two givin ports rather then one
rout = 1
desired effect
a.0 goes high
a.1 goes high
does this work
symbol rout = porta.0: porta.1
desired effect = when adressing ROUT , exact change on two givin ports rather then one
rout = 1
desired effect
a.0 goes high
a.1 goes high
Last edited by PICMAN; - 6th March 2005 at 00:18.
NOP. If you want to set PORTA.0 & PORTA.1 to 1
where | is a bitwise OR
to CLEAR the same pins
It's not a bug, it's a random feature.
There's no problem, only learning opportunities.
am i to understand
bitwise = 1100 0000 to set port a.0 and a.1
i am not familiar with term bitwise,
whats the 3 do ?
is this what you meant
porta=porta 11000000 3.
is there a comand in picbasic manual i can refrance for examples , ie look up pulsin , and get syntax explained
i can also SYMBOL them both seprate and activate them in one line as follows.
symbol a.0 = FLTS
symbol a.1 = RLTS
'next code line jumps to activating
flts: rlts = 1
'or is it corect this way
flts = 1 : rlts = 1
O.k. let's make it simple
when you define a byte(8 bits) in binary like this
it set the bit 0 and 1 to 1. It's the same as a=3 in decimal
bitwise operation
working with bits in a byte or ar word sized variable...
so if you do a bitwise OR ( or |) operation with PORTA and a
the result will be %11111111
in your case you don't want to affect the other pins. If you want to set A.0 and A.1 of PORTA
PORTA=PORTA | %00000011
case you want to clear A.0 and A.1 you must use btwise AND
PORTA=PORTA & &11111100 'in binary
PORTA=PORTA & $FC 'in Hexadecimeal
PORTA=PORTA & 252 ' in decimal
Do you know how logical operation works? If not, the fast way to learn is to run 'calc' in windows. Select the scientic view and Voila... you'll be able to test your bitwise operations. OR see this link
Yeah Ralph... i know (inside joke here)
you'll find all those bitwise operator at the begining of your PBP manual.
You can also use symbol for that... i prefer use VAR... i'm coming old and i have my old method.
Code:TRISA=0 'set PORTA as output to all pins FLTS VAR PORTA.0 RLTS VAR PORTA.1 FLTS=1 ' set PORTA.0 to 1 RLTS=1 ' set PORTA.1 to 1
It's not a bug, it's a random feature.
There's no problem, only learning opportunities.
ok now i understand that perfectly, thnx man,
theres no need to trisa is there,, 2 ports on port a are input for pulsin, but i like your VAR solution, i hear SYMBOL is not wise to get into habbit of using
"its hard to understand the story if you only read 2/3 of the book"
hehe the pros and cons of reverse engenering