Hi Everyone;

I need to do a university project, for "Computer Control. The project consists of performing a PID controller based on a Microcontroller.
The PID wiil work on an Aquarius Water heating process, it will acquire the temperature from a DS1820, compare the temperature with the SetPoint them do the PID calculations, and them output the value to PWM that is connected to a resistive heater. The Man/Machino interface will be performed by a LCD2X20 and 3 Buttons. I need a menu to change the SetPoint, and other to Change the value of the Kp, Ki, and KD variables to see the PID response for different values of these variables!

I'm looking at this threads;

It is possible to do this? I think so, however i would like your opinion.
My questions, for now, do you think that this is possible to do with a PIC16F877A@20Mhz??

Thanks everyone!