interrupt timer???

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Default interrupt timer???

    hi all, i am a newbie for picbasic, have a question regarding to my final year project, hope the pros can help me =)

    the question is : is it posible to run 2 routine at the same time ?

    basically i want a routine to measure the time between my sensor interrupt, and another routine running a series of LED, the process are as below:

    interupt : sensor pass thru <--- when sensor pass thru then interrupt jump to here
    off all led
    timer1 stop and save the value
    timer1 start count the time between the sensor pass thru

    led1 on
    pause 1000
    led2 on
    pause 1000
    led3 on
    pause 1000
    led4 on
    pause 1000

    from the process above, the timer1 is counting the value, and the leds is still on at the same time.

    is the process above posible? can anyone give me the clue or code related? =)

    thank you very much =)
    Last edited by reik6149; - 11th September 2010 at 07:31.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Gilroy, CA

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    Welcome to the forum reik6149. You can run multiple interrupts at the same time, making it appear as the chip is doing multiple things at once.

    The easiest way to get started in interrupts, is to use DT_INTS or instant interrupts. This is an include file that simplifies the use of interrupts. It can be found here:
    You will notice a hello world, a blinky, and an elapsed timer. And also a combine all three. This is similar to what you are doing. Get comfortable setting all three of these, then see if you can figure out what you want your project to do.

  3. #3
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    thx for scalerobotics's kindly reply =)

    by the way,after i read thru the website,i still cant get the point. Perhaps i do not have the basic knowledge about something like option_reg or t1con. i think i have to read the basic 1st.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Wellton, U.S.A.

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    ASM interrupts are good, Darrel's instantaneous ones are best...

    But for starters look at ON INTERRUPT in the PBP manual and INTCON in the chips data sheet.

    BTW, what chip are you playing with?
    Always wear safety glasses while programming.

  5. #5
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    sorry guys, im really cant understand what darrel did, from this page

    how the program know when start button is interrupted??

    in wat condition the program will

    gosub starttime and gosub resettime??

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2004
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    Hi, reik

    Your scenario reminds me a "Thunderstrike distance measurer" ... ( sorry for the Tool name ... I am French ... )

    so, if I understand it right ... the time between two interrupts could be many seconds ... ( 4 in your example ).

    Consider a Pic Timer itself ( Timer1 ...i.e.) can count up to 0.52s @ 4Mhz clock ... so, you have to use an extra counter that will count Timer 1 Overflows.

    your time will be ( 0.52s x nb of overflows ) + ( Timer1 x 8µs )
    distance will be ... 330 ( or SQR ( 1.3*287*(Temp+273.15)) ... x count (s)

    see Here for Timer calculations help :

    BUT, you first have to open your pic datasheet to learn about the Timer modules and CCP module ( capture mode ) use.

    Darrel's Interrupts just are the easy tool to drive the interrupts ... but it is you to configure what happens during the interrupts ...

    The process is the same for pulse duration measuring, Rpm meters, shotshells speed measuring ...

    Just need to know the maximum time between interrupts ...

    ************************************************** ***********************
    Why insist on using 32 Bits when you're not even able to deal with the first 8 ones ??? ehhhhhh ...
    ************************************************** ***********************
    IF there is the word "Problem" in your question ...
    certainly the answer is " RTFM " or " RTFDataSheet " !!!

  7. #7
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    Sep 2010

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    HI everyone, although im nt understand the code, but im trying to modify the code to my desire code. Hope to pros 1 can help me to debug =)
    '* Name : Elapsed_INT.bas
    ; syntax = Handler IntSource, Label, Type, ResetFlag?
    DEFINE Elapsed_Handler TMR1_INT, _ClockCount, PBP, yes

    Ticks var word ' 1/100th of a second (10ms) <--- how to change to 1ms ?

    BitSave VAR BIT

    '''''Goto OverElapsed <---- ????
    ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    IF OSC == 4 ; Constants for 100hz interrupt from Timer1
    TimerConst = 0D8F7h ; Executed at compile time only
    If OSC == 8
    TimerConst = 0B1E7h
    If OSC == 10
    TimerConst = 09E5Fh
    If OSC == 16
    TimerConst = 063C7h
    If OSC == 20
    TimerConst = 03CB7h

    ; ----------------- ADD TimerConst to TMR1H:TMR1L
    ADD2_TIMER macro
    BCF T1CON,TMR1ON ; Turn off timer
    MOVLW LOW(TimerConst) ; 1
    ADDWF TMR1L,F ; 1 ; reload timer with correct value
    BTFSC STATUS,C ; 1/2
    INCF TMR1H,F ; 1
    MOVLW HIGH(TimerConst) ; 1
    ADDWF TMR1H,F ; 1

    ; ----------------- ADD TimerConst to TMR1H:TMR1L and restart TIMER1 ----------
    RELOAD_TIMER macro
    BSF T1CON,TMR1ON ; 1 ; Turn TIMER1 back on

    ; ----------------- Load TimerConst into TMR1H:TMR1L --------------------------
    LOAD_TIMER macro
    MOVE?CT 0, T1CON,0
    MOVE?CB 0, TMR1L
    MOVE?CB 0, TMR1H

    ' ------[ This is the Interrupt Handler ]---------------------------------------
    @ RELOAD_TIMER ; Reload TIMER1
    Ticks = Ticks + 1
    if Ticks = 65535 then
    Ticks = 0


    @ INT_RETURN ; Restore context and return from interrupt

    '-----====[ END OF TMR1 Interrupt Handler ]====---------------------------------

    ' Restart counting
    Tsensor = ticks ; Save the timing between sensor pass through
    BitSave = T1CON.0 ; Save TMR1ON bit
    @ LOAD_TIMER ; Load TimerConst
    T1CON.0 = BitSave ; Restore TMR1ON bit
    Ticks = 0

    define LOADER_USED 1
    define OSC 20

    include "DT_INTS-14.bas"
    INCLUDE "ReEnterPBP.bas"
    INCLUDE "Elapsed_INT.bas"

    INT_LIST macro ; IntSource, Label, Type, ResetFlag?
    INT_Handler TMR1_INT, _ClockCount, PBP, yes
    INT_CREATE ; Creates the interrupt processor

    INT_ENABLE TMR1_INT ; Enable Timer 1 Interrupts

    T1CON.1 = 0 ; (TMR1CS) Select FOSC/4 Clock Source
    T1CON.3 = 0 ; (T1OSCEN) Disable External Oscillator
    T1CON.0 = 1 ; (TMR1ON) Start TIMER1


    LCDout $FE,$C0, de5 ticks

    GOTO Main

    but i really dont understand, i have the INTERRUPT: subroutine, but how the system knows when my sensor is falling edge, it will getting interrupt and jump to this subroutine??

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