Sorry guys, got sidetracked here....
OK, here is the snippet of the code. This is essentially a display routine, which will fire up everytime one of the SPEEDUNITS varaiables changes. This could be as often as 20 ms.
However, I have also noticed this problem with slower update speeds (ie. 1 second).
I'm driving a 4x20 display using 4 data lines.
lcdout $fe,1,$fe,2 ' Clear Display
lcdout $fe,$80,#Speedunits[0], " FPS" ' Display pulse value
lcdout $fe,$89,#Speedunits[1], " FPS" ' Display pulse value
lcdout $fe,$C0,#Speedunits[2], " FPS" ' Display pulse value
lcdout $fe,$C9,#Speedunits[3], " FPS" ' Display pulse value
lcdout $fe,$94,"Top Speed ",#PeakSpeed," FPS"