Counting down while gradually flashing and waiting for a button push.

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2010

    Unhappy Counting down while gradually flashing and waiting for a button push.

    I started using DT's Interrupt Routine.

    I have

    - a switch
    - a led

    I now want to count from a given number z (between 7200 seconds and 180 seconds) to zero. While this happens, the led should flash. Say z is at it's beginning then the led's on and off-time equals 800ms. Then this should gradually decrease to 50ms when it's 1 or zero.
    At all this time the code should watch for the switch to be pressed. If it is, the counting and flashing should stop. When the switch is pressed again, it should continue counting and flashing.

    I tried so much. I tried using a while...wend loop, put the counting in and started the interrupt with the flashing led before. That did not work - it never took z seconds. Then I put the flashing light in the main routine and the counting in the interrupt routine. Still issues.

    I guess this has been done before. How would you approach this?

    I'd be happy if you shared some code.

  2. #2
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    Post your code(s) that you worked on.
    Then lets us see what you have done. Lets modify yours, so your work is not wasted !

    "If the Earth were a single state, Istanbul would be its capital." Napoleon Bonaparte

  3. #3
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    Default One Version

    This code waits for one of 3 buttons to be pushed. Depending on which button is being pushed zaehler (equals z) changes.

    "If Timerzaehler = 781 AND Zeit = 400 Then" means that 781 times interrupt timer0 should be close to 400ms being elapsed.

    Having done all the counting, a song is being played which should be stopped by pressing a button.

          DEFINE OSC 4
          INCLUDE "DT_INTS-14.bas"     ' Base Interrupt System
          INCLUDE "ReEnterPBP.bas"     ' Include if using PBP interrupts
          INCLUDE "Elapsed_INT.bas"    ' Elapsed Timer Routines
          INTCON = 0
          CMCON = 7
          TRISB = %01111000
          TRISA = %11111111
          Position VAR WORD
          TimerZaehler VAR WORD
          Lied_Zuende VAR BIT
          Zaehler VAR WORD
          Zeit VAR WORD
          Prozent VAR WORD
          Zaehlervariable VAR Word
          LiedPausenzeit Var Word
          WH Var Word
          AePosition Var Word
          LED_Lied VAR BIT
          Aufnahme_Taster VAR PORTA.2
          Stop_Taster VAR PORTA.3
          Abspielen_Taster VAR PORTA.4
          LED_Aufnahme VAR PORTB.0
          LED_Stop VAR PORTB.1
          LED_Start VAR PORTB.2
          Lautsprecher VAR PORTB.7
          Ja CON 1
          Nein CON 0
          Gedrueckt CON 0
          Frei CON 1
          Aus CON 0
          An CON 1 
          LED CON 0
          Lied CON 1   
    INT_LIST  macro    ; IntSource,        Label,  Type, ResetFlag?
            INT_Handler   TMR0_INT,  _LEDAnAus,   PBP,  yes
        INT_CREATE               ; Creates the interrupt processor
    'T1CON = $1                ; Prescaler = 4, TMR0ON
    OPTION_REG = $80
    	while Ja = Ja
    		'Warten auf Start, Aufnahme oder Stop
    		Position = 1
    		Lied_Zuende = Nein
    		LED_Lied = LED
    		if Abspielen_Taster = Gedrueckt then
                Pause 500
            	Zaehler = 1260
            	Gosub Gleichbleibend
            	LED_Aufnahme = Aus
    			GOSUB RedRedWine
    			if Stop_Taster = Gedrueckt then
                    Pause 500
        			Zaehler = 180
        			Gosub Gleichbleibend
        			LED_Aufnahme = Aus
        			GOSUB RedRedWine
    				if Aufnahme_Taster = Gedrueckt then
                        Pause 500				
    					Zaehler = 7200
            			Gosub Gleichbleibend
            			LED_Aufnahme = Aus
            			GOSUB RedRedWine
        Toggle LED_Aufnahme
        Timerzaehler = 0
        WH = WH - 1
        TimerZaehler = TimerZaehler + 1
        If Timerzaehler = 781 AND Zeit = 400 Then
            Gosub Inhalt
            If Timerzaehler = 391 AND Zeit = 200 Then
                Gosub Inhalt    
                If Timerzaehler = 195 AND Zeit = 100 Then
                    Gosub Inhalt    
                    If Timerzaehler = 98 AND Zeit = 50 Then
                        Gosub Inhalt  
    @ INT_RETURN  	
    Zaehler = Zaehler * 1000
    WH = DIV32 Zeit
    WH = WH / 4
    TimerZaehler = 0
    @ INT_ENABLE  TMR0_INT     
    WHILE WH >= 1
        if Abspielen_Taster = Gedrueckt OR Aufnahme_Taster = Gedrueckt OR Stop_Taster = Gedrueckt then
    @ INT_DISABLE  TMR0_INT         
        	Pause 500
        	WHILE Abspielen_Taster = Frei AND Aufnahme_Taster = Frei AND Stop_Taster = Frei
        	Pause 500
    @ INT_ENABLE  TMR0_INT        	
    @ INT_DISABLE  TMR0_INT     
    Zaehler = Zaehler / 1000
        LED_Lied = Lied
    	'While Lied_Zuende = Nein And Abspielen_Taster = Frei And Aufnahme_Taster = Frei And Stop_Taster = Frei 
    	While Abspielen_Taster = Frei And Aufnahme_Taster = Frei And Stop_Taster = Frei 
            Sound Lautsprecher,[0,0,104,44,0,8,109,44,0,8,110,94,0,13,106,94,0,120,112,39,0,0,114,39,0,0,0,26,0,0,114,46,0,0,110,39,0,0,106,114]
            Sound Lautsprecher,[0,127,112,33,0,0,114,39,0,0,0,26,0,0,114,39,0,0,110,39,0,0,110,71,0,170,106,39,0,0,104,39,0,0,101,26,0,0,104,39]
            Sound Lautsprecher,[0,0,106,12,0,0,104,147]
    	High LED_Aufnahme  
        Pause 1000
        PORTB.7 = 0 'LS aus
        Low LED_Aufnahme
    	Zeit = 400
    	Sound Lautsprecher,[90,74]
    	GOSUB Abspielen
    	Zeit = 200
    	Sound Lautsprecher,[97,74]
    	GOSUB Abspielen
    	Zeit = 100
        Sound Lautsprecher,[103,74]
    	GOSUB Abspielen
    	Zeit = 50
        Sound Lautsprecher,[109,74]
    	GOSUB Abspielen
    Last edited by IAmTheAnswer; - 12th May 2010 at 08:24.

  4. #4
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    Advice could be helpful.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Look, this is a list of PBP users, just like yourself. No one gets paid or otherwise compensated for the time spent helping out others - it's a give and take kind of thing. You just can't expect people to, within a 6 hour timeframe, digest a piece of code 166 lines long, with comments, labels and variable names in a language the majority don't understand as well as you do then figure out what's wrong with it and post it.

    Personally I still haven't understood what the actual problem is - or even if there IS a problem.

    So, come on, play nice, ask nice and give the awsome guys and girl(s) a chance - some may not even be awake during the whole 6 hours you waited.


  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by IAmTheAnswer View Post
    I started using DT's Interrupt Routine.

    I have

    - a switch
    - a led

    I now want to count from a given number z (between 7200 seconds and 180 seconds) to zero.
    I DO NOT do count down timers with actions at 0.

    No one can stop you if you do.
    But I would prefer you not use my software to do it.
    And certainly, don't publish it.

    Sorry, it's a personal thing.

    Best regards,

  7. #7
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    Look, there are thousands of forums on the internet with volunteers on it. Average time to get a quality answer is one hour. Speaking of giving and taking, we have not seen you giving anything but useless lecture which tells us more about your insecurities than you think.

    I know that you still don't understand what the actual problem is, because you would not be a giver even if you understood it.

    So, come on, play nice, ask nice and give the awesome guys and girl(s) a chance to actually give - some may not even be awake during the whole 6 hours and the first thing they see is you claiming "I am insecure please give me attention.".

    Darrel Taylor, dear. Count down from 10 to 0 and rethink your writing
    Last edited by IAmTheAnswer; - 13th May 2010 at 08:42.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Wellton, U.S.A.

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    Quote Originally Posted by IAmTheAnswer View Post
    Look, there are thousands of forums on the internet with volunteers on it.
    Then please go to one of the other forums if you are not receiving the answer you seek here.

    You should have the knowledge you seek with in an hour.
    Always wear safety glasses while programming.

  9. #9
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    mackrackit, recommend a forum or a newsgroup or similar where pbp-issues are being discussed and a reaction is to be expected within an hour and I 'll be gone.

    What is very interesting, you are fast to complain but slow to respond. It took you 12 minutes (!) to complain and lecture but you were not able to even answer a part of the question in this time. Everyone can grouch, giving a useful answer is what shows a decently trained brain.
    Last edited by IAmTheAnswer; - 13th May 2010 at 09:30.

  10. #10
    malc-c's Avatar
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    Default Oh come on !

    Quote Originally Posted by IAmTheAnswer View Post
    Speaking of giving and taking, we have not seen you giving anything but useless lecture
    Errr... use the search function and find out just how much Henrik has given to this forum.. here's one example

    I must admit you have a talent for upsetting three of the most respected member on this forum.

  11. #11
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    Use the page search function and find out just how little Henrik has given to this thread.. nothing to be precise.

    I must admit you have a talent for talking useless rubbish, aswell.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by IAmTheAnswer View Post
    Use the page search function and find out just how little Henrik has given to this thread.. nothing to be precise.

    I must admit you have a talent for talking useless rubbish, aswell.
    Hi, THE Answer

    the question was " can you share some code " ...

    THE Answer is " we do not have such code " ... I think you can find it on Paintball sites ...

    VERY simple to understand.

    Add to that German is a language few people here can understand ... sorry, but it is.

    ************************************************** ***********************
    Why insist on using 32 Bits when you're not even able to deal with the first 8 ones ??? ehhhhhh ...
    ************************************************** ***********************
    IF there is the word "Problem" in your question ...
    certainly the answer is " RTFM " or " RTFDataSheet " !!!

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