New approach to Rotary Encoder - Page 3

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  1. #81
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    Default Re: New approach to Rotary Encoder

    Nice try Robert.

    I only object to the use of Pause 100 inside the ISR.


  2. #82
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    Default Re: New approach to Rotary Encoder

    Quote Originally Posted by Ioannis View Post
    Nice try Robert.

    I only object to the use of Pause 100 inside the ISR.


    I had first added PAUSE to reduce jitter, the only debounce I could think of on short notice. But adding 0.1uF caps as suggested in this thread was the key. I left the 0.01uF caps in, they can't hurt.

    I now removed the PAUSE and it works even better (faster response time).


    Last edited by Demon; - 7th September 2012 at 21:55. Reason: type faster than my brain

  3. #83
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    Default Re: New approach to Rotary Encoder


    - used a low priority interrupt for the switch to free up Main Routine for other logic.
    - added comments for the registers.
    - used constants (I remember something about improved efficiency, this is just to get in the habit).
    - PAUSE in low priority interrupt does not cause problems.


    '*  Name    : 18F24K22 encoder.pbp                                         *
    '*  Author  : Demon                                                 *
    '*  Date    : Sep 5 2012                                                   *
    '*  Version : 1.0                                                          *
    '*  Notes   : Test program                                                 *
    '*  Hardware : PIC 18F24K22, internal oscillator, 8 MHz                    *
    '*           : ICSP                                                        *
    '*           : MeLabs U2 Programmer v4.32                                  *
    '*  Software : PIC Basic Pro v2.60C                                        *
    '*           : MicroCode Studio Plus v2.2.1.1                              *
    '*           : MPASM v5.46                                                 *
    '*  CONFIG   : - if you use these, you must comment the ones in the        *
    '                .INC file in PBP folder                                   *
    '              - available options at the bottom of P*.INC file in         *
    '                MPLAB TOOLS/MPASM SUITE folder                            *
    ;--- Oscillator speed ------------------------------------------------------
    ;--- Setup Interrupts ------------------------------------------------------
    INCLUDE "DT_INTS-18.bas"        ; Base Interrupt System
    INCLUDE "ReEnterPBP-18.bas"     ; PBP Re-entry for external interrupt
    INCLUDE "ReEnterPBP-18LP.bas"   ; PBP Re-entry for low priority external interrupt
    ;----[High Priority Interrupts] --------------------------------------------
    INT_LIST  macro    ; IntSource,        Label,  Type, ResetFlag?
            INT_Handler    INT0_INT,  _ExternalInterrupt0,   PBP,  yes
        INT_CREATE                  ; Creates the interrupt processor
    ;----[Low Priority Interrupts] ---------------------------------------------
    INT_LIST_L  macro  ; IntSource,        Label,  Type, ResetFlag?
            INT_Handler    INT1_INT,  _ExternalInterrupt1,   PBP,  yes
        INT_CREATE_L                ; Creates the Low Priority interrupt processor
    ;----[Enable Interrupts] ---------------------------------------------------
        INT_ENABLE   INT0_INT       ; Enable (INT0) external interrupt
        INT_ENABLE   INT1_INT       ; Enable (INT1) external interrupt
    '   bit 7   RBPU: PORTB Pull-up Enable bit
    '               1 = All PORTB pull-ups are disabled
    '               0 = PORTB pull-ups are enabled provided that the pin is an input and the
    '                   corresponding WPUB bit is set.
    '  bit 6   INTEDG0: External Interrupt 0 Edge Select bit
    '               1 = Interrupt on rising edge
    '               0 = Interrupt on falling edge
    '  bit 5   INTEDG1: External Interrupt 1 Edge Select bit
    '               1 = Interrupt on rising edge
    '               0 = Interrupt on falling edge
    '  bit 4   INTEDG2: External Interrupt 2 Edge Select bit
    '               1 = Interrupt on rising edge
    '               0 = Interrupt on falling edge
    ;--- Setup Registers -------------------------------------------------------
    OSCCON = %01100110              ' OSCILLATOR CONTROL REGISTER
    '  bit 7   IDLEN: Idle Enable bit
    '              1 = Device enters Idle mode on SLEEP instruction
    '              0 = Device enters Sleep mode on SLEEP instruction
    '  bit 6-4 IRCF<2:0>: Internal RC Oscillator Frequency Select bits(2)
    '            111 = HFINTOSC – (16 MHz)
    '            110 = HFINTOSC/2 – (8 MHz)
    '            101 = HFINTOSC/4 – (4 MHz)
    '            100 = HFINTOSC/8 – (2 MHz)
    '            011 = HFINTOSC/16 – (1 MHz)(3)
    '       If INTSRC = 0 and MFIOSEL = 0:
    '            010 = HFINTOSC/32 – (500 kHz)
    '            001 = HFINTOSC/64 – (250 kHz)
    '            000 = LFINTOSC – (31.25 kHz)
    '       If INTSRC = 1 and MFIOSEL = 0:
    '            010 = HFINTOSC/32 – (500 kHz)
    '            001 = HFINTOSC/64 – (250 kHz)
    '            000 = HFINTOSC/512 – (31.25 kHz)
    '       If INTSRC = 0 and MFIOSEL = 1:
    '            010 = MFINTOSC – (500 kHz)
    '            001 = MFINTOSC/2 – (250 kHz)
    '            000 = LFINTOSC – (31.25 kHz)
    '       If INTSRC = 1 and MFIOSEL = 1:
    '            010 = MFINTOSC – (500 kHz)
    '            001 = MFINTOSC/2 – (250 kHz)
    '            000 = MFINTOSC/16 – (31.25 kHz)
    '  bit 3   OSTS: Oscillator Start-up Time-out Status bit
    '              1 = Device is running from the clock defined by FOSC<3:0> of the CONFIG1H register
    '              0 = Device is running from the internal oscillator (HFINTOSC, MFINTOSC or LFINTOSC)
    '  bit 2   HFIOFS: HFINTOSC Frequency Stable bit
    '              1 = HFINTOSC frequency is stable
    '              0 = HFINTOSC frequency is not stable
    '  bit 1-0 SCS<1:0>: System Clock Select bit
    '             1x = Internal oscillator block
    '             01 = Secondary (SOSC) oscillator
    '             00 = Primary clock (determined by FOSC<3:0> in CONFIG1H).
    OSCCON2 = %00000100              ' OSCILLATOR CONTROL REGISTER 2
    '  bit 7   PLLRDY: PLL Run Status bit
    '               1 = System clock comes from 4xPLL
    '               0 = System clock comes from an oscillator, other than 4xPLL
    '  bit 6   SOSCRUN: SOSC Run Status bit
    '               1 = System clock comes from secondary SOSC
    '               0 = System clock comes from an oscillator, other than SOSC
    '  bit 5   Unimplemented: Read as ‘0’.
    '  bit 4   MFIOSEL: MFINTOSC Select bit
    '               1 = MFINTOSC is used in place of HFINTOSC frequencies of 500 kHz, 250 kHz and 31.25 kHz
    '               0 = MFINTOSC is not used
    '  bit 3   SOSCGO(1): Secondary Oscillator Start Control bit
    '               1 = Secondary oscillator is enabled.
    '               0 = Secondary oscillator is shut off if no other sources are requesting it.
    '  bit 2   PRISD: Primary Oscillator Drive Circuit Shutdown bit
    '               1 = Oscillator drive circuit on
    '               0 = Oscillator drive circuit off (zero power)
    '  bit 1   MFIOFS: MFINTOSC Frequency Stable bit
    '               1 = MFINTOSC is stable
    '               0 = MFINTOSC is not stable
    '  bit 0   LFIOFS: LFINTOSC Frequency Stable bit
    '               1 = LFINTOSC is stable
    '               0 = LFINTOSC is not stable
    OSCTUNE = %00000000             ' OSCILLATOR TUNING REGISTER
    '  bit 7   INTSRC: Internal Oscillator Low-Frequency Source Select bit
    '               1 = 31.25 kHz device clock derived from the MFINTOSC or HFINTOSC source
    '               0 = 31.25 kHz device clock derived directly from LFINTOSC internal oscillator
    '  bit 6   PLLEN: Frequency Multiplier 4xPLL for HFINTOSC Enable bit(1)
    '               1 = PLL enabled
    '               0 = PLL disabled
    '  bit 5-0 TUN<5:0>: Frequency Tuning bits – use to adjust MFINTOSC and HFINTOSC frequencies
    '          011111 = Maximum frequency
    '          011110 =
    '          • • •
    '          000001 =
    '          000000 = Oscillator module (HFINTOSC and MFINTOSC) are running at the factory
    '                   calibrated frequency.
    '          111111 =
    '          • • •
    '          100000 = Minimum frequency
    PMD0 = %11111111                ' PERIPHERAL MODULE DISABLE REGISTER 0
    '  bit 7   UART2MD: UART2 Peripheral Module Disable Control bit
    '               1 = Module is disabled, Clock Source is disconnected, module does not draw digital power
    '               0 = Module is enabled, Clock Source is connected, module draws digital power
    '  bit 6   UART1MD: UART1 Peripheral Module Disable Control bit
    '               1 = Module is disabled, Clock Source is disconnected, module does not draw digital power
    '               0 = Module is enabled, Clock Source is connected, module draws digital power
    '  bit 5   TMR6MD: Timer6 Peripheral Module Disable Control bit
    '               1 = Module is disabled, Clock Source is disconnected, module does not draw digital power
    '               0 = Module is enabled, Clock Source is connected, module draws digital power
    '  bit 4   TMR5MD: Timer5 Peripheral Module Disable Control bit
    '               1 = Module is disabled, Clock Source is disconnected, module does not draw digital power
    '               0 = Module is enabled, Clock Source is connected, module draws digital power
    '  bit 3   TMR4MD: Timer4 Peripheral Module Disable Control bit
    '               1 = Module is disabled, Clock Source is disconnected, module does not draw digital power
    '               0 = Module is enabled, Clock Source is connected, module draws digital power
    '  bit 2   TMR3MD: Timer3 Peripheral Module Disable Control bit
    '               1 = Module is disabled, Clock Source is disconnected, module does not draw digital power
    '               0 = Module is enabled, Clock Source is connected, module draws digital power
    '  bit 1   TMR2MD: Timer2 Peripheral Module Disable Control bit
    '               1 = Module is disabled, Clock Source is disconnected, module does not draw digital power
    '               0 = Module is enabled, Clock Source is connected, module draws digital power
    '  bit 0   TMR1MD: Timer1 Peripheral Module Disable Control bit
    '               1 = Module is disabled, Clock Source is disconnected, module does not draw digital power
    '               0 = Module is enabled, Clock Source is connected, module draws digital power
    PMD1 = %11111111                ' PERIPHERAL MODULE DISABLE REGISTER 1
    '  bit 7   MSSP2MD: MSSP2 Peripheral Module Disable Control bit
    '               1 = Module is disabled, Clock Source is disconnected, module does not draw digital power
    '               0 = Module is enabled, Clock Source is connected, module draws digital power
    '  bit 6   MSSP1MD: MSSP1 Peripheral Module Disable Control bit
    '               1 = Module is disabled, Clock Source is disconnected, module does not draw digital power
    '               0 = Module is enabled, Clock Source is connected, module draws digital power
    '  bit 5   Unimplemented: Read as ‘0’
    '  bit 4   CCP5MD: CCP5 Peripheral Module Disable Control bit
    '               1 = Module is disabled, Clock Source is disconnected, module does not draw digital power
    '               0 = Module is enabled, Clock Source is connected, module draws digital power
    '  bit 3   CCP4MD: CCP4 Peripheral Module Disable Control bit
    '               1 = Module is disabled, Clock Source is disconnected, module does not draw digital power
    '               0 = Module is enabled, Clock Source is connected, module draws digital power
    '  bit 2   CCP3MD: CCP3 Peripheral Module Disable Control bit
    '               1 = Module is disabled, Clock Source is disconnected, module does not draw digital power
    '               0 = Module is enabled, Clock Source is connected, module draws digital power
    '  bit 1   CCP2MD: CCP2 Peripheral Module Disable Control bit
    '               1 = Module is disabled, Clock Source is disconnected, module does not draw digital power
    '               0 = Module is enabled, Clock Source is connected, module draws digital power
    '  bit 0   CCP1MD: CCP1 Peripheral Module Disable Control bit
    '               1 = Module is disabled, Clock Source is disconnected, module does not draw digital power
    '               0 = Module is enabled, Clock Source is connected, module draws digital power
    PMD2 = %00001111                ' PERIPHERAL MODULE DISABLE REGISTER 2
    '  bit 7-4 Unimplemented: Read as ‘0’
    '  bit 3   CTMUMD: CTMU Peripheral Module Disable Control bit
    '               1 = Module is disabled, Clock Source is disconnected, module does not draw digital power
    '               0 = Module is enabled, Clock Source is connected, module draws digital power
    '  bit 2   CMP2MD: Comparator C2 Peripheral Module Disable Control bit
    '               1 = Module is disabled, Clock Source is disconnected, module does not draw digital power
    '               0 = Module is enabled, Clock Source is connected, module draws digital power
    '  bit 1   CMP1MD: Comparator C1 Peripheral Module Disable Control bit
    '               1 = Module is disabled, Clock Source is disconnected, module does not draw digital power
    '               0 = Module is enabled, Clock Source is connected, module draws digital power
    '  bit 0   ADCMD: ADC Peripheral Module Disable Control bit
    '               1 = Module is disabled, Clock Source is disconnected, module does not draw digital power
    '               0 = Module is enabled, Clock Source is connected, module draws digital power
    ANSELA = 0                          ' Digital I/O
    ANSELB = 0                          ' Digital I/O
    ANSELC = 0                          ' Digital I/O
    ;--- Setup Port directions -------------------------------------------------
    TRISA = %00000000                   ' Set port A pins to output
    TRISB = %00000011                   ' Set port B pins 0,1 to input, others output
    TRISC = %00000100                   ' Set port C pin 2 to input, others output
    ;--- Pins ------------------------------------------------------------------
    WiperA      VAR PortB.0             ' Input, Interrupt 0
    WiperB      VAR PortC.2             ' Input
    Switch      VAR PortB.1             ' Input, Interrupt 1 low priority
    LedPower    VAR PortB.5             ' Output
    Leds        VAR PortA               ' Output, 8 Leds connected on Port A
    ;--- Variables -------------------------------------------------------------
    ;--- Constants -------------------------------------------------------------
    StateOff con 0                      ' Off
    StateOn  con 1                      ' On
    ShiftOne con 1                      ' One
    DebounceTime  con 250               ' Debounce time
    StabilizeTime con 200               ' Stabilize time
    ;--- Initialize pins -------------------------------------------------------
    Ledpower = StateOff                 ' Turn OFF switch Led
    Leds = %00000001                    ' Turn ON first Led
    ;--- Initialize variables --------------------------------------------------
    ;--- Subroutines -----------------------------------------------------------
    goto Start                          ' Jump over sub-routines
    ExternalInterrupt0:                 ' [INT0 - interrupt handler]
      if wiperb = StateOn then          ' Check if turning counter-clockwise
        if leds.7 = StateOff then            ' Check if reached last LED
          LEDS = LEDs << ShiftOne       ' Blink Led
      else                              ' Check if turning clockwise
        if leds.0 = StateOff then            ' Check if reached first LED
          leds = leds >> ShiftOne       ' Blink Led
    ExternalInterrupt1:                 ' [INT1 - interrupt handler]
      Ledpower = StateOn                ' Turn ON switch Led
      pause DebounceTime                ' Basic debounce
    ;--- Program Start ---------------------------------------------------------
    Pause StabilizeTime                 ' Let PIC stabilize
    ;--- The Main Loop ---------------------------------------------------------
      Ledpower = StateOff               ' Turn switch Led back OFF
      Goto mainloop
    Last edited by Demon; - 4th October 2016 at 16:36.

  4. #84
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    Default Re: New approach to Rotary Encoder

    My own code for reading Rotary Encoder

    '*  Name    : UNTITLED.BAS                                      *
    '*  Author  : [select VIEW...EDITOR OPTIONS]                    *
    '*  Notice  : Copyright (c) 2013 [select VIEW...EDITOR OPTIONS] *
    '*          : All Rights Reserved                               *
    '*  Date    : 16/2/2013                                         *
    '*  Version : 1.0                                               *
    '*  Notes   :                                                   *
    '*          :                                                   *
    TRISA  = %11111    '
    TRISB  = %00000000 '8 LEDs.
    PORTB=0            '
    x    VAR   Byte  '
    Aux  VAR   Byte  ' 
    Enc  VAR   Byte  '
    x=0                ' 
        Aux = Enc                         '               
         Enc = (PORTA & 3)                 ' RA0  RA1 2 bits variable 'ENC'.
         If Aux = 2 And Enc = 3 Then x=x+1 ' 
         If Aux = 3 And Enc = 2 Then x=x-1 ' 
         PORTB =  x                         ' 8 LED 
        goto aaa
    Attached Images Attached Images  

  5. #85
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    Default Re: New approach to Rotary Encoder

    How does this work? Since Enc=Aux=0, How can the If clause be true? There must be some pull-ups in PORTA pins.

    Last edited by Ioannis; - 18th February 2013 at 09:02.

  6. #86
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    Default Re: New approach to Rotary Encoder

    Here's the initial approach, I've modified for my needs. It does not works, what may be the reason?

    LEFT var GPIO.0
    RIGHT var GPIO.1
    COUNTER VAR word
    if LEFT=0 then                 'here is switch 1 of the rotary encoder
        goto lcd
    if RIGHT=0 then                 'here is switch 2 of the rotary encoder
        goto lcd
    goto cycl
    hpwm 1,counter,5000
    while (LEFT=0 or RIGHT=0):pause 10:wend
    goto cycl
    MCU is PIC12F683

  7. #87
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    Default Re: New approach to Rotary Encoder

    well, I think I found the problem - it never treats inputs as inputs, despite a high level on LEFT or RIGHT, it still =0

    Seems like I need some command to configure pins as input?

  8. #88
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    Default Re: New approach to Rotary Encoder


    does not helps

  9. #89
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    Default Re: New approach to Rotary Encoder

    ANSEL = %00000000
    CMCON0 = 7
    this helped

  10. #90
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    Default Re: New approach to Rotary Encoder

    Quote Originally Posted by Ioannis View Post
    How does this work? Since Enc=Aux=0, How can the If clause be true? There must be some pull-ups in PORTA pins.


    Sorry for the late reply
    See here and we will resolve the questions

  11. #91
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    Default Re: New approach to Rotary Encoder

    It seems very strange that I got an e-mail notification only today about this thread by dovegroup's reply.

    I am not very good at C but from your example, dovegroup, I think the variable x might change more than one at every step in rotating the encoder because of the bouncing effects.


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