GPS $GPRMC to PIC16F684. Need help with SERIN2

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  1. #1
    xnihilo's Avatar
    xnihilo Guest

    Default GPS $GPRMC to PIC16F684. Need help with SERIN2

    Hi Guys,

    I've wanted for some time now to build a simple application where a GPS mouse would be connected to a PIC16F684 to collect $GPRMC string and display some basic information on an LCD screen and when speed exceeds a set value, a buzzer would beep.
    Using several sources I found on the net, I tried to assemble the simple circuit below and wrote/compiled some PBP code but it does not seem to be working and I'm wondering what's wrong.

    The link to the Rikaline X5 GPS is here (it has RS232 and TTL I/Os):

    I'm using a 2*16 characters LCD (which displays what it should display BTW, so the wiring is fine). I'm using a pic16f684 where A0 is connected to GPS TX (at TTL level). A1 is the piezzo buzzer. C0 to C3 are the LCD datalines 4 to 7 (4 bits mode), C4 is R/S with external 10K WPU, C5 is the Enable pin.

    I connected the GPS and the application circuit to the same 5v source (9v power supply going through a LDO voltage regulator).
    The pic pin 1 and pin 14 are linked using a 0.1Uf ceramic disc and 10Uf electrolytic capacitors for filtering.

    When I run the program, it displays the right stuff on the LCD until it reaches the "GPS" label and stalls displaying "Serin start", which means is gets stuck in the SERIN2 instruction. It should either finish the instruction while all the $GPRMC data are collected or jump to the timeout subroutine. In both cases the LCD display should change but id does not, which means there is probably a problem with serin.
    It should process the SERIN2 instruction even when there is no GPS, so for now I don't care if the GPS is not working.

    The PIC16F684 has no hardware EUSART and I beleive the SERIN2 is a kind of bit banging instruction that can be used on any I/O pin. A0 is a TTL level I/O pin by the way.

    Could anyone have a look at the code and check what may be wrong. It is probably obvious but I don't get it.

    Thanks for any help.


    'based on:
     and other sources on the net
    @ device  pic16F684, intrc_osc_noclkout, BOD_OFF, PWRT_OFF, wdt_off, mclr_off, protect_off
    'quid freq horloge requise?
    DEFINE OSC 8			'set OSC value to 8MHz for instructions PAUSE, PAUSEus and SOUND (instead of default 4MHz)
    DEFINE LCD_DREG PORTC 'data port out is portC
    DEFINE LCD_DBIT 0 'data on portC0-portC3
    DEFINE LCD_RSREG PORTC 'r/s is on portC.4, with 10K WPU
    DEFINE LCD_EREG PORTC 'enable is on portC.5
    DEFINE LCD_BITS 4 '4bits data bus
    DEFINE LCD_LINES 2 '2lines display
    DEFINE LCD_COMMANDUS 2000 '2ms cmd delay
    DEFINE LCD_DATAUS 50 '50us data delay
    INTCON = 0      'disable interrupts and clear int flags
    OSCCON = %01110001	'int osc, hs, 8mhz
    CMCON0 =  %00000111
    ANSEL = %00000000
    OPTION_REG = %11111111
    'alias in SERIN2
    GPSin VAR PORTA.0   'A0 has TTL levels
    TRISA = %000001 			
    TRISC = 0 
    PORTA = %000001   'A0 is used for gps input, SERIN2 bitbanging (software eusart)
    PORTC = 0
    WPUA = 0 			
    'Variables / Constants for GPS in SERIN2: 
    timeout CON 3000 
    mode CON 24764 '16572 + 8192 (bit 13) = 4800 Driven Inverted Even
    hh VAR BYTE 'hours
    mm VAR BYTE 'minutes
    'knots VAR WORD 'speed in knots (units)
    'knotsten VAR BYTE 'speed in knots (tens)
    course VAR WORD 'heading
    latdeg VAR BYTE 'degrees latitude
    latmin VAR BYTE 'minutes latitude
    NS VAR BYTE 'north or south
    londeg VAR BYTE 'degrees longitude
    lonmin VAR BYTE 'minutes longitude
    EO VAR BYTE 'east or west
    j VAR BYTE 'day
    m VAR BYTE 'month
    a VAR BYTE 'year
    fix VAR WORD 'GPS fix
    'for kmph calculation
    Speed Var byte[5] 
    SpeedKnots VAR WORD 
    SpeedKm VAR WORD 
    Temp VAR BYTE 
    Dummy VAR WORD
    i var byte
    'programming custom characters
    LCDOUT  $FE,$40,$00,$0A,$0A,$00,$11,$0E,$00,$00  ' Cust Char #0: happy smiley  
    LCDOUT  $FE,$48,$0E,$15,$1B,$19,$1B,$15,$0E,$00  ' Cust Char #1: copyright
    LCDOUT  $FE,$50,$0E,$0E,$1F,$0E,$04,$00,$1F,$00  ' Cust Char #2: press  
    LCDOUT  $FE,$58,$0A,$1F,$1F,$1F,$0E,$04,$00,$00  ' Cust Char #3: heart  
    LCDOUT  $FE,$60,$03,$05,$19,$19,$19,$19,$05,$03  ' Cust Char #4: speaker  
    LCDOUT  $FE,$68,$00,$00,$04,$0E,$0E,$0E,$0E,$00  ' Cust Char #5: bullet  
    LCDOUT  $FE,$70,$1F,$11,$11,$11,$11,$11,$11,$1F  ' Cust Char #6: empty square  
    LCDOUT  $FE,$78,$04,$0E,$1F,$0E,$0E,$00,$1F,$00  ' Cust Char #7: release
    for i = 0 to 10
        HIGH PORTA.1
        pause 300
        LOW PORTA.1
        PAUSE 300
    NEXT i
    'TEST block
    'display a sample of the custom charas
      LCDOUT $fe,1,"new charas: "
      LCDOUT $fe,$c0,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 'will write the "speaker" symbol.
    PAUSE 4000
    'PAUSE 3000             'let the power level stabilize
    LCDOUT $fe,1,"GPS display"
    PAUSE 2000
    LCDOUT $fe,1,"24.11.2009"
    PAUSE 2000
    'eg2. $GPRMC,225446,A,4916.45,N,12311.12,W,000.5,054.7,191194,020.3,E*68
    '225446 Time of fix 22:54:46 UTC A Navigation receiver warning A = Valid position, V = Warning 4916.45,N Latitude 49 deg. 16.45 min. North 12311.12,W Longitude 123 deg. 11.12 min. West 000.5 Speed over ground, Knots 054.7 Course Made Good, degrees true 191194 UTC Date of fix, 19 November 1994 020.3,E Magnetic variation, 20.3 deg. East *68 mandatory checksum 
    '1 Knot = 1.852 Kilometers per Hour 
    '45.12 Knots = 83.56224 Kilometers per Hour
    LCDOUT $fe,1,"in GPS"
    PAUSE 2000
    LCDOUT $fe,1,"Serin start"
    PAUSE 2000 
    SerIn2 PORTA.0,mode,Timeout,nogps,[wait("$GPRMC"),wait(","),DEC2 hh,DEC2 mm,wait(","),fix,wait(","),DEC2 latdeg,DEC2 latmin,wait(","),NS,wait(","),DEC3 londeg,DEC2 lonmin,wait(","),EO,wait(","),Speed[0],Speed[1],Speed[2],Speed[3],Speed[4],wait(","),DEC3 course,wait(","),DEC2 j,DEC2 m,DEC2 a] 
    IF (fix == "V") Then 
    	LCDOut $FE, 1 'Clear Screen 
    	LCDOut "No Fix" 
    	Pause 1000
    LCDOUT $fe,1,"Serin end"
    PAUSE 2000 
    'Convert from ASCII to normal numbers times 10 
    SpeedKnots = 0 
    Dummy = 1000 
    Speed[3] = Speed[4] '"skip" the decimal 
    For Temp = 0 TO 3 
        Speed[Temp] = Speed[Temp] - "0" 'Remove the ASCII portion = 48  
        SpeedKnots = SpeedKnots + (Speed[Temp] * Dummy) 
        Dummy = Dummy / 10 
    'Use theese two lines if you want a value that is rounded correctly. 
    'There will however be a limit to your speed, it must be <= 353.7kn (655.3km/h) 
    SpeedKm = (SpeedKnots*18) + (SpeedKnots ** 34260) 'Multiply with 18.5227661 
    SpeedKm = (SpeedKm + 5) /10 '5 is for rounding 
    LCDOut "SPEED :",dec4 SpeedKm/10,".",DEC1 SpeedKm,"km/h"
    LCDOut $fe,$c0
    LCDOut "HEADING:",DEC3 course," DEG"
    Pause 3000
    LCDOut $FE, 1 'Clear Screen 
    LCDOut "LAT:",DEC2 latdeg,",",DEC2 latmin," ",NS
    LCDOut $fe,$c0
    LCDOut "LON:",DEC2 londeg,",",DEC2 lonmin," ",EO
    Pause 3000
    GoTo GPS
    LCDOut $FE, 1 'Clear Screen 
    	LCDOut "NO GPS" 
    	Pause 1000

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Gilroy, CA

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    I think you only have to invert for rs232, not TTL. So you could try non inverting, or move to pin 1 of the gps for rs232 tx and the specified resistor.
    Last edited by ScaleRobotics; - 25th November 2009 at 09:14.

  3. #3
    xnihilo's Avatar
    xnihilo Guest

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    Default GPS not sending to PIC???

    Hi scalerobotics,

    Thank you for your message.
    After further reading on forums, I've changed my code as shown below. Now the code isn't stuck in the serin2 anymore but it displays "Timeout", which means I can't read the string sent by the GPS within 3s. According to the user manual, GPS is auto initialized at 4800 bauds and when done, it starts displaying strings, as $GPRMC. Even if I wait over 2 minutes, it still times out.
    I've connected A0 to TTL TX pin (pin 3 on page 7 of the user manual).
    Is SERIN2 able to read on any pin?
    Are my pins settings right? (They are set to Digital I/O).
    Why RS232 rather than TTL?
    Should I choose True or Inverted should I choose Parity or none...?
    I see various configurations on but I'm not sure how to use it.
    I'm not using a MAX232 between the GPS and the PIC.

    'based on:
    @ device  pic16F684, intrc_osc_noclkout, BOD_OFF, PWRT_OFF, wdt_off, mclr_off, protect_off
    'quid freq horloge requise?
    DEFINE OSC 8			'set OSC value to 8MHz for instructions PAUSE, PAUSEus and SOUND (instead of default 4MHz)
    DEFINE LCD_DREG PORTC 'data port out is portC
    DEFINE LCD_DBIT 0 'data on portC0-portC3
    DEFINE LCD_RSREG PORTC 'r/s is on portC.4, with 10K WPU
    DEFINE LCD_EREG PORTC 'enable is on portC.5
    DEFINE LCD_BITS 4 '4bits data bus
    DEFINE LCD_LINES 2 '2lines display
    DEFINE LCD_COMMANDUS 2000 '2ms cmd delay
    DEFINE LCD_DATAUS 50 '50us data delay
    INTCON = 0      'disable interrupts and clear int flags
    OSCCON = %01110001	'int osc, hs, 8mhz
    CMCON0 =  %00000111
    ANSEL = %00000000
    OPTION_REG = %11111111
    'alias in SERIN2
    GPSin VAR PORTA.0   'A0 has TTL levels
    TRISA = %000001 			
    TRISC = 0 
    PORTA = %000001   'A0 is used for gps input, SERIN2 bitbanging (software eusart)
    PORTC = 0
    WPUA = 0 			
    mystring var byte[65]
    i var byte
    'programming custom characters
    LCDOUT  $FE,$40,$00,$0A,$0A,$00,$11,$0E,$00,$00  ' Cust Char #0: happy smiley  
    LCDOUT  $FE,$48,$0E,$15,$1B,$19,$1B,$15,$0E,$00  ' Cust Char #1: copyright
    LCDOUT  $FE,$50,$0E,$0E,$1F,$0E,$04,$00,$1F,$00  ' Cust Char #2: press  
    LCDOUT  $FE,$58,$0A,$1F,$1F,$1F,$0E,$04,$00,$00  ' Cust Char #3: heart  
    LCDOUT  $FE,$60,$03,$05,$19,$19,$19,$19,$05,$03  ' Cust Char #4: speaker  
    LCDOUT  $FE,$68,$00,$00,$04,$0E,$0E,$0E,$0E,$00  ' Cust Char #5: bullet  
    LCDOUT  $FE,$70,$1F,$11,$11,$11,$11,$11,$11,$1F  ' Cust Char #6: empty square  
    LCDOUT  $FE,$78,$04,$0E,$1F,$0E,$0E,$00,$1F,$00  ' Cust Char #7: release
    'blink led
    for i = 0 to 10
        HIGH PORTA.1
        pause 300
        LOW PORTA.1
        PAUSE 300
    NEXT i
    'TEST block
    'display a sample of the custom charas
      LCDOUT $fe,1,"new charas: "
      LCDOUT $fe,$c0,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    PAUSE 4000
    LCDOUT $fe,1,"GPS display"
    PAUSE 2000
    LCDOUT $fe,1,"in GPS"
    LCDOUT $fe,$c0,"Serin start"
    PAUSE 2000 
    mystring[0]=0    'init first byte of the string
    serin2 portA.0,188,3000,toto,[WAIT("$GPRMC"),STR mystring\65\13]
    If mystring[0]<>0 then 
        LCDOUT $fe,1,"Data avail."
        PAUSE 2000 
        LCDOUT $fe,1,"No data"
        PAUSE 2000
    goto gps
    LCDOUT $fe,1,"timeout"
    PAUSE 2000 
    GOTO gps

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Gilroy, CA

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    Serin2 will work on any pin. Why don't you try running down the list of modes for 4800, to see what works. Also, make sure your GPS is receiving satellites. It sounds like this one waits for a valid position before it sends anything out its ports, if I am reading the manual right.

  5. #5
    xnihilo's Avatar
    xnihilo Guest

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    mode 188 seems to work, with TTL level TX, as with:

    serin2 portA.0,188,3000,toto,[WAIT("$GPRMC")]
    LCDOUT $fe,1,"Found GPRMC"
    PAUSE 2000

    It displays "Found GPRMC".
    So either it doesn't wait for satellite or the SERIN doesn't in fact find the "$GPRMC" string at all.

    When I try to collect subsequent bytes in an array or in bytes, it stays stuck in SERIN... It is driving me mad as I don't have the slightest idea of what's going wrong.

  6. #6
    xnihilo's Avatar
    xnihilo Guest

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    Default PIC16f684 - Serial GPS - LCD. Interfacing

    I changed the PIC and it fixed the problem.

    Here is the current code for anyone who might be interested in such interfacing.

    'based on:
    @ device  pic16F684, intrc_osc_noclkout, BOD_OFF, PWRT_OFF, wdt_off, mclr_off, protect_off
    'quid freq horloge requise?
    DEFINE OSC 8			'set OSC value to 8MHz for instructions PAUSE, PAUSEus and SOUND (instead of default 4MHz)
    DEFINE LCD_DREG PORTC 'data port out is portC
    DEFINE LCD_DBIT 0 'data on portC0-portC3
    DEFINE LCD_RSREG PORTC 'r/s is on portC.4, with 10K WPU
    DEFINE LCD_EREG PORTC 'enable is on portC.5
    DEFINE LCD_BITS 4 '4bits data bus
    DEFINE LCD_LINES 2 '2lines display
    DEFINE LCD_COMMANDUS 2000 '2ms cmd delay
    DEFINE LCD_DATAUS 50 '50us data delay
    INTCON = 0      'disable interrupts and clear int flags
    OSCCON = %01110001	'int osc, hs, 8mhz
    CMCON0 =  %00000111
    ANSEL = %00000000
    OPTION_REG = %11111111
    TRISA = %000001 			
    TRISC = 0 
    PORTA = %000000   'A0 is used for gps input, SERIN2 bitbanging (software eusart)
    PORTC = 0
    WPUA = 0 			
    hh VAR BYTE 'hours
    mm VAR BYTE 'minutes
    ss VAR BYTE 'secondes
    sss var word   'centiemes de seconde
    knots VAR WORD 'speed in knots (units)
    knotsten VAR BYTE 'speed in knots (tens)
    kmph var WORD
    course VAR WORD 'heading
    latdeg VAR BYTE 'degrees latitude
    latmin VAR BYTE 'minutes latitude
    NS VAR BYTE 'north or south
    londeg VAR BYTE 'degrees longitude
    lonmin VAR BYTE 'minutes longitude
    EO VAR BYTE 'east or west
    j VAR BYTE 'day
    m VAR BYTE 'month
    a VAR BYTE 'year
    fix VAR WORD 'GPS fix
    'for kmph calculation
    Speed Var byte[5] 
    SpeedKnots VAR WORD 
    SpeedKm VAR WORD 
    Temp VAR BYTE 
    Dummy VAR WORD
    i var byte
    latsec VAR word
    lonsec VAR WORD
    satellites var word
    b1 var byte
    b2 var byte
    course_ CON 0
    latdeg_ CON 10
    latmin_ CON 20
    londeg_ CON 30
    lonmin_ CON 40
    kmph_ CON 50
    satellites_ con 60
    'programming custom characters
    LCDOUT  $FE,$40,$00,$0A,$0A,$00,$11,$0E,$00,$00  ' Cust Char #0: happy smiley  
    LCDOUT  $FE,$48,$0E,$15,$1B,$19,$1B,$15,$0E,$00  ' Cust Char #1: copyright
    LCDOUT  $FE,$50,$0E,$0E,$1F,$0E,$04,$00,$1F,$00  ' Cust Char #2: press  
    LCDOUT  $FE,$58,$0A,$1F,$1F,$1F,$0E,$04,$00,$00  ' Cust Char #3: heart  
    LCDOUT  $FE,$60,$03,$05,$19,$19,$19,$19,$05,$03  ' Cust Char #4: speaker  
    LCDOUT  $FE,$68,$00,$00,$04,$0E,$0E,$0E,$0E,$00  ' Cust Char #5: bullet  
    LCDOUT  $FE,$70,$1F,$11,$11,$11,$11,$11,$11,$1F  ' Cust Char #6: empty square  
    LCDOUT  $FE,$78,$04,$0E,$1F,$0E,$0E,$00,$1F,$00  ' Cust Char #7: release
    LCDOUT $fe,1,"GPS device"
    LCDOUT $fe,$c0,"25.11.09"
    PAUSE 2000
    'LCDOUT $fe,1,"Serin start1"
    'PAUSE 1000
    SerIn2 PORTA.0,188,3000,toto,[wait("$GPRMC"),wait(","),DEC2 hh,DEC2 mm,wait(","),fix,wait(","),DEC2 latdeg,DEC2 latmin,wait(","),NS,wait(","),DEC3 londeg,DEC2 lonmin,wait(","),EO,wait(","),knots,wait("."),DEC2 knotsten,wait(","),DEC3 course,wait(","),DEC2 j,DEC2 m,DEC2 a]   'works
    If fix !="V" THEN
        LCDOUT $fe,1,"Fix: ",#fix
        LCDOUT $fe,$c0,"65:bad; 86:good"
        PAUSE 1000
    'LCDOUT $fe,1,"FOUND"
    'PAUSE 1000
    'IF (fix != "V") Then 
    '	LCDOut $FE, 1 'Clear Screen 
    '	LCDOut "No Fix"
    '    LCDOUT $fe,$c0,"Fix: ",#fix 
    '	Pause 1000
    '    GOTO gps
    GOSUB display1
    'LCDOUT $fe,1,"Serin start2"
    'PAUSE 1000
    SerIn2 PORTA.0,188,3000,toto,[wait("$GPVTG"),wait("N"),DEC3 kmph]
    'LCDOUT $fe,1,"FOUND"
    'PAUSE 1000
    GOSUB display2
    'LCDOUT $fe,1,"Serin start3"
    'PAUSE 1000
    SerIn2 PORTA.0,188,3000,toto,[wait("$GPGSV,"),SKIP 1, wait(","),SKIP 1, wait(","),DEC2 satellites]
    'LCDOUT $fe,1,"FOUND"
    'PAUSE 1000
    GOSUB display3
    GOTO gps
    LCDOUT $fe,1,"timeout"
    PAUSE 1000 
    GOTO gps
    WRITE course_,course
    LCDOut $FE, 1 'Clear Screen 
    LCDOut "HEADING:",DEC3 course," DEG"
    Pause 3000
    write latdeg_,latdeg
    write latmin_,latmin
    WRITE londeg_,londeg
    WRITE lonmin_,lonmin
    LCDOut $FE, 1 'Clear Screen 
    LCDOut "LAT:",DEC2 latdeg,",",DEC2 latmin," ",NS
    LCDOut $fe,$c0
    LCDOut "LON:",DEC2 londeg,",",DEC2 lonmin," ",EO
    Pause 3000
    WRITE kmph_,kmph
    LCDOUT $fe,1,DEC3 kmph," km/h:"
    PAUSE 3000
    if kmph > 50 then
        HIGH porta.1
        LOW porta.1
    write satellites_,satellites
    LCDOUT $fe,1,DEC3 satellites," satellites"
    PAUSE 3000

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