PBP code to read R/C signal from receiver

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  1. #1
    malc-c's Avatar
    malc-c Guest

    Default PBP code to read R/C signal from receiver


    Have tried searching the net and this forum, but nothing comes up, and as I'm a bit rusty on PBP, I'm after some pointers as to how to read the PPM signal from a normal RC receiver (1 -2ms repeated every 20ms).

    I've got some ASM code that already does this, but really want to learn and develope PBP a little more. One search did turn up something on RC groups, but Alain has removed the source code

  2. #2
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    Wink So simple a question, the answer could be ...RTF...

    Hi, Malc

    What are you looking for exactly ???

    The basic reading is simply achieved only with a PULSIN Command ....

    ************************************************** ***********************
    Why insist on using 32 Bits when you're not even able to deal with the first 8 ones ??? ehhhhhh ...
    ************************************************** ***********************
    IF there is the word "Problem" in your question ...
    certainly the answer is " RTFM " or " RTFDataSheet " !!!

  3. #3

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    Short example:

    @ DEVICE PIC12F683, BOD_ON
    OSCCON  = %01110000    ' Internal 4MHz osc
    ADCON0 = 0             ' A/D off
    CMCON0 = 7             ' Comparators off
    ANSEL = 0	           ' Set all digital
    WPU = 0                ' Internal pull-ups = off
    OPTION_REG = %10000000 ' Pull-ups = off, GPIO.2 = I/O, prescaler to Timer1
    GPIO = %00000000       ' All outputs = 0 on boot
    TRISIO = %00001000     ' GPIO.3 input, GPIO.0,2,3,4,5 output
    signal VAR GPIO.3
    pulse  VAR BYTE
           PulsIn signal, 1, pulse ' reads signal from receiver
           IF (pulse >= 148) AND (pulse <= 152) Then
              Low GPIO.0 ' turns LED off
                High GPIO.0 ' turns LED on
           GoTo main

  4. #4
    malc-c's Avatar
    malc-c Guest

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    Default thanks

    Thanks for the code example. I'll hook up a receiver to my Easypic5 board and have a play... I'll also have a read of the online manual

  5. #5
    malc-c's Avatar
    malc-c Guest

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    I've tried the following with a 12F675 and whilst it compiles and loads OK it doesn't do anything

    OPTION_REG = %10000000 ' Pull-ups = off, GPIO.2 = I/O, prescaler to Timer1
    GPIO = %00000000       ' All outputs = 0 on boot
    TRISIO = %00001000     ' GPIO.3 input, GPIO.0,2,3,4,5 output
    ANSEL = 0	           ' Set all digital
    WPU = 0                ' Internal pull-ups = off
    signal VAR GPIO.3
    pulse  VAR BYTE
           PulsIn signal, 1, pulse ' reads signal from receiver
           IF (pulse >= 148) AND (pulse <= 152) Then
              Low GPIO.0 ' turns LED off
                High GPIO.0 ' turns LED on
           GoTo main
    GPIO.0 is high all the time. GPIO.3 glows faint on the Easypic and brightens when the switch on the TX is activated indicating the PPM signals are being received on GPIO.3

    I've also loaded some hex generated from assembly that works so the connections are sound. Any ideas ???

  6. #6
    malc-c's Avatar
    malc-c Guest

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    This seems to work

           PulsIn signal, 1, pulse ' reads signal from receiver
           IF (pulse >= 100) AND (pulse <= 160) Then
              Low GPIO.0 ' turns LED off
                High GPIO.0 ' turns LED on
           GoTo main
    seems the range between >= and <= was the issue

  7. #7
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    There was no issue, Malc

    Led OFF for Neutral , ON for everything else.

    a bit surprising, but ... it is !

    ************************************************** ***********************
    Why insist on using 32 Bits when you're not even able to deal with the first 8 ones ??? ehhhhhh ...
    ************************************************** ***********************
    IF there is the word "Problem" in your question ...
    certainly the answer is " RTFM " or " RTFDataSheet " !!!

  8. #8
    malc-c's Avatar
    malc-c Guest

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    No issue, just the the original range didn't work. Once I changed the values between the <= and >= then it worked !

  9. #9

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    I'm glad the code worked for you... Wish there were more threads about R/Cs electronics... I own 25 R/C trucks from Traxxas and now a heli clone of the Trex500 and many of them have PICs turning on/off lights, flashers, blilnkers, neons, sirens, and a few more things... PICs are great for R/C projects!!!

  10. #10
    malc-c's Avatar
    malc-c Guest

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    Dan, have to agree with you. It would be nice to see some more RC related PIC / PBP stuff.

    Maybe we could start a thread and request the mods to sticky it in the code examples section ????

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