By using PICBASIC PRO and PIC16F84a how I can make this:
Port a.1 high for 6 sec & in the same time porta.0 blinking ???
By using PICBASIC PRO and PIC16F84a how I can make this:
Port a.1 high for 6 sec & in the same time porta.0 blinking ???
C'mon Guys... lets have another five different ways of doing this... then all the students who are using this forum for answers to their homework assignments can each have a different method and not be accused of copying...Code:CounterA var Byte LEDA var PortA.0 LEDB var PortA.1 Low LEDA Low LEDB Start: High LEDB ' PortA.1 goes High For CounterA=1 to 6 ' For Six seconds Gosub BlinkyOne ' Whilst Blinky blinks Next CounterA Low LEDB ' PortA.1 then goes LOW EndLoop: ' and Blinky continues forever Gosub BlinkyOne Goto EndLoop ' until you get bored and switch off ' ' Subroutine Blinks LEDA across 1 Second ' -------------------------------------- BlinkyOne: High LEDA Pause 500 Low LEDA Pause 500 Return
Melanie, I hope you don't mind me using my brain to mod your code. However, as you have it, it is a variation of blinky. More to come ??Code:CounterA var Byte LEDA var PortA.0 LEDB var PortA.1 Low LEDA Low LEDB Start: High LEDB ' PortA.1 goes High For CounterA=1 to 6*2 ' For Six*2 half seconds Gosub BlinkyHalf ' Whilst Blinky blinks Next CounterA Low LEDB ' PortA.1 then goes LOW pause 10000 ' a 10 second gap and then go blinkety blink EndLoop: Gosub BlinkyHalf Goto EndLoop ' until you get bored and switch off ' ' Subroutine Blinks LEDA across 1 Second ' -------------------------------------- BlinkyHalf: Toggle LEDA Pause 500 Return
Blinkcounter var byte
High porta.1 'high port
high porta.0 'on led
pause 500
low porta.0 'off led
pause 500
let blinkcounter = (blinkcounter + 1)
if blinkcounter < 6 then start
low porta.1
low porta.0
pause 1000
goto start 'keep it going
untested . . .
Code:PortA = %00000000 TrisA = %00000000 i var byte Start: PortA.1 = 1 while PortA.1 = 1 For i = 0 to 5 portA.0 = 1 pause 500 PortA.0 = 0 pause 500 next i portA.1 = 0 wend end
If you do not believe in MAGIC, Consider how currency has value simply by printing it, and is then traded for real assets.
Gold is the money of kings, silver is the money of gentlemen, barter is the money of peasants - but debt is the money of slaves
There simply is no "Happy Spam" If you do it you will disappear from this forum.
I know, wrong chip and wrong pins... it is what I have on the bench...
Last edited by mackrackit; - 8th April 2011 at 07:11. Reason: HTML to BB
Always wear safety glasses while programming.
Here my contribution.Code:PortA = 0 TrisA = 0 Seconds var Byte LED_1 var PortA.0 LED_2 var PortA.1 Loop: 'Your gosub comand goes here Goto Loop Blink: High Led_1 Seconds = 0 While Seconds <>5 High Led_2 pause 500 Low Led_2 pause 500 Seconds = Seconds + 1 wend Low Led_1 Return End
All progress began with an idea
how about the easiest one out there:
it might not be the smallest in code size, but it will work and its really easy to understand!!!Code:Start: High Porta.1 High porta.0 Pause 500 Low Porta.0 Pause 500 '1 second High porta.0 Pause 500 Low Porta.0 Pause 500 '2 seconds High porta.0 Pause 500 Low Porta.0 Pause 500 '3 seconds High porta.0 Pause 500 Low Porta.0 Pause 500 '4 seconds High porta.0 Pause 500 Low Porta.0 Pause 500 '5 seconds High porta.0 Pause 500 Low Porta.0 Pause 500 '6 seconds Low Porta.1 pause 1000 goto start
Here is mine.
No PAUSE used !
Code:@ DEVICE PIC16F628A, INTRC_OSC_NOCLKOUT, WDT_OFF, PWRT_OFF, MCLR_OFF,PROTECT_ON,CPD_ON ,BOD_OFF,LVP_OFF TRISA=0 TRISB=0 CMCON=7 ' PortA=digital I/O PAUSE 1 VRCON=0 PAUSE 1 PORTA=0 PORTB=0 T1CON=%00110001 ' 0.524ms TMR1IF VAR PIR1.0 ' Overflow bit of Timer1. Output1 VAR PORTA.1 ' Blink 6secs. Output2 VAR PORTA.0 ' Blink 0.5secs. PreLoad VAR WORD TimeCount VAR BYTE TimetoBlink VAR BYTE PreLoad=3036 ' to get 500ms. TMR1L=PreLoad.LowByte TMR1H=PreLoad.HighByte TimeCount=0 TimetoBlink=12 '12=6secs. PAUSE 50 ' OSC to Settle. Start: IF TMR1IF THEN Blink GOTO Start Blink: 'Each int is 0.500 sec. TMR1L=PreLoad.LowByte ' Load the timer with preload value. TMR1H=PreLoad.HighByte TimeCount=TimeCount + 1 ' Count interrupts. Output2=Output2 ^ 1 ' Toggle fast blinking output. IF TimeCount=TimetoBlink THEN '6Secs ON, 6secs OFF. TimeCount=0 Output1=Output1 ^ 1 ENDIF TMR1IF=0 ' Clear TMR1 int. flag. GOTO Start END
Last edited by mackrackit; - 8th April 2011 at 07:07. Reason: HTML TO BB
"If the Earth were a single state, Istanbul would be its capital." Napoleon Bonaparte
PORTA = %00000000 read this as PORTA gets bits 00000000
This means, write 0 to each bit position of PORTA. Each 0 represents the bits in PORTA from bit 7 to bit 0. You could also write it as
PORTA = $00 read this as PortA gets Hex 0
TRISA = %00000000
This is the tristate register which tells your PIC to allow the values of PORTA to 'drive' the external world circuits. Same as above for the bit position part. If you set any 1 position to 1, that position will only be able to read (INPUT) from the external circuit.
Clear now? Don't hesitate to ask. See how many responses you got.
I am looking for a way to change the rate of blink (Blinking rate) using Interrupt. I would read a POT using ADC and then change the blink rate, Any idea how I could impliment it in Sayzer's code.
p.s. maybe using TMR0
Cause, I want to use it in a code where I am doing some other things like reading ADC channel , and monitoring inputs , while the led is blinking.
You may want to look at this. Post #2 might be of interest.
Always wear safety glasses while programming.