pic program crashing

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  1. #1

    Default pic program crashing

    hi everyone...
    I've writen a PB program to controll a pulse motor...
    It compiles without any errors or warnings...
    It runs in the oshon soft pic simulation IDE with out a problem

    As soon as i try to run it in a PIC random ports become high but don't change...
    I have a test program that runs fine and that uses the same serout2 command and it sends data to my PC without a problem...

    I'm guessing i missed something that i should have setup... can someone take a look and tell me what i missed?
    I've got no idea on where to begin to diagnose this type of problem...

    include "bs1defs.bas"
    Define  CONF_WORD = 	0x3F3A
    Define  OSC				20				' Set clock speed
    Define  ADC_BITS        10     			' Set number of bits in result
    Define  ADC_SAMPLEUS    10    			' Set sampling time in uS
    ADCON0.7 = 0							' ADC clock set to Fosc/2
    ADCON0.6 = 0							' ADC clock set to Fosc/2
    ADCON1.6 = 0							' ADC clock set to Fosc/2
    INTCON = 0								' Disable all interupts
    'DEFINE  SER2_BITS		8				' Ser2 number of data bits
    'RCSTA = %10010000						' Enable serial port and continuous receive
    'TXSTA = %00100100						' Enable transmit and asynchronous mode with BRGH 1
    'SPBRG = 20								' Set baud rate to 57600 with 20mhz clock (BRGH = 1)
    ADT1 var word							' Create ADT1 to store curent ad conversion for AD channel 0
    ADT1MAX var word						' Create ADT1MAX to store curent ADC0 max val
    ADT1MAX = 0
    ADT1VAL var word
    ADT1VAL = 0
    ADV1 var word
    VOLT1H var word
    VOLT1L var word
    C1N	var bit
    C1N = 0
    C1S	var bit
    C1S = 0
    PCOUNTER var byte
    PCOUNTER = 0
    PTICK var bit
    PTICK = 0
    RPM var word
    RPM = 0
    TMR1_VAL var word
    TMR1_VAL = 0
    TRISE = 255							' Set PortE to all inputs
    TRISD = 0							' Set PortD to all outputs
    TRISC = 0							' Set PortC to all outputs
    TRISB = 0							' Set PortB to all outputs
    TRISA = 255 						' Set PORTA to all input
    ADCON1 = 0 							' PORTA is analog
    PIE1.0 = 0							' Disable TMR1 interupt (double check)
    T1CON.5 = 1 						' Setup TMR1 timings
    T1CON.4 = 1
    T1CON.3 = 1
    T1CON.1 = 0
    T1CON.0 = 1
    gosub getadc
    gosub control
    gosub backemfreuse
    gosub rpmcounter
    gosub adcvonvert
    gosub telemetry
    goto main
    ADCIN 0, ADT1
    ADT1 = ADT1 / 64
    VOLT1H = ((48 * ADT1) / 10000)
    VOLT1L = ((48 * ADT1) - (((48 * ADT1) / 10000) * 10000)) / 100
    if PCOUNTER = 4 then
    	T1CON.0 = 0 					' Pause TMR1
    	TMR1_VAL.lowbyte = TMR1L		' Load TMR1 Low end byte
    	TMR1_VAL.Highbyte = TMR1H		' Load TMR1 High end byte
    	RPM = 60000 / ((TMR1_VAL * 16)/10000)
    	PCOUNTER = 0
    	TMR1L = 0
    	TMR1H = 0
    	T1CON.0 = 1
    'HSEROUT ["V1:",DEC5 VOLT1H,".",DEC5 VOLT1L," RPM:", DEC5 RPM,10]
    SEROUT2 PORTD.0,16468,["V1:",DEC VOLT1H,".",DEC VOLT1L," RPM:",DEC RPM,10]
    'IF ADT1 > 200 and ADT2 > 200 then
    '	LOW PORTB.0
    '	LOW PORTB.1
    '	C1N = 0
    '	C1S = 0
    '	return
    '	ENDIF
    IF ADT1 > 200 then
    	high PORTB.0
    	LOW PORTD.7
    	C1N = 1
    	IF PTICK = 0 then
    		PTICK = 1
    IF ADT1 < 200 then
    	LOW PORTB.0
    	C1N = 0
    	IF PTICK = 1 then
    		PTICK = 0
    if C1N = 0 then 'and C1S = 0 
    	High PORTD.7
    	LOW PORTD.7
    Thank you

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Bombay, India

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    Frankly, I've not looked through your code, but asking questions to see if you've eliminated those cases.

    1. Disconnect the motor for tests. Use a LED instead
    2. Check on the power supply decoupling. Not enough??
    3. Back EMF protection. Since you seem to be using this, is the value within the supply rails?? Usually, a freewheeling diode is used to suppress back emf.

  3. #3

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    apologies, should have said...

    it's curently sat on a plug board and the analog port used is set to 0 volts atm...
    8 LED's on port B
    power supply is the backup battery, single cell lithion ion battery curently at 3.8 volts...

    I managed to find the problem... it hadn't actually crashed it's just port B was left in a 'random' state uppon startup...

    I found this because at regular stages i got it to write the stage number into the onboard eprom and the read it back in the programmer and notices it had initialised and was running the main sequence...

    So, the program is actually running...

    But, i'm getting nothing up the serial test link to my PC... which works (same port, same command) in my test program...

    SEROUT2 PORTD.0,16468,["V1:",DEC VOLT1H,".",DEC VOLT1L," RPM:",DEC RPM,10]
    The test program uses...

    SEROUT2 PORTD.0,16468,[dec abcd,10,13]
    So their both the same, but i get data from the test program, but not the pulse motor program...

    Any ideas why?


  4. #4

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    i ented a couple of lines to try to debug the problem...

    Here is the startup sequence...

    include "bs1defs.bas"
    Define  CONF_WORD = 	0x3F3A
    Define  OSC				24				' Set clock speed
    DEFINE  SER2_BITS		8				' Ser2 number of data bits
    SEROUT2 PORTD.0,16468,["INITIALISING",10,13]
    Define  ADC_BITS        10     			' Set number of bits in result
    Define  ADC_SAMPLEUS    10    			' Set sampling time in uS
    ADCON0.7 = 0							' ADC clock set to Fosc/2
    ADCON0.6 = 0							' ADC clock set to Fosc/2
    ADCON1.6 = 0							' ADC clock set to Fosc/2
    INTCON = 0								' Disable all interupts
    'RCSTA = %10010000						' Enable serial port and continuous receive
    'TXSTA = %00100100						' Enable transmit and asynchronous mode with BRGH 1
    'SPBRG = 20								' Set baud rate to 57600 with 20mhz clock (BRGH = 1)
    ADT1 var word							' Create ADT1 to store curent ad conversion for AD channel 0
    ADT1MAX var word						' Create ADT1MAX to store curent ADC0 max val
    ADT1MAX = 0
    ADT1VAL var word
    ADT1VAL = 0
    ADV1 var word
    VOLT1H var word
    VOLT1L var word
    C1N	var bit
    C1N = 0
    C1S	var bit
    C1S = 0
    PCOUNTER var byte
    PCOUNTER = 0
    PTICK var bit
    PTICK = 0
    RPM var word
    RPM = 0
    TMR1_VAL var word
    TMR1_VAL = 0
    TRISE = 255							' Set PortE to all inputs
    TRISD = 0							' Set PortD to all outputs
    TRISC = 0							' Set PortC to all outputs
    TRISB = 0							' Set PortB to all outputs
    TRISA = 255 						' Set PORTA to all input
    ADCON1 = 0 							' PORTA is analog
    PIE1.0 = 0							' Disable TMR1 interupt (double check)
    T1CON.5 = 1 						' Setup TMR1 timings
    T1CON.4 = 1
    T1CON.3 = 1
    T1CON.1 = 0
    T1CON.0 = 1
    PORTB = 0
    PORTC = 0
    PORTD = 0
    SEROUT2 PORTD.0,16468,["INITIALISED",10,13]
    And on the PC I get "INITIALISING" and nothing else...
    So somewhere between INITIALISING and INITIALISED things go wrong...

  5. #5

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    right, i've placed serout2's after every single initialisation line and i discoverd something REALLY confusing...

    The serout2's stopped after this line...

    TRISE = 255
    Why on earth would a TRISE operation affect serout2 command on PORTD?

    To prove it, i commented out the TRISE command and everything works perfectly...

    so, why does the TRISE cause a problem with SEROUT2

  6. #6

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    and then, when i open the datasheet for the 16f877a and search for trise i find this....

    89h TRISE IBF OBF IBOV PSPMODE — PORTE Data Direction Bits
    Well, thats helpfull!

    TRISE affects PORTD!

    That is another for the FAQ's

    Thanks for everyones help

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