Minimizing code space

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  1. #1

    Default Minimizing code space

    Below is code for an eight output project based on time and eventually either time or rpm of an engine. I have done something similar earlier yet with only two outputs.

    So I have to store the "On" time or rpm and also the "Off" time of the time or rpm. I have a membrane switch that allows the user to configure the sixteen variables (eight stages each with an 'On' and an 'Off' time.

    Currently I have the code to do a WRITE and READ after each update of a stage/On or Off. The WRITE and READ commands eat up alot of code space quickly.

    My question is they are cleaner approach to a WRITE and READ? Instead of doing 16 Writes and Reads then updating the LCD, can I do sometype of Loop with one Write and Read command? Or anything else?

    BTW, I am working on a few other things in the code trying to simplify code in other areas aswell so the posted code in other areas might not make sense. The WRITE/READ portion is what I am talking about for this case. Also I had to shorten the code to fit under the character limit for this thread


    DEFINE OSC 20  
    Start           var     PortB.5    'Input to start timers
    Up1             var     PortA.2    'Up button to change seconds
    Down1           var     PortA.3    'Down button to change seconds. 
    Up01            var     PortE.1    'Up button to change tenths of second. 
    Down01          var     PortE.0    'Down button to change tenths of second. 
    Up001           var     PortA.5    'Up button to change hundredths of a second
    Down001         var     PortA.4    'Down button to change hundredths of a second
    Tool            var     PortB.4    'Button to change to diffent menu
    UpStage         var     PortC.3    'Button to change stages
    DownStage       var     PortD.0    'Button to change stages
    LCD             VAR     PortC.4    'LCD output
    RPM             var     PortC.2
    StageCounter    var     byte
    ActiveType      var     Byte            'Toggles between On/Off part of a Stage
    Stage1OnS       data    word      100
    Stage1OffS      data    word      110
    Stage2OnS       data    word      200
    Stage2OffS      data    word      220
    Stage3OnS       data    word      300
    Stage3OffS      data    word      330
    Stage4OnS       data    word      400
    Stage4OffS      data    word      440
    Stage5OnS       data    word      500
    Stage5OffS      data    word      550
    Stage6OnS       data    word      600
    Stage6OffS      data    word      660
    Stage7OnS       data    word      700
    Stage7OffS      data    word      770
    Stage8OnS       data    word      800
    Stage8OffS      data    word      880
    Stage1On        VAR     word      
    Stage1Off       VAR     word 
    Stage1Type      var     Bit 
    Stage2On        VAR     word      
    Stage2Off       VAR     word
    Stage2Type      var     BIT       
    Stage3On        VAR     word      
    Stage3Off       VAR     word
    Stage3Type      var     BIT       
    Stage4On        VAR     word      
    Stage4Off       VAR     word 
    Stage4Type      var     BIT      
    Stage5On        VAR     word      
    Stage5Off       VAR     word  
    Stage5Type      var     BIT     
    Stage6On        VAR     word      
    Stage6Off       VAR     word
    Stage6Type      var     BIT       
    Stage7On        VAR     word      
    Stage7Off       VAR     word
    Stage7Type      var     BIT       
    Stage8On        VAR     word      
    Stage8Off       VAR     word
    Stage8Type      var     BIT          
    Checker         var     byte
    PreStage        var     byte
    CurStage        var     Byte
    NxtStage        var     byte
    PreOn           var     word
    PreOff          var     word
    CurOn           Var     word
    CurOff          var     word
    NxtOff          var     word
    NxtOn           var     word
    LRPM            var     word
    HRPM            var     word      
    RPMTotal        VAR     Word 
    BL              var     byte
    OPTION_REG.7 = 0 'Pull Ups enabled
    ADCON0.0 =0
    ADCON1 =7
    StageCounter = 0
    '---------Display Start-Up Info-------
    Include "modedefs.bas"	' Mode definitions for Serout
    Include "Elapsed.bas"
    gosub ClearScreen
    pause 200
    gosub Read_Data
    '------------Sets up backlighting--------------
        Gosub Change_Stage
        Gosub Change_Type
        Gosub Change_Time
        Gosub SetBackLight
    until Start = 0
    'Repeat    'Transbrake button pushed                         
    '  HDSRPM = 0
    '  LDSRPM = 0
    '  DSRPMCounter = 0
    'Until Start = 1
    Gosub StartTimer
    Gosub ClearScreen
    Serout LCD,T9600,["On"]
    gosub StopTimer
        If UpStage = 0 then
           if StageCounter < 15 then
              StageCounter = StageCounter +1
           IF StageCounter = 15 then
              StageCounter = 0
        If DownStage = 0 then
           if StageCounter >0 then
              StageCounter = StageCounter -1
           IF StageCounter = 0 then
              StageCounter = 15
        Gosub Set_Display 
      If Tool = 0 and Up1= 0 then
        If ActiveType = 0 then
           ActiveType = 1
           ActiveType = 0
    '----Change Seconds----
      If ActiveType = 1 then 'Changes On Time
        If Up1 = 0 then
           'Stage1on= Stage1On + 1
           CurOn = CurOn +100
        If Down1 = 0 Then
           CurOn = Curon - 100
      If ActiveType = 0 then  'Changes Off Time
        If Up1 = 0 then
           'Stage1on= Stage1On + 1
           CurOff = CurOff +100
        If Down1 = 0 Then
           CurOff = CurOff - 100
    '----Change Tenths----
      If ActiveType = 1 then
        If Up01 = 0 then
           'Stage1on= Stage1On + 1
           CurOn = CurOn +10
        If Down01 = 0 Then
           CurOn = CurOn - 10
      If ActiveType = 0 then
        If Up01 = 0 then
           'Stage1on= Stage1On + 1
           CurOff = CurOff +10
        If Down01 = 0 Then
           CurOff = CurOff - 10
    '----Change Hundreths----
      If ActiveType = 1 then
        If Up001 = 0 then
           'Stage1on= Stage1On + 1
           CurOn = CurOn +1
        If Down001 = 0 Then
           CurOn = CurOn - 1
      If ActiveType = 0 then
        If Up001 = 0 then
           'Stage1on= Stage1On + 1
           CurOff = CurOff +1
        If Down001 = 0 Then
           CurOff = CurOff - 1
      Gosub Set_Display 
      gosub Write_Data
      gosub Read_Data
        Select Case StageCounter
        Case 1
             PreStage = 8
             CurStage = 1
             NxtStage = 2
             PreOn = Stage8On
             PreOff = Stage8Off
             CurOn = Stage1On
             CurOff = Stage1Off
             NxtOn = Stage2On
             NxtOff = Stage2Off
        Case 8
             PreStage = 7
             CurStage = 8
             NxtStage = 1
             PreOn = Stage7On
             PreOff =Stage7Off
             CurOn = Stage8On
             CurOff = Stage8Off
             NxtOn = Stage1On
             NxtOff = Stage1Off
        end select 
        Gosub Display_Stage
    gosub FirstLine
    If ActiveType = 1 then
       gosub On_Channel
    If ActiveType = 0 then
       gosub Off_Channel
       Serout LCD,T9600,[Prefix,CursorPS,61,#PreStage,Prefix,CursorPS,70,#PreOn,Prefix,CursorPS,75,#PreOff, Prefix,CursorPS,LcdLine3,#CurStage,Prefix,CursorPS,26,#CurOn, Prefix,CursorPS,31, #CurOff, Prefix,CursorPS,36,"<ON", Prefix,CursorPS,LcdLine4, #NxtStage, Prefix,CursorPS,90, #NxtOn, Prefix,CursorPS,95, #NxtOff]
       Serout LCD,T9600,[Prefix,CursorPS,61,#PreStage,Prefix,CursorPS,70,#PreOn,Prefix,CursorPS,75,#PreOff, Prefix,CursorPS,LcdLine3,#CurStage,Prefix,CursorPS,26,#CurOn, Prefix,CursorPS,31, #CurOff, Prefix,CursorPS,36,"<OFF", Prefix,CursorPS,LcdLine4, #NxtStage, Prefix,CursorPS,90, #NxtOn, Prefix,CursorPS,95, #NxtOff]
        Read 0, Stage1On.LowByte
        REad 1, Stage1On.HighByte
        Read 2, Stage1Off.LowByte
        REad 3, Stage1Off.HighByte
        Read 28, Stage8On.LowByte
        REad 29, Stage8On.HighByte
        Read 30, Stage8Off.LowByte
        REad 31, Stage8Off.HighByte
        Write 0, Stage1On.LowByte
        Write 1, Stage1On.HighByte
        Write 2, Stage1Off.LowByte
        Write 3, Stage1Off.HighByte
        Write 28, Stage8On.LowByte
        Write 29, Stage8On.HighByte
        Write 30, Stage8Off.LowByte
        Write 31, Stage8Off.HighByte

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Look, behind you.

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  3. #3

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    thanks I will look into this and I appreciate it alot!!

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