Hi my Friends.

I am trying to receive incoming messages from a GSM modem, using Serin2 command and display it on a 20 x 4 LCD display. First 80 and then last 80

Incoming messages may vary from 1 to 160 characters including a constant qualifier.

All work well if the number of characters is 160.
I break it up as 2 sets of 80 chars (first 80 on LCD pause a few seconds and then last 80).

Serin2 Si,17197,3000,Unlock,[wait ("+27"),str IntNo[1]\9,skip 4,_
str Date[1]\8,skip 1,str Time[1]\8,wait ("$@"),_
str CmdStr[1]\80,str CmdStr2[1]\80]

If it is less than 160, it time out and nothing displays

Thanks for your help !
