hey..i cant seem to get anything right,maybe if you could write me a sample code,I'ld appreciate that
Type: Posts; User: nkwankwe; Keyword(s):
hey..i cant seem to get anything right,maybe if you could write me a sample code,I'ld appreciate that
1- the loop, For W = 0 To 65, I meant to count pulses for 1 litre(65 pulses=1litre)
so the value I would be storing in W1 will be(0+1), followed by (1+1), then (2+1) and so on.. every 65...
I have written the code as follows below,but the output is so fast,I think its giving me millilitres rather than litres...How do I modify it
W1 var WORD
W2 VAR...
Thank you Alain
I'll try the coding
Ladies and Gentlemen,
I have a small problem: I need to display the volume of water that is being fed by a flow transducer to PIC16F877A.The transducer outputs square pulses at 65 pulses per...