Even a simple text editor could do that damage to the file and have such characters stored in them.
That is why posting the whole file helps us to help you.
Anyway, glad you got it working as...
Type: Posts; User: Ioannis; Keyword(s):
Even a simple text editor could do that damage to the file and have such characters stored in them.
That is why posting the whole file helps us to help you.
Anyway, glad you got it working as...
There is no ire...
Only that it is extremely difficult to guess what you might have wrong. Posting the listing and the in some cases the wiring to your PIC, power supply etc greatly helps nailing...
Well, we are here to help on specific problems, not guessing what you might have wrong in your listing. If it is 4k long line let it be.
There are many kind people here that will have a second...
Posting snippets is just a waste of time...