That's great! Glad you got it working.
Sure, PM me anytime.
Type: Posts; User: ScaleRobotics; Keyword(s):
That's great! Glad you got it working.
Sure, PM me anytime.
What code are you using for the usb part? DT_HID260.pbp, with DT_INTS-18.bas or something else?
Have you looked at the schematic for the low pin count kit, and compared it to what you have?
Are you applying power to the Vusb like the...
I think it does show most of the configs to use:
'* Name : BasicUSB.pbp ...
I am on a dial-up connection right now, so it's sort of painful to look it up myself. But I didn't think the X-1 was made for the 14K50? You might try looking at the schematic for the low pin count...
You might try looking at Darrel's sample here:
ASM ; 18F13K50/14K50 Only 12mhz crystal can be used for USB
__CONFIG ...