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  1. Re: Direct Port Manipulation PBP3 Pro silver edition

    Thanks so much HenrikOlsson for all this,
    just read about (LAT register (output latch)) in datasheet, and found the NOP but was puzzle about the @. you did clarify all this.
  2. Re: Direct Port Manipulation PBP3 Pro silver edition

    Hello everyone,

    I have good news !

    it's finally work fine let me explain my mistakes.

    Changed :
    CONFIG FOSC = HSHP ; HS oscillator (high power > 16 MHz) (need...
  3. Re: Direct Port Manipulation PBP3 Pro silver edition


    I'm not sure if my code are alright I programmed a PIC18F25K22

    and put 2 oscilloscope probe on Pin RA0, and RA1 as form the code listed and no signal found on those 2 pins.

    I use this...
  4. Re: Direct Port Manipulation PBP3 Pro silver edition

    Thanks for great help

    I understand the NOP , but the LATB.0 = 1 ?

    Where can I find information about LAT command/function and NOP

    I assume this LAT = register
  5. Direct Port Manipulation PBP3 Pro silver edition

    Hello everyone,

    I currently have the PBP3 silver edition, on this edition I can use a PIC18F25K22 with an internal clock of 64Mhz max.

    my question is how fast can I send a signal either a...
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