Thanks so much HenrikOlsson for all this,
just read about (LAT register (output latch)) in datasheet, and found the NOP but was puzzle about the @. you did clarify all this.
Type: Posts; User: jackberg1; Keyword(s):
Thanks so much HenrikOlsson for all this,
just read about (LAT register (output latch)) in datasheet, and found the NOP but was puzzle about the @. you did clarify all this.
Hello everyone,
I have good news !
it's finally work fine let me explain my mistakes.
Changed :
CONFIG FOSC = HSHP ; HS oscillator (high power > 16 MHz) (need...
I'm not sure if my code are alright I programmed a PIC18F25K22
and put 2 oscilloscope probe on Pin RA0, and RA1 as form the code listed and no signal found on those 2 pins.
I use this...
Thanks for great help
I understand the NOP , but the LATB.0 = 1 ?
Where can I find information about LAT command/function and NOP
I assume this LAT = register
Hello everyone,
I currently have the PBP3 silver edition, on this edition I can use a PIC18F25K22 with an internal clock of 64Mhz max.
my question is how fast can I send a signal either a...