LATB is a register within the PIC, not a PBP command. Exactly the same as TRISA, CMCON, WPUA, ANSELA, ADCON and a few hundred more that you will not find in the PBP manual but rather in the datasheet...
Type: Posts; User: HenrikOlsson; Keyword(s):
LATB is a register within the PIC, not a PBP command. Exactly the same as TRISA, CMCON, WPUA, ANSELA, ADCON and a few hundred more that you will not find in the PBP manual but rather in the datasheet...
At 64MHz each instruction cycle is 62.5ns so
LATB.0 = 1
LATB.0 = 0
Will produce a 125ns pulse. Remove the @NOP for 62.5ns