I could be wrong but the way I read your instruction sheet I see this..... think the module has the dimmer mechanism internal and is controlled by 0-5 volt on the Vo pin
IRF5305P is P channel.
It's hard to see how that ends up sourcing 110mA out of the IO pins... I would have guessed less than half that.
tumbleweed Yesterday, 15:32The 2N2907 is a PNP transistor while IRF530P is a N-Channel FET. So the circuit should be different.
In the case of 2N2907 you source current to the LCD but with IRF you should sink current to the...
What I was thinking... Henrik is right as all that current is flowing out of the PIC and not to ground.
So indeed, the only power loss is the voltage drop on the output buffer times the specific...
Yes, the voltage drop across the switch increases as the current goes up. That's why I was being conservative with the 1V voltage drop.
But really, as long as the voltage drop isn't MORE than 1V it...
Roger, Richard.
Specs say 90mA. Gonna have to test to see if that's into the "overbright" range with pixels bleeding through.
I remember setting this "by eye" at an intensity that was...
you should have specs on max current for the backlight, the actual R used should limit to that value or less at 100% pwm modulation at 5v. imo
richard Yesterday, 04:47i would start with a 100R resister between each cathode and vss , if the backlight is not brite enough
drop the R incrementally .
Re: Voltage regulation circuit 12V to 5V in 5A range
Yeah, as I corrected myself in post #38,
Demon Today, 03:08https://www.picbasic.co.uk/forum/showthread.php/26823-Voltage-regulation-circuit-12V-to-5V-in-5A-range?p=156583#post156583
it's the backlight that I'm...