What value is appropriate for the CALIBRATION number in the settings?
raywmson Today, 11:38Greetings Richard,
thank you so much for your time. Your code looks impressive.
There are lots of bits that I don't understand yet but it's great because I like to learn.
Will study your code...
that's it
just to keep my hand in i made this, one with the lot [ slight differences in led pins]
CONFIG OSC = IRCIO67 ; Internal oscillator block, port function on RA6 and...
Greetings Richard,
sorry for the late reply... Been busy lately...
Will check all your suggestions, thanks for that.
Just one question regarding this one: "alias your leds to lat regs not...
ABS reading times 2.5uV divided by 100. Is current in uAmps.
ABS readings time 25 is current in nA. If I didn't make some mistake...
EDIT: max current is 0.84mA...
I think your resistor is too...
Post your code, your PIC, your setup, maybe a video too.
Oh, man! You put a lot of work and effort into this, right? And I am sure you have the longest list of parts!
I wonder when I will organize my stuff too. Have less parts but in any case it is good...
maybe you mean
Select case function
Hello everyone,
jackberg1 Today, 19:54I'm looking for some tips, to enhance the code listed here to simplify with less code the "Select case'.
This code is for a PIC18F25K22 using PortC as a 64 switches matrix scan...