there are more problems here than i can count
1, timer3 has no clock source
2, how can ticks ever get beyond 100
main: LatB.1 = 1 ' Pulse heartbeat
IF Ticks > 100 THEN ...
I would start off with interrupt and in routine just add to a counter then in Basic do the math to get seconds, minutes etc. Otherwise that is a lot of code to fumble through. :eek::cool:
amgen Today, 00:3016F18877
I start the timer, but I don't get a pulse on Logic Probe after 100 Ticks.
I don't see a difference between FSR0 and FSR1. I assume I can use either one?
EDIT: Wooops, highlighted the wrong one, but you get the idea. FSR1 is right there as well, and it points...
There is no FSR in the 16F18877, you have FSR0 and FSR1.
You need to look at the TMR1 setup... you need to set different registers and bits (ie T1CON and T1CLK).
timestamps as used on mainframes/unix etc are imho the simplest,easiest and most efficient way to measure time periods accurately. they work marvelously on pic micros too, i have tried to...
richard Yesterday, 05:47Note to self, revisit this thread later.
Demon Yesterday, 04:49i did a little test , your way is 4 times bigger code and executes upto 10 times slower
Modded this code for program:
Elapsed_DN.bas came from here:
Re: Symbol not prev defined FSR - Elapsed Timer
I'm already using Timer1, hence why I hoped to use Timer3.
Demon Today, 00:34I'll swap what I'm doing, so I can use DT's routine without changing Timer1.
(At the restaurant, so can't post elaborate reply)