Has anybody tried to make a USB project with a PIC16F chip? I'm trying to make the PIC16F1454 work with USB, but I'm getting this error from PBP3 "USBIN/USBOUT/USBINIT/USBSERVICE commands not...
Thanks Nick,
As far as I can see the examples provided by Darrel in that thread has the same limitation as in "only" going to 655359999 which is "only" ~15% of the 32bit range.
In my case I really...
Many years ago DT helped me with something similar
Not sure if it might apply to your application.
PIC16F1454 Connecting To USB Doesn't Work
rsocor01 Today, 02:44Has anybody tried to make a USB project with a PIC16F chip? I'm trying to make the PIC16F1454 work with USB, but I'm getting this error from PBP3 "USBIN/USBOUT/USBINIT/USBSERVICE commands not...