I bought one of these boards on amazon to help with debugging:
The PIC hangs after the first timer interrupt is triggered. The FT232 is...
How can that be true? I really cannot understand... A simple cap with a resistor will give the required RC delay. And if you want to quickly reset again, the diode, reverse biased in parallel with...
Ioannis Yesterday, 11:06Anywhere off the mosfet drain or the regulator, it's just a switch
richard Yesterday, 08:40Where would a load go on this circuit (LCDs and other PICs)?
Demon Yesterday, 08:36if you are using 4 bit mode for lcd then the DL bit must remain unset in the command
my code assumes 4 bit mode
to get to lcd mode RE bit must be 0
so more like
lcdout $FE, %00100010...
Haven't tried 1st suggestion yet, but I've been playing around with your 2nd suggestion... well... I can't find a datasheet for my displays so I've been playing the old game of finding a ST7920 DS...
rocket_troy Yesterday, 05:53Yeah, that would work, but I thought this was cool with the delay. :D
And I've never touched a 555 or 7404, so it was a learning experience.
seems an awful lot of circuitry to achieve not a lot, would it not be easier to turn it off, count to 3 turn it on again :D
for all that work i would expect at least a single button on/off facility
Re: PIC hangs after interrupt when FT232RL is connected
What steps did you take to make the output of the adapter open collector so that it won't clash with the pics outputs on your bus.?
richard Today, 07:20Are you sure it's correctly connected, arduino things are often...