Still, I'll reverse the pinout for the part in Kicad and add a comment; just to keep things clean.
I'd hate to use this part later and have EMI come and bite me in the asparagus.
It's a desktop USB application; never going to run on batteries.
The circuit is designed (by Texas Instruments) to handle wall adapters from 7V to 16V (datasheet for TPS56637 says it can handle up...
I think it depends on the load at Vout. If Vin is a battery input there shouldn't be a large dV/dt on the battery side.
rsocor01 Yesterday, 15:35ripple would be the same in either direction.
As shielded inductor, this has to do with EMI only.
Do not worry.
what chr did you find ?
every non-printing character i have tried caused a
WARNING Line 43: Bad token " ".
I'm not going for certification. But I would have liked to put all the chances on my side for the lowest ripple this design can produce.
I assume CoilCraft didn't put that comment for nothing. I...
On B side in ideal condition you have 0dv/dt. Because that is constant DC voltage smoothed by capacitor. in reality, you have some ripple...
On side A you have in one moment Vin, in next momement...
Re: What is the dv/dt side of an inductor
Sure, do it if you can. Will not hurt. On the contrary.
Ioannis Today, 09:35The EMI will be less but i bet you won't be able to check the difference without proper tools (EMI antennas and Analyzers).