Amicus is a multifunction development system inspired by the popular Arduino board, however, the Amicus board uses a Microchip PIC® microcontroller instead of an Atmel AVRtm type.
Comprehensive documentation and a helpful and friendly support environment, make using
Amicus18 an easy and enjoyable experience for beginners and seasoned programmers.
Forum Moderator Mackrakit (Dave) very kindly ported the Proton BASIC Compiler code over to PBP3 and modified the original AMicus18 docuemts for PBP3 users.
Re: SOLVED: Post #11 - IOC on negative edge sometimes triggers twice on single press
You should be able to set the pin type in the 16F18877 to either ST or TTL to match the 1937 type if that's what you're after.
tumbleweed Yesterday, 15:10I don't think your 'INLVLB = %00000100' statement changed anything for...