Turns out I don't really have a choice to stay with the 16F18877:
- 16F1937 has TTL General Purpose pins.
- 16F18877 has TTL and ST General Purpose pins.
74HC14 only costs $0.09 at JLCPCB, but...
It's not a rant if you guys help me. I didn't know that about the IOC flag being set regardless (I've done a lot of reading on Interrupt - remembering what I read is something else entirely).
Quite often I see comments like don't do any work in the ISR, just set a flag and do the work in the main loop.
That's totally fine if what the ISR is doing is, for example, putting UART...
just a comment...
If you look at your code in post #1, the only thing the ISR does is set a flag that's read in your mainline code (NAV2_Swap_ON = 1).
You could drop all the interrupt stuff and...
see the white negative going spikes that indicate when samples are taken by my routine,
the spikes are 1 uS in width , on my rigol 100MHz 1Gs/S oscilloscope @ 0.5mS/div they are not...
why would you ever need microsecond responses to a key press ?
how are you determining the key was held for a reasonable time and not just noise ?
how are you determining the key was...
Look what I just found on p. 208:
EDIT: Hmmm, p.212 has 1 as default on port B (ST input).
Ill try with INLVLB = %00000100, but I doubt it'll make a difference.
But isn't IOC specifically designed to handle this? The 16F18877 has IOC across all pins...?
It's PWM on Contrast and Backlight on LCD. I have at least 4 LCDs. That would equate to 8 pots...
The graphs show the signal at the switch and PIC pins; to confirm the absence of bounce on the signal.
The LCD in the foreground shows the frequencies being swapped back and forth.
- I...
Re: SOLVED: Post #11 - IOC on negative edge sometimes triggers twice on single press
You should be able to set the pin type in the 16F18877 to either ST or TTL to match the 1937 type if that's what you're after.
tumbleweed Today, 15:10I don't think your 'INLVLB = %00000100' statement changed anything for...