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Specialy when the GM65 user manual mention TTL logic level, yes the DC supply is 5V, for the USB / UART ports. but it's not specify 3.3V Tx/Rx output line. Learning everyday like everyone here.
No code error , no compiler deficiency. as suggested in post #9 its wired incorrectly who would have known
Many thanks richard. Take care.
Hello everyone, and thank to all for helping me this case is solved! 1st the GM65 scanner Tx/Rx line are at 3.3v not at standard 5V TTL logic, so I add a BSS138 between the Tx and the Rx...
more useful would be '-------------------------------------------------------------------------' Name : Hserin Test (18F25K22) ' Serout Baud rate:...
works as expected only slight change was to move serout to portb.7 to suit my pickit2 debug uart tool and put something printable into BArray ...
9898 thanks to everyone involved to help me on this project. I tried about every way to setup the HSerin1,2 still not working. I'm realy suprise since these HSerin command are part of PBP3...
....."0" is decimal 48
even this MAIN: hserin 5,MAIN,[STR AARRAY\12] serOut2 PORTB.0,84, [str aarray\12,13,10] GoTo MAIN
Works ok for me if BArray has something printable placed in it perhaps u wired it up incorrectly
Re: 18f25k22 hserin
Specialy when the GM65 user manual mention TTL logic level, yes the DC supply is 5V, for the USB / UART ports.
jackberg1 Today, 04:06but it's not specify 3.3V Tx/Rx output line.
Learning everyday like everyone here.