Our contribution (WEEE)
Through our efforts we are contributing to the re-use, recycling and other forms of recovery of WEEE under thes regulations.
If you have purchased from us, something that could be described as 'E.E.E.'('Electrical and Electronic Equipment') , then when you dispose of it, it becomes 'W.E.E.E.' (the 'W' stands for 'waste') and it therefore needs to be disposed of correctly. You may do this yourself, but if you'd rather not, then contact us, we will dispose of it for you, in the correct way. Which we will do, and we won't charge you for it.
Re: I/O Pin status during startup
The important part is to set the PORT (or LAT) registers BEFORE setting the TRIS registers to outputs.
tumbleweed Today, 20:01Otherwise the pins will be in output mode for a period of time but the outputs aren't specified.