View Full Version : IR and serial out. Is this possible?

- 27th October 2008, 09:01
i was wondering if it was possible to send a serout message using a 16f877a and a modulated (using 555 circuit) ir transmiter and then receive the serout message on another 16f877a and make it run a certain routine depending on the serial message it recieved? i have been playing with this on and off for a few months now but no joy as yet. I have tried various hitachi ir stuff and it worked ok but i want to use serout sothat the messages can be easily modified and resemble nothing else to stop interfearance.
any help would be appreciated.

- 27th October 2008, 09:09
Check this out.

- 27th October 2008, 15:08
This one's better http://www.rentron.com/Micro-Bot/IR_Serial.htm