View Full Version : counter

- 11th October 2008, 10:42
can someone help me with a counter for picbasic who count the puls of a 40 Mhz model sender?
I need it for the savetyboard for my modelsubmarine.
My pic needs to know if there are coming signal out of the receiver.

mat janssen
- 11th October 2008, 15:37
To detect if the 40MHz is there with a normal pic is not possible.
What you can do is next:
Build a detector for the LF signal the transmitter is sending.
A coil and a capactor in parrallel tuned on the right frequency a diode a resistor and a capacitor will do.
This detected LF signal is than after amplified or via a comperator fed to the pic.
Then you can compare in the programm of the pic if the right code was sent.