View Full Version : I think my interrupt is not saving context properly?

- 4th December 2004, 02:25
Hi everyone. Could anyone tell me how I can make a bullet proof ASM interrupt? I am testing a simple xor'ing of an output connected to an led on portb.1 to make it flash once every second. It seems to be working but the pic never seems to get to my main code? I have been careful with saving context and clearing intcon.2. I am using picbasic pro 2.45 and the 16f84 pic. I have a feeling it has something to do with the wdt resetting the chip. Any guiding hands would be greatly appreciated....

Kindest regards,

Roy Fisher

- 4th December 2004, 21:15
can you post your whole code to see what's happening?

- 6th December 2004, 17:21
Steve thank you for your response, I have(thank goodness) solved the problem.....