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View Full Version : help with PBP IDE

- 18th September 2008, 13:40
I have picbasic pro and I want to install microcode studio as IDE.
I have tryed to intall it into the same folder as PBP but microcode studio can´t find the compiler even if put the folderpath in exactly.
whats wrong ?


- 18th September 2008, 14:19
I have picbasic pro and I want to install microcode studio as IDE.
I have tryed to intall it into the same folder as PBP but microcode studio can´t find the compiler even if put the folderpath in exactly.
whats wrong ?


Which version of PicBasicPro do you have?
Which version of MCS are you using?
Where did you install PBP?
You are actually trying to install MCS to the same directory as PBP? Not a good idea in the first place. May as well try and bury it in the Windows directory...

- 18th September 2008, 14:24
Don't install into same directory as PBP.

In View- Picbasic Options - Select "Find Automatically"

- 18th September 2008, 15:00
Which version of PicBasicPro do you have?
Which version of MCS are you using?
Where did you install PBP?
You are actually trying to install MCS to the same directory as PBP? Not a good idea in the first place. May as well try and bury it in the Windows directory...

I have proton+ V2.1.3 basic compiler and MCS V3.0.0.5
And I have tryed to install them in sepatate folders (ofcause) but it won´t work.
So therfor i try to put them in the same folder but as i say......


- 18th September 2008, 15:05
I have proton+ V2.1.3 basic compiler
See anything wrong here?

- 19th September 2008, 06:30
Hi fnozzc,
What Skimask is trying to say, in his usual manner, is that MicroCodeStudio works with PicBasicPro from Micro Engineering Labs (MELABS) and not with the Proton compiler from Crownhill. I believe there is an IDE spcifically developed for the Proton compiler, go to the Crownhill site and look around - although named similar this forum is for MELABS's range of compilers.


- 19th September 2008, 13:02
Hi fnozzc,
What Skimask is trying to say, in his usual manner, is that MicroCodeStudio works with PicBasicPro from Micro Engineering Labs (MELABS) and not with the Proton compiler from Crownhill. I believe there is an IDE spcifically developed for the Proton compiler, go to the Crownhill site and look around - although named similar this forum is for MELABS's range of compilers.


Thanks !
Jag ska göra det.
Skimask är dryg tycker jag och lovar att hålla mig ifrån detta forum från nu :-(

ooops! Wrong language sorry

- 19th September 2008, 13:15
Hi ( I do not have Northern letters on my keyboard ... lol )

Proton has its own IDE included ...

Why look for another ????


- 19th September 2008, 13:19
I have proton+ V2.1.3 basic compiler
A quick look over there at picbasic.org shows that v2.1.3 is over 6 years old.
Where did that version come from?
Maybe the instruction manual got lost over the past 6 years... I'm sure that manual would've had some sort of reference for installing an IDE. And if not the manual, maybe the products forums. But you ended up here. How'd that happen? According to my math: Proton+ != PicBasicPro , which is what is written all over these forums/webpages. I don't see any reference to Proton anywhere. Maybe you're using a 'special internet browser' on a 'special verson of windows' trying to install a 'special version of proton+'.
Could happen!

- 19th September 2008, 13:24
Proton has its own IDE included ...
Why look for another ????
Because his verson (v2.1.3.old) might not have come with an IDE...or a manual, or a disc (or even a receipt)...

- 19th September 2008, 13:48
Seriously skimask, you need to stop accusing people of stealing if you don't have any proof. If you'd said that to me I'd take it as a serious insult. Just because his version is old doesn't mean he didn't buy it. This is in no way meant as any defence for piracy but you can't just go on calling people here thieves whenever you feel like it.

The fact that he asked on the wrong forum may be because of the products being named very similar and both forums are hosted by Crownhill AND have similar URL's. I've never been on the Proton forum but I guess there are as many questions there about MELABS compiler as there is questions here about Proton.


- 19th September 2008, 14:06

keep cool ...

"just upgrade" available ...


sooooo simple !

no problem then ...


- 19th September 2008, 14:28
Seriously skimask, you need to stop accusing people of stealing if you don't have any proof. If you'd said that to me I'd take it as a serious insult. Just because his version is old doesn't mean he didn't buy it. This is in no way meant as any defence for piracy but you can't just go on calling people here thieves whenever you feel like it.
I'm not accusing anybody of anything, Just pointing out the obvious...again...
And 'the proof is in the pudding'. Why on earth would a person have an 'old' version of anything, when the upgrade is so easy as Alain pointed out? Or as the website has plainly stated on the site?

I've never been on the Proton forum but I guess there are as many questions there about MELABS compiler as there is questions here about Proton.
I've been over there off and on for grins. There are some ???'s, yes, but I don't believe nearly as many get confused over there as over here. People obviously can't read any more...either that or some are just too lazy to look before leaping...

- 19th September 2008, 14:44
I've been over there off and on for grins. There are some ???'s, yes, but I don't believe nearly as many get confused over there as over here. People obviously can't read any more...either that or some are just too lazy to look before leaping...
That would imply that proton users have the reading or other problem :) and PBP users got it together.

Being there are links to the respective forums on the seller's web sites.

Just an observation...not an accusation.