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View Full Version : serial out variable

- 16th September 2008, 17:09
I am using the Melabs serial lcd 20 x 4 LCD, works great. I've been able to display text, but have searched the forum and can not find any tip or tricks to display the value of a variable so I can see what it is doing. Any suggestions? Thank you.

- 16th September 2008, 18:23
I am using the Melabs serial lcd 20 x 4 LCD, works great. I've been able to display text, but have searched the forum and can not find any tip or tricks to display the value of a variable so I can see what it is doing. Any suggestions? Thank you.

Since you're using a SERIAL LCD and you have to use the SEROUT command to get it to do anything, I think you answer is right there in the PBP manual under the SEROUT command. Look at the DEC, BIN, HEX modifiers...

- 16th September 2008, 19:40
Your a genius Skimask, I read that part before but now it makes sense. Works great, thank you.