View Full Version : Difference between modes in serial instructions

- 16th September 2008, 11:11
Hi, what's the difference between modes in serial instructions such as serin and serout? what's the difference between (for example) T2400 and N2400 and OT2400 and ON2400? when i should use them and in which situation and for what applications?

thank you

- 16th September 2008, 15:40
T2400 is non inverted and N2400 is inverted. You use one of them when running thru an inverting levelshifter circuit such as the MAX232 and the other when you don't, for example.

OT2400 is just like T2400 but the line isn't driven to the idling state, instead it's left floating (made an input). It can be usefull in multidrop networks.