View Full Version : Make new fonts on lcd with PIC16F877A

- 6th September 2008, 05:30
Hi, how can i make other fonts from other languages to show on lcd?
i use picbasic pro version 2.43.I use PIC16F877A, could you help me?

- 6th September 2008, 08:04
The font on the LCD is fixed at manufacture and cannot be changed. If you have a large requirement, you can ask an LCD manufacturer to burn a custom font for you.

If you just need a few characters, then check - your LCD holds more than just the standard ASCII set, you may already have accented characters. You need to check the entire 255 character range of your LCD. These special characters will vary from manufacturer to manufacturer and model to model. So just because you have an accented character on one, does not guarantee it will be in the same place or even present on another.

The Hitachi compatible LCD's do have the ability to create a limited number of special characters which can be used... check...


- 6th September 2008, 11:13
thanks,i'll read them and if i have problem,i'll tell you